Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 30, 1993, Image 64

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    824-Lancastcr Fanning, Saturday, January 30, 1993 Farms^r 200 for
Gehl 2330 discbme 9 ft
nice cond Leb Co
Posthole digger worksaver
3 pt Chester Co $375
firm 215-469-4648
MF 260 harvester hay and
corn head, also Surge
Electrobrain washer Berks
Co 717-866-4286
Buck Board type wagon
wanted in fair condition
using for sign display within
50 miles of York, Pa
Small draft type driving
horse traffic safe and
sound For sale Peacock
chicks female born summer
92 Montg Co
Adult female Rottweiler
AKC and white boxer pup
py Also AKC Boxer pup’
pies for sale Champion
bloodlines Leave mes
sage Lane
Big old round granite mills
tone 302-239-5560 Dave
from Delaware Please call
back, you left the wrong
Buying Beatles records
45's, promos, and collecti
bles Also other rock items
Cash paid Berks Co
Dave (215)777-6028
Week old heifer calves
$l5O picked up Saturday,
Feb, Lancaster Leb Co
Christ Esh, 870 North Col
lege St, Myerstown, Pa
A 3 point post hole digger
with a 9 inch auger or big
ger Lane Co
Roll bar and canopy for JO
2840 Juniata Co
Bicycles, motorcycles,
tricycles, pedal cars, child
rens wagons, old toys, and
dolls Pre 1950 s only Cam
den Co (609)767-5994
VW Bug 1967 or later
Franklin Co
Old corner cupboard, 9 ft
high prefer paneled doors
build in 1800 Will give
good price for right one
Lane Co (717)354-3130
Sputmck milk remover
Lane Co (215)593-6112
between 7 and 7 30 a m
Front-end loader for 574
lnt'l tractor Also battery
operated pallet Jacks also
draft team —Parade use
after 6pm Caroline Co
Need folding bleacher from
school gym Lyons, N Y
14489 Wayne Co
Old 1910-1935 gas stoves
some burns wood or gas
ovens on side, some 6 bur
ners Magic chief, Glen
wood etc J Waring Stm
chcomb, 2613 Brooks Dr,
Suitland Md 20746
Good used tire changer.
Give all details, make etc.
(717)653-9551 Call after 7
pm evenings.
Good head for JD unstyled
A casting #ASB7R, shutters
for unstyled J D.A. Jesse
Schaeffer, 1574 Seibert
Rd , Centre Co
Must be running condition
Franklin Co
Inexpensive tractor with
"Live" P.T.O and 3 pt Also
want left hand browning “T
bolt rifle York Co
Right front spindle, steering
arm assembly for Deutz
D-100 06 Berks
(215)689-5387 Kocher,
5931 Boyerstown Pike,
Birdsboro, Pa 19508
Used Greenhouse pipe
frame Gloucester, N J
6-71 Detroit & 10-hole trans
mission, complete take
out, would like to hear run
first, will haul Perfer near
Centre Co. 814-355-1853
56 cal. percussion rifle in
hunting cond , 6MM Rem
bdl rifle or similar, 13-6-28”
tractor chains others rifles
Berks Co 215-921-3810
Pulley for D6gu Caterpillar
Balt. Co Md
Backhoe attachment for
NH skid loader, prefer 11'
model, also alum ramps
for car or construction trail
er 717-957-2896
Penna hunting & fishing
license plus round pinback
type license from all states
Perry Co. 717-582-2088
Horse drawn hyd. plow,
two-way, send price &
cond., & yr made Lane
Co Abner F Stoltzfoos,
314 Lamparter Rd , Quar
ryville, Pa 17566
Help wanted at mulch &
nursery center, to load
mulch, bag mulch, etc
Lane Co 215-267-5099
Looking for a hunting cabin,
about 10 acres North Cen
tral area of Pa Harvey
Overly, 1876 Division High
way, Narvon, Pa 17555.
Stainless steel wet hog
feeders. Moses S Lapp,
RD #2 Box 277, Myer
stown, Pa. 17067.
Commercial woodsplitter
Also ‘BO-'B3 HOnda wagon,
any condition. Free Wrights
reciprocating saw parts and
50s Dodge flatbed. Balti
more Co. (410)239-3245.
AIRPLANES Looking for
old restorable airplanes or
ultralights stored in sheds
or barns Howard Co
(301)725-9460 Paul
Loader for 4600 Ford with
cab Loader with bucket
FOR SALE farrowing
crates. Lane Co
Wanted Old swords, any
condition, cash paid Balti
more Co (410)357-8837
Old Midget or Sprint race
car, 19405, in unrestored
condition or parts for same
Also 1940 Ford hood
Berks Co (215)670-9544
3 pt. 4 bottom INT plow 14
in trip bottoms Orange Co
NY. (914)651-7457 after 6
p m
New Idea 4 bar tetter-rake
with rubber wheels or
wheels only Lane Co
Old Necchi Sewing
machine model 514 (Leha)
Loudoun Co VA Ok to call
collect (703)338-4334
12" aeration fan, 12" gram
aeration fan Berks Co
215-777-8905 or
Bobsled Samuel J Peach
y, HCR 61, Box 5, Allensvil
le, Pa 17002 Mifflin Co
Pony colt under $lOO Also
free 4hp-Bhp engines, dirt
bikes, four wheelers, three
wheelers under $5O Lane
355-2758 ask for Jim
Equipment trailer 9 ton, 3
axle Beaver tail ramps No
junk Charles Kasych, 3330
McArthur Rd , Whitehall,
Pa 18052
February 3,1993
ISXfis© Cto
All the generations will be gathering at John Deere Day 1993.
Come see our new generation of 65- to 145-horsepower tractors, and
have a great time, too. Plus, you'll see entertaining, informative VvOrrae see the newest
John Deere Day filmn. generation oi quality...
John Deere Day Specials
fgJL 10 TO 50% OFF ON PARTS 0
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH h* y and forage equipment - p.m.
fl Ag&Turf,i~ (W)
1 11/JIT Chambaptboif, Pa. YV I
MF super 90 w/multi-power
wanted for parts engine not
important, also any factory
manuals. Perry Co.
11 pieces 34' roof trusses.
Lane. Co. 717-354-9985.
Calves to raise on a con
tract basis if interested
please call 717-273-5770
eves after 7.
Corvette (1978 or older)
with auto transmission, not
a show winner, but a
decent car in average con
dition (no junk). Del. Co
Please call Pat
McCormick Deermg 1 or 2
row potato planter for parts
or use. Carbon Co.
717-427-8274 leave
Cast iron radiators tor hot
water, 32” high or less
Lane. Co 215-445-6720.
Mulch, bulk dog food some
one to prune, spray small
orchard, 1 cherry, 7 apple,
peach for half the fruit
Chester Co. 215-383-5280
Ladders for picking apples,
plastic baskets, ’/> or 5/8
bu„ good cond. Atlantic Co.
N J. 609-748-1612.
Rope making machine.
Somerset Co. B. A.
Braude, RR 4 Box 232,
Johnstown, Pa. 15905.
Used milking equipment,
claws, shells, pulsators,
take-offs, weigh jars,
receiver groups, bucket
milkers, we pick up, E-Zee.
16” backhoe bucket for
580/480 Case, belt pulley
assy, for JD 3010, 16'
dump wagon. Perry Co.
JD cast iron seat York Co
Good used nipple waterers,
2000 PSI pressure washer,
hanging chicken feeders,
catching wires, good
crates. Gene Schopf, Lane
Co. 717-285-7748
Excellent home offered for
quiet, steady & pleasant
riding horse, 15 HH or
more. Schuyl. Co.
One row potato planter.
Good condition. Eve. and
weekends, Lane. Co.
Mett Flail mower. 60’ in
excellent shape. Call any
time. Bucks Co.
Old McCormick Deering
tractors wanted. Any
shape. Lycoming Co.
Pole jacks and braces
York Co. (717)927-6393.
Cheviot market whethers to
be ready for show in last
week of July. Franklin Co.
717-532-8407 after 8.
Northumberland invest
ment properties, singles
doubles- farms, handyman,
specials, businesses, cash
settlements. Bruce Konek,
983 S Quince Rd„ Walnut
port, Pa. 18033.
Adjustable sieve for model
30, JD combine. Chester
Co. 215-384-4402.
Used horse walker with
price. Harf. Co. Md.
Camper, 8' or 8.5' slide in
truck type, lightweight w/
accessories, excel, cond.
Col. Co. 717-683-5155.
730 JO diesel 3 pt. 3-16
plow. Lane. Co.
Looking for AKC reg. Jack
Russell Boston Fox Terrier
pups older dogs. Herbert
Welch. 173 Gallagher Rd„
Elkton, Md. 21921.
Clean bldg, stone- field
stone, cement blocks, rea
sonable prefer Bucks-
Mont. Co. Bucks.
215-968-2649 will haul, call
Old fashioned ft. powered
grindstine for retired man to
sharpen tools, etc. Franklin
Co. Call Pat 717-264-6705
after 6pm
2-row no-till corn planter
prefer air or vacuum, also
no-till grain drill, also seed
planter for Simplicity gar
den tractor. Hunter. Co.
Here's the Deal!
Overhaul for 20 & 30 Series
6 cylinder engines.
Less than $2,000
Electronic Test Stand
for Planter Units $12.95 (each)
1-81 Exits • 3213 Black Gap Road
Chambersburg, PA 17201
(717) 263-4103 • (800) 377-3040
Water ram inform booklet
Send $lO, Greg Kotula, 18
E. Berks Dr., Wemersville,
PA 19565. Water power
pushes water uphill.
44 acres farm land in Berks
Co. area, for rent
Will the man who pur
chased Bassett male
‘Christopher Robin’ please
call 717-345-6278. Schuyl
Order your round bale
wagons now, before the
hay season starts! For Sale
Axy. circle torch table. Mill
er's Welding, 54 Christiana
Pike, Christiana, Pa.
Hardwood lumber for sale,
6,000 BF cherry, oak aged
12 yrs. price neg., min. 50
BF. Del. Co. 215-885-7251
FREE broiler chickens
downers cripplers, etc
Lane. Co. pickup at any
time. Gideon J. King, 2552
Bachmantown Rd., Ronks,
Pa. 17572.
500 Sexsal pullets ready to
lay Feb. 23, $3.75, old fowl
trade-in value $l.OO. Call
for free delivery now. Lane
Co. 215-267-5760.
Twine, “Reemay," plow
share, eveners, economy/
airtight cookstoves r hea
ters, “Perma-Guard,"
“Digestit," all types fertiliz
ers “HOMESTEAD” 991
Fivepointville, Stevens, Pa
FREE: Australian she
pherd, neutered, male, 2
yrs, obedience trained,
TLC farm or people with
several acreage only
Berks Co. (215)926-2369
Moving. Everything goes
no reasonable offer
refused. Saddles, boots,
monkeys, birds and cages,
livestock, fish tanks, other
supplies. Sullivan Co
Firewood about two acres
mostly locust. You cut free
Lancaster Co