Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 06, 1993, Image 1
iM&varaiw w latTca st elpfa ribitiq VOL 38 No. 13 This scenic home farm of the Raymond Butters family located off Route 414 between Liberty and Morris will be open to visitors on the Tioga County Farm-City Day this year. The first such event was held last year and 2,000 people responded to the countywide invitation for city people to visit the farm. In the photo at right, the Butters family was introduced at the recent Farm-City banquet. They are from left, Raymond and Peggy Butters; Joyce Krisanda and David Butters; and Pat and Terry Butters. In front, Pat and Terry’s children, Erick and Jillian. Butters Family To Host Tioga Farm-City Day C J. HOUGHTALING Tioga Co. Correspondent MIDDLEBURY CENTER (Tioga Co.) It was an evening of recognition and thanks. It was also an evening of introductions. The Tioga County Farm-City Day Appreciation Banquet Pa. Crop Management Annual Meeting Held GAIL STROCK Mifflin Co. Correspondent STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co.) An impressive lineup of speakers highlighted the Pennsyl vania Crop Management Associa tion’s (PCMA) ninth annual meet ing held recently here at the Knights of Columbus Hall. PCM A directors, members, and employees converged to assess accomplishments, to set crop man agement goals, and to hear, along with their guests, industry special ists who updated information in their area of expertise. All attending the conference had one goal in mind—to successfully Five Sections drew over 100 people who gathered to congratu late Glenside Dairy owners Dennis and Arietta Owlett and son and daughter-in-law Larena Owlett, and all who helped the 1992 Farm-City become a success. (Turn to Pag* A 24) manage crops and the environ ment PCMA President John Ligo opened (he conference. Building upon two goals set at last year’s meeting to get infor- (Turn to Pago A 36) Barn Raising Elevates Spirit Of Unity VERNON ACHENBACH JR. Lancaster Farming Staff LEBANON (Lebanon Co.) Hershey Bare is a well known name in this southern Pen nsylvania county. It’s not the name of an ice hock ey team, but of a dairyman who gets his share of comments about the similarity in sounds between names it is Hershey Bare’s Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 6, 1993 Price, Quality Factors Hurt Beef Consumption, Says Meat Specialist ANDY ANDREWS . Lancaster Farming Staff LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.) Why won't consumers buy beef? It's not because of diet and health concerns, according to a farm, not the Hershey Bears’ farm. The SOish, tow-headed dairy man is partly known for his fre quent smile, community involve ment and generousity. He is also well known because he has allowed and encouraged hundreds and hundreds, if not thousands, of people to tour his dairy farm so they can understand milk production and view a family renowned Colorado meat specialist Actually, beef simply costs too much. And what consumers air getting they’re not satisfied with, for quite a number of reasons, according to farm. His name is known to many children and past children who attended city schools, retired peo ple living in homes, the county’s businessmen, the extension ser vice, 4-H, Farm-City program workers, editors and staff of daily newspapers in the county, etc. His popularity was no less evi (Tum to Pago A2B) 608 Ptr Copy Dr. Gary Smith, professor of ani mal science at Colorado Sate University. Smith, who holds the presti gious Monfort Endowed Chair in Meat Science from the university, presented his findings on the recently completed National Cat tlemen’s Association Audit at the Cattle Feeder’s Day on Tuesday at the Farm and Home Center. And those findings bring into question a lot of the ways and means that cattle producers bring their product from the feedlot to the packers. Ultimately, cattle pro ducers must have a say in all the stages of production in ordqr to keep producers buying, Smith told (Turn to Pago A 26) $19.00 Per Year