Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 30, 1993, Image 69

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Real Estate
14 Acre Property
4 Bdrm. House Horse Barn
40’ X 70’ Garage/Shop
SAT., FEBRUARY 6, 1993
11 A.M.
LOCATION: 1730 Furnace Hill Road (Clay Town
ship). Take Rt. 322 West of Ephrata to Clay, turn right
onto Clay Road to stop sign, turn right onto Hopeland
Road to Forest Hill Road, turn right to Furnace Hill
Road, turn left to property on left.
Real Estate consists of “14 ACRES" mostly wooded
bordered by PA Game and Middle Creek Wildlife
Area. Very unique property with 4 bdrm. 2 bath,
stone and frame Ranch Style Home with 2 stone fire
places, sunken family room Approx 2200 sq ft liv
ing area. 2 car attached garage. Out buildings,
include 7 stall Horse Barn with 2 acres fenced pas
ture, Block 40' X 70' garage/shop with 12' X 14' over
head doors, grease pit and office.
NOTE: Rural Country Property, Unique in every
respect. Ephrata School Dist. Owner has relocated
SOLD.” Terms 10% down, Balance 60 days. For
details, financing help, picture brochure or inspec
tion, Call Auctioneers #717-733-1006. Open House
Sat, January 16, 23, and 30 from 1 to 4 PM. “Auc
tion starts 11AM Sharp**
Terms By:
Kenelm L. Shirk 111 Esquire
Auction Conducted By:
Randal V. Kline, Lloyd Kreider
Roy Good, Jr, Auctioneers
#499L #717-733-1006
Saturday, February 6, 1993
9:30 A.M.
Location: Farm and Home Center, 1383
Arcadia Road, Route 72, Lancaster, PA.
12:00 WINROSS 12:00
Black Bear Structure, P.L. Rohrer, Goods Fur
niture, CHEMGRO, Dutch Gold Honey, R.S.
Hollinger, Certificate for Engle’s Business,
Carlos Leffler, Herr’s Snack Food, & C.B.
Football Signed by 1992 Manheim Central
Barons. Penn State Football signed by Joe
Patemo, Football Card signed by Frank Reich
of the Buffalo Bills, Christian Newswenger
“Old Jake & Katie Click” Print, Andrew
Wythe Print
Atlantic Service to Leadman and Cleitus, Sire
power Service to Curious, Crushed Stone, 150
Gallon Energy Products, Overnight For Two
At Willow Valley, Railroad Passes, Dutch
Apple Theater, for 6 Arrows, 4 Tickets For
Easter Show at Sight and Sound, for party of
50 to The Castle, Zinns Diner, Dutch Wonder
land, Gym Blaster, Miller’s Smorgasboard,
Burger King, Subway, Movie Passes, Haircut
and Style, Martin Bam Dri, Shady Maple,
Smoketown Airport, Stoltzfus Meats.
Bollman Hats, Framed Pictures, Cook
books, Aquariums, Posters Toys, Baseball and
Football Cards Pitcher and Bowl Sets,
Umbrella, Blankets, Vase, Flashlight, Note
book, Wilton Armetale Pitcher, Crystal Glass,
Jacket, Horse T-Shirts, Notebooks, Breyer
Horse Model, Stone Duck.
Plants, Arrangements, Potting Soil.
Garden Saw, Tarp, Utility Knives, Garden
Hoses, Screw Driver Sets, Tape Measure,
Scissors, Batteries, Broom, Gas Cans, Gloves,
Socket Sets, Tool Box, Incubators.
Popcorn, Bologna, Candy.
Pet Food, Rabbit Cage, Tack and Horse
Plenty of Good Food
Auctioneers- Dennis Wolgemuth
Dave White
John Stauffer
Bob Wolgemuth
Public Auction Register
Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M.
of each week’s publication
SAT FEB 13 - Bert T 50 Durlach Hd (Corner of
Ramsey, Jr. Drewryville Rte 322 & Durlach Rd ) 2
(East of Emporia) Ownby miles west of Ephrata,
Auction & Realty Co , Inc. Lane Co ,Pa For Peter A
Ronzetti Horst, aucts
SAT. FEB. 13 - 9AM Out-
standing antique iron, pri- SAT. FEB. 13 - 9AM,
mitives & hardware from Horses, Mules, Heifers,
the collection of Peter A Full Line Of Farm Equip-
Renzetti Held at Horst men t & Tools Located 12
Auction Center located at Mdes South Of Nine Points,
Saturday, Feb. 20, 1993
11:00 A.M. Sharp
Location between Pleasantville and Ryot,
Bedford County, PA., off Route 56 at Plea
santville. Then south VA mile along Route
96 at the David and Lois Savidge property.
Follow signs.
Real Estate At 11:00 A.M.
Approximately 148 acre farm. 110 acres till
able the balance pasture and woodland. Two
story frame house, 6 rooms, bath, oil hot water
heat, bank bam, garage, wire com crib, farm
used for beef and hog operation. Land in good
state of cultivation (nice farm house).
Terms: 10% down day of sale, balance on
delivery of deed within 30 days. Owner has
right to accept or reject any or all bids.
More complete details day of sale. Owner
(for information)
Stanley Claycomb
AU-000-155-L Auct.
Auction Time 10:30 AM
Location: From Ephrata take Rt. 272 N to Rt.
897. Turn right onto Rt. 897 S go approx. 3 mi.
to farm on left in long lane. Brecknock Town
ship, Lancaster County.
Ford 8600 Diesel Tree. w/Cab & Dual Power
(ex. cond.); John Deere 2020 Diesel Trac.;
John Deere 420 Crawler 5 Roller w/Loader;
Farmall Super A w/Loader, Cultivator, Plow &
J.D. F345H 4 B. Semi Mounted Auto. Reset
Plow; J.D. AW 12' Disc; J.D. Toolbar Chisel
Plow; Brillion 16’ Field Cult. w/Wings; J.D.
494 A 4R Cornplanter w/Disc Openers & Gandy
Boxes; Imperial 4R S Tine Cultivator w/Rolling
Shields; N.H. #519 Single Beater Manure
Spreader w/Hyd. Endgate (ex. cond.); N.H.
#354 Grinder Mixer w/Extended Auger (ex.
cond.); N.H. #479 Haybine; J.D. #3B Harvester
Base Unit; N.H. #8 Crop Carrier Forage
Wagon; Better Bilt 1150 Gal. Vacuum Liquid
Spreader; Ford #6lB Hopper Blower; J.D. Van
Brunt Grain Drill; J.D. 2R Cornplanter
w2/Gandy Boxes; Little Giant 32’ Elevator; (2)
16’ Rack Wagons w/6T Running Gears; 16’
Flat Wagon w/Rsifcks (used for hauling hogs); 3
Pt. 110 Gal. Sprayer; J.D. 4 Bar Rake; Bearcat
Hammermill (used for hi moisture corn); Brady
Flail Chopper: 2 Wheel Farm Trailer; 2 Fuel
Tanks w/Pumps 150 & 275 GAL; Automatic
Headgate; Hog Livestock Trailer; WAGON
LOAD Sm. Items.
16' Greenhouse Hoops; 2 Stainless Steel, 12
Hole Hog Feeders; (3) Osborne Round Hog
Feeders; Irrigation Lay Flat Hose & Filter;
Wood Lathe; Shenandoah Wood/Coal Stove;
G.E. 17 Cu. Refrigerator; Sofa; La-Z-Boy
Recliner plus other items.
Note; Reason for auction owner relocating
out of state. Come early, not many smajl items.
Terms are cash or good PA check. No out of
state checks. Food stand.
Tarms by
Auction conducted by
Randal Kline, Lloyd Kreider,
Roy Good Jr. AU-2116-L
of Oxford Ai Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 30, 1993-829
313 A Bell Road, Lane Co.,
Pa. Owner, Jacob Kauff
man Abe Diffenbarh Auct
SAT FEB 13 - 9AM Anti
ques, household goods
From Strasburg go So on
May Post Office Rd
approx 1 mile, turn Easton
Shaub Rd '/• mile to sale
Kreider, Kline & Good Auc
ts Terms by Myrtle
SAT FEB 13 - 9 30AM,
Real Estate, Antiques, Col
lectibles, Toys, Etc, Snow
mobiles, Tools Located On
Blank Rd , Lancaster
-County, Pa , 2 Miles East
Of White Horse, Just Off
Rt. 340 Auction Held For,
Sharon L Fisher Steve &
Steve Jr Petersheim,
SAT FEB. 13- 10AM Farm
equipment, tools From Rt
422 in Myerstown take Rt
SAT., FE/B. 6 @ 9:00 AM
LOCATED: Rear of 32 Water St. Glen Rock,
PA, from 1-83 exit 2 lake 216 W to Glen Rock.
approx. 125 new sink tops (sing, dbl, triple), approx. 75
ext doors (some dbl. pane tome sliding, most new),
approx. 330 int. doors, approx. IS new steel folding closet
doors, 10 tub & shower (as is), 40 boxes Armstrong floor
tile (comm/indust), approx. 250 gal. asst, paint, tub &
surround, USED: wooden wardrobe, metal & wooden
desks, round wooden table, Magic Chef gas range, Ken
more elec, range, freestanding elec, fireplace, TVs, ste
reos, wooden stairs.
TRUCKS @ 12:00 noon
79 Chevy Suburban (2wd 350), 83 Chevy 1 ton 9’ stake
body (350 auto), 71 Chevy COE 20’ stake body (26,000
GVW 350 5&2).
NOTE: Blizzard date Feb. 13. Sale held inside. Not
many sm. items. Refreshments provided.
TERMS: Cash or good check. Not responsible for
Kenneth K. Keeny AU-2797-L
Marlette Thomas AA-1999-L
ufr i gt PUBUC
SAT., FEB. 20. 1993
Located between Intercourse & Gap, turn off 772
dose to Pequea Valley H S on Hershey Church Rd
go 1 ml. to sale. Lane. Co., Pa
TRACTORS: IH 766 Diesel Dual PTO 4700 hrs
(one owner); IH 574 Diesel good rubber 4900 hrs
(oneowner); Dunham Lehr Hyd. Loader, Farmall 200
Fast Hitch; #lOO 7 ft. Bar Mower; 7 ft. Scraper Blade;
Farmall Super M w/Pulley;
HAY EQUIP.: Deutz-Fahr KH-500 2 Row Hay
Tedder; Pequea PTO Tedder; NH 273 Baler w/54-A
Thrower; NH 283 Hayliner Baler w/Thrower & Hyd
Tension; NH Running Gear w/16 ft. Bale Wagon, JD
Running Gear w/Blade Wagon; 2-Flat Bed Wagons;
7 Ton Chassis; 38 ft. Little Giant Elevator, Steel Hay
TILLAGE EQUIP.: IH 700 4x16 Auto. Reset
Semi-Mounted Plow; IH 55 9 Shank Chisel Plow,
Krause 2242 A 12 ft. Disc; 13 ft. Brillion Packer.
McCormick #lOl3 Disc Drill; 325 2 Row Com Picker,
8 Ton Huskee Gravity Bln; NH 32 ft. Elevator w/
Motor; Martin 1678 Tandem Scavenger Spreader, Nl
Tandem Spreader w/Liquid Tail Gate; IH 56 Blower,
225 Line. Welder; Large Double Compressor w/
Tank & 2 hp. Motor; Portable Compressor, 275 gal
Tank w/Pump; 300 gal. Tank w/Electnc Pump, Calf
Hutch; 6 -Circular Barn Fans; 4 -V4 hp Motors; Echo
PB-400 Blower & Mister; Fogmaster Fogger, Ritchie
Waters; 36 ft. Alum Ladder; Gates; Lots of Lumber,
Iron Kettle; Potbelly Stove, 5 Drawer Filing Cabinet,
Metal Desk; 2 - Snapper Self-propelled Mowers; Air
Tools; and Misc. Items.
Additional Items for Daniel B. Landis
1H1456 Dual Wheels New Rubber Dual PTO 5500
Mrs. (Clean), Farmall 806 Diesel T/A 3 pt Dual PTO,
Krause #2200 Rockflex 13 ft. Disc, Rmho 5 Shank
Pull Type Chisel Plow;IH 10 ft. Transport Disc, AC 12
ft #l2OO Field Cult w/Clog Buster, 12 ft Packer, NH
479 Haybine 9 ft; NH 78 Super Haylmer Baler, 16 ft
Bale Wagon.
Auct's Note' Clean line of equipment, 2 wagons of
small items then equip
AUCTS. NOTE: Not many small items
Auctioneers Robert E. & Jeffrey R Martin
Randall Ranck, App
501 S approx 1 mile, turn
E onto Richland Ave ,
cross railroad ave continue
another 3 blocks, turn left
o o Quarry Drive to
bi, turn right onto Mill
Ave to to first farm Myer
stown, Leb Co By Herman
John and Nnacy Sauter
Paul E Martin, auct
SAT FEB 13 -10 AM
Baseball card collection at
the Bnckerville Fire Hall
E M Murry Assoc , Auct
SAT FEB 13 -11 AM 3
tractors, full line of farm
machinery, few house
items 2 miles East of
Rouchtown Owners Dan
and Louis Welshans Fra
ley Auction Co
SAT FEB 13 -11 AM,
Trucks, Tractors. Combine,
Implements Located From
Baltimore & Points West
Take Rt 50 East Of Eas-
Terms by
ton, Md., 15 Miles To
Trappe, MD Turn Left At
Light On Jamaica Point Rd
Go 2 And 1/10 Miles. Turn
Left On Bambury Rd Gc
8/10 Mile Turn Right Or
Kate Point Rd Go 100 Yds
Turn Left On Windy Hill Rd
And Go Approx 3/10 Mile
From Eastern Penna Anc
North DE And New Jersey
Take 301 South To Rt 2K
South 4 Miles To Rt 5(
East Owners, Mr & Mrs
Irvin Knauer, Jr Petr
Richardson Auction Sales
Wellsboro (Tioga Co) Pa
Mr and Mrs Wayne
Nobles Farm Machinery
Auction, Pirrung Auction
eers, Inc 716-728-2520
MON FEB 15 -11 AM,
Courtney Farms, Good
Farm Equip., Tractors,
Semi Truck, Combine, 50
Head Holstein Heifers
Located 17239 - South
Range Rd (St Rt. 165)
Beliot, OH Directions
Take U S Rt. 62 East Of
Alliance 3 Miles To Beloit
Then North On Rt 165 3
Miles & Right On 165 To
Auction Rusty Kiko, C A I
MON. FEB 15-6 PM, Valu
able Commercial Real
Estate. Located At 5401
Lincoln Highway (Route 30
East Of Lancaster), Gap,
Pa Owners, Ben K Stolt
zfus, John K Mullen &
Robert Gillenwater Jr Ron
Funk & Gordon Ressler,
TUE.FEB 16-9 AM Lives
tock and Farm Equipment
4 miles SE of New Holland,
2 miles North of Rt 340,
)ust East of Route Bd7 at
5393 Seldomridge Road,
Lane. Co , Pa Levi S. Stolt
zfus, Jr. Diffenbachs Aucts.
WED FEB. 17 - 9AM,
Complete Dispersal Auc
tion At Burkholder's Steel
Roofing & Siding Co., Sell
ing Building Materials, Barn
Equipment, Hardware
Store Contents, Equipment
& Vehicles Located From
NYS Thruway To Weeds
port (Exit 40), Take Rt 34
North To Cato, Then Lett
On Route 370 Then Left On
Slayton Road To Site Sale
By, Deppolitis Northeast
Auction & Realty. North
east Auction Center
WED FEB 17- 10.30 AM,
Holstein' Heifer Sale, 200
Head. Beall Sons, Inc ,
Woodsboro, Md Sale Man
ager, NH Cattle Company.
WED. FEB. 17-12 Noon,
Real estate investment, 6.4
acres & 44,000 sq. ft. of
buildings. Snug Hill Per
sonal Storage, Penn Green
Rd., Avondale, Pa. Rudnick
Associates, aucts
FEB. 18, Large 2 Day Sale
Of Farm Equip., Etc. At Our
Sales, Located 6 Miles
South Of Chambersburg,
Pa, 1 Mile East Of Marion,
Just East Off Rte. 81 Along
Rte. 914. Owners, Jerrold
& Gloria Oaks Manor Ac
tion Service, 5174 Horst
Rd., Chambersburg, Pa
FRI. FEB. 19, Farm
Machinery. Located 11530
Cash Smith Rd., Keymar,
Maryland. Mrs. Betty Mos
er. Floyd Davis Auctioneer
FRI. FEB. 19 - 9AM Silo,
farm S dariy equip., located
halfway between Boyer
town & Yellowhouse, Amity
Twp., Berks Co., Pa. Travel
Rt. 562 4 mi. W of Boyer
town, turn L onto Worman
Rd Vi mi to auction By
Fred J. & Ruth E. Walters.
Ralph W. Zetdemoyer, auc
tion co., inc
FRI. FEB 19-10 AM, Horse
Sale Located At New Hol
land Sales Stables, Inc.,
New Holland, Pa.
FRI FEB. 19 -10 AM,
Large Auction Of Potato,
Irrigation & General Farm
Machinery For Chris Prob
asco, Totten Brothers, Will
Drews And Others Who
Have Discontinued Potato
Farming Located At 89
Sykesville Road Between
Chesterfield* And Wnght
stown, New Jersey. Pirrung
Auctioneers, Inc.,