Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 30, 1993, Image 61
f MAIL BOX MARKET' | | F R SALE j s One Bay gelding mule, 16 hands, ready for work Make offer. John O Voder, 445 Willow Rd , Lancaster, Pa 17601 Registered Romneys Bred (or late Feb lambs 7 ewes, one ram Discount price for entire flock Lane Co (215)593-6876 For sale Rebuilt spring wagons and carts on steel Pequea carriage Shop 200 Blank Rd , Narvon, Pa 17555 Lane Co AKS Keeshond pups, ready Feb 14 109 East Millport Road, Lititz, Pa 17543 Best offer M/F (717)367-7989. New tires Firestone LT 215-85-Rl6ssoeach Also 12x50 stave silo with unloader must be remove Lane Co (717)626-4974 Two cylinder air cooled Ruggenni model RD 952 diesel engine removed from Howard mower Con dition unkown Make offer York Co (717)292-3640 9000 BTU kerosene heater $25, RH steel bathtub $lO, 1 hp, 3 hp, 5 hp refrigera tion compressors After 6 pm Lane. Co (717)367-5822 Large butcher benches $lOO each; 4' snow blower for bush hog $275, plow disks for garden tractors $75 Lebanon Co (717)469-2529 1988 Buick LeSabre, 2 dr, black, excellent condition, 100,000 miles. $4,500 Franklin (717)352-9385 CASE 1818 umloader skid loader-bucket and forks, 96 hours, like new $4,800 Berks Co 215-562-3677 after 6pm Ahemen-Anderson boiler with Beckett oil burner Good working condition Abram 1767 Rookvale Rd , Lancaster, Pa 17602 Snowmobile AMF 493 cc Ski-Daddler 1972 Excel lent condition, $2OO. York Co (717)252-3306 fiMWSWM M |del Farrowing Crate - * \ < - ** * J""~'\ L., i - OSm .>-^lo} / -41 >■ || GALVANIZED!] BjBCTTMiii This movement restriction does not hunper the sow as she lays down, or wants to stand up, as the bars slide up and out of her way. TCfSTOCKIV agrl systems Northeast JD 2140 with Soundgard cab completely over hauled Lane. Co (215)445-6311 7 yr old Lead Jack mule, acclimated, ready for work, 1200 Ammon Stoltzfus, 49 Sawmill Rd , New Provi dence, Pa 17560 Female Siberian Husky AK C red and white, 2500, Lane Co (717)786-9161 24ft Prowler Camper, excellent condition Full bath Set up for small freez er $4,500 invested, sell for $2,500 Northumberland. (717)275-4252 17 disk grain drill, John Deere FB with grass box: trexler potato cutter (717)244-3974. JD 60 parts, Rockshaft and Powertroc for late B York Co. (717)382-4639 after 5. Stainless steel double six hog feeders and medicator for sale. Lane. Co. (717)665-6770. Equipment trailer dual axle, pintle hitch, B'xl2' and 4' Beavertail 3000 GVW oak floor, like new, $875. Dau phin Co. (717)469-7351. JD3SO-B crawler loader 4 In bucket new rollers very good condition $8,500. No Sunday calls. Snyder Co (717)374-5486 Barley, straw, dry ear com. oats, rye and two axle trail er 24 ft; long Cumb. Co. (717)776-5982. Holstein heifer due Feb. 22 Will make family cow. $6OO. Snyder Co. Israel Marlin. Box 545 RD #l, Port Trevorton, Pa 17864. JD 3 pt #125 3x16” plow, good condition. $7OO firm Int #TW3O, ground drive manure spreader (great for horses) $5OO firm. Fire wood cut $3O pick up. JD 14’ drag harrow needs work $lOO. (215)562-3929 after 9 p.m. 16 bags potting soil, half price, will deliver. Reason able distance. York Co. (717)432-5568. Constructed from heavy gauge materials Contracts Available For Hogs, Finishing And Sow Units. For More Information Call Northeast Agri JD 999 plateless corn planter, $7OO. Instant, tank less water heater, both good cond. David Glick, 38 W. Eby Rd.. Leola, Pa. 17540. Lane. Co. 4 year old stadardbred trot ter, sound, traffic safe. Needs lot of road. Lane Co. Jacob Stoltzfus, 709 Wateredge Rd , Lititz, Pa. 17543. 10 bags Thimet 20-G 50lbs $7O each Dormal soybean Inoculant treats 5 bu 75 cents, shp Mighty mac compost shredder gnndar $195. Lane. Co. (717)665-7397. Reg red holstein bull Coming yr old. Satan x Fire Dam's Ist lact 25,600 Knows his job $l,OOO. Berks Co (717)933-5447. Sawmill OO Fnck real nice, three blades, sawdust drag, GMC power unit, must see $6,500 Lehigh. (215)966-4642 after 5 pm. 86 Chevy 3+3 diesel tool boxes ladder rack, 66 GMC trk good V 6 motor, IHC 69 6 cyl., JD A York Co 717-235-1187 GMC 5500 cab & chase 1970, $BO on diesel engine 9.00x20 tires needs little repair, $350 takes it Cecil Co 410-287-2430 Heifer hay round bales 750 lbs. $l4 080, JD rototiller new tires, $lOOO, Perry Co 717-789-4820 Nl transplanter rebuilt, poly tank, new boxes, $BOO,, mechanical transplanter rebuilt exdel. shape, $lOOO, both are horse drawn & guaranteed. Lane Co. 717-687-0102. Antique wood fireplace front w/mantle $5OO Lane Co. 717-529-6286. Collector item 1974 MF snowmobile ski whiz 444, 440 orig miles, elect start wide track. Chester Co 717-529-2139 after 6pm Haban PTO corn sheller, JD 4 row 30” cult , 2- 900-22.5 radial tires, like new. Leb Co 717-867-1829 AAA Associates Inc. lO\ PUMPOUT v. v PIT FAN It is often difficult to make provisions for ventilat ing manure storage pits, but AAA Associates Inc. now offers a simple, sensible and inexpensive means of ventilating pits. Pump Out Pit Fans, Tubing And Accessories In Stock / NORTHEAST AGRI SYSTEMS IS AN AUTHORIZED AAA DISTRIBUTOR Systems, FLYWAY BUSINESS PARK 139 A West Airport Rd. • ST °"E>W[ Lititz, PA 17543 SS El 717-569-2702 s * m m 1-800-673-2580 I —L 8 yr. old standardbred traff ic safe & sound takes long trips holds hard. Lane Co. Stephen Esh, 244 Lynwood Rd . Ronks, Pa. 17572 VM 2 cyl. air cooled diesel power unit model 1052 w/ Rockford clutch 2’/< ” shaft, $1450 neg. Leb Co. 717-469-0356 Rear wheel weights for Far mall A one pair, $45 Lane Co 717-367-6084 Shoop 6 horse rear & side load converted to 3 horse and camper needs paint, $2,000 717-949-2060 after 4pm Tear down tobacco shed clean up & haul away, also cattle halters for sale 1 or by the dozen, $3 ea Chnst E. Stoltzfus, 166 California Rd , Narvon, Pa 17555 ID grade holstem due Feb 21, 8' V plow, steel cab fits Farmall 350. Bucks Co 215-346-7709 Polled hereford bull reg (mint bear) 5 yrs old, also 7 bred cows, herd reduction Cufnb Co Gardners, Pa 717-486-4033 Hay grass & grass/ale mix, Farmall “M" w/loader 3 pt 3 section harrow, 5 yr old QH mare unbroken, 5’6" snowblower Sch Co 717-467-2609 Piston rings for old cars- 2 cardboard boxes assorted $35, 1 cardboard box of assorted insert bearings, $lO. Carroll Co. 410-635-6723. Gehl 309 Scavenger man ure spreader 4-yrs -old, like new Cambria Co 814-495-9873 29 bred yews due Feb through March Sullivan Co 717-924-3618 call before 9 a m or after 7pm Muster & payroll of Co G, 7th regiment U S Infantry, April 1867 70 soldiers names, $35 716-554-6479 F-30, F-20 NT F-20 stan dard 10-20 Fl 2 restored Cat 15 restored, also used Int. parts can deliver to Behilers Sale, Feb. 26 Salem Co N.J 609-455-4493 Inc. , rs iike'-ancaster Farming, Saturday, January 30, 1993-821 new $l5 and 100 240 AH NiCad Battery cells. $B, and 30 lb. 3x14x7 YP beam cutoffs $B. Adams Co (717)677-6721 DI-ACRO No 1 Bender $2OO, cement mixer $125, plow for model Lorla JD $175, trailer hitch $6O fits 88-92 Chevy or GMC pu York (7170755-4797 21 ft. Donahue equipment transport trailor $l,BOO, 2500 gallon SS tank $l,OOO, JD 24T baler, two bale wagons Lane Co (717)529-2196 Kuhn 8’ rotary tedder $1,175. JD 2500 plow 5x18" $2,500 Both very nice Kept inside York Co (717)993-6152 Antique Singer sewing machine Cub tractor with side mounted mower York Co (717)225-3601 1972 Ford 8000 (10 wheel er) with drop axle Rock bed, new hoist, fair condi tion $7,000 Lebanan Co (717)949-3124 2 reg Charloais heifers bred Was shown at all Pa shows Will deliver (717)244-9381 Pecans, shelled mamouth halves $7 per lb plus post age 4hp Briggs engine, horizontal shaft $lOO Cumberland Co (717)776-4523 evenings Farm toys, 5488 $65, 1586 duals $5O, 606 $5O, F-dl2 $5O, 3294 $35 All in box Lebanon Co (717)865-3253 Delaval magnetic bucket milkers, stainless steel wash vats and table, cool ing unit and compressor with shp motor 2-1/3 hp fans Cambria Co (814)472-8554 after 7 p m International 91 combine 10 FT cut 340 engine, new drive belt does run $5OO York Co (717)244-9582 Male canaries (or sale They are good singers and reasonably paced Lancas ter Co (717)665-3749 Nice John Deere MT tractor with John Deere mower Farmall Cub tractor parts. Farmall Cub tractor with side mower. West Virginia (304)269-1973. I PENNSYLVANIA’S LARGEST KUBOTA DEALER OVER 100 * NEW KUBOTA TRACTORS IN STOCK! WE SHIP PARTS UPS DAILY LEBANON MI.kXAMnHMnM #n 0m Wmi «f Wom—w 717-MMOOO Nl 506 loader fits older trac tors $550 Pr 12-38 tractor chains $5O Adams Co. (717)637-7434 after 6pm M F 4 row rolling cultivator $5OO JD 443 cornhead new stalk rolls and striper plates $4,000 Lancaster Co (717)529 2712 Scotch Highland cattle . hardy, docile, lean beef For free brochure Roger Jestel 223 Moul Rd Hil ton, NY 1 4468 (716)392-9062 Homelite XL brush cutter, used 3 times with new 8" saw $lOO Lancaster Co (717)442-8822 or (609)737-1502 Let it ring Allis Chalmers WD with loader and 2-bottom plow $1,200 2 John Deere pull type plows $125 each Adams Co (717)677-7840 Camper cap for full size pickup Door in back -Gives lots of room inside Must sell Lancaster Co 898-0037 after 5 JD 2500 auto spring reset sxlB plow $2,000, 4 AC no till fert disc $lO each, 275 gal Tank on skids $l5, elec grass seeder $2O Lane Co (717)653-5926 Alfalfa-wrapped round bales and baled hay Dairy to horse quality Delivered or pick-up Lebanon Co (717)273-2608 N.H. 353 grinder mixer with digital scale and blower, also lead mule Allen Mar tin, 239 Martin Rd , New Holland 17557 10-20 dual truck tire chains, Bronco 350 3 pts Fert spreader, 4"x2o’ gram auger with motor York Co (717)235-2966 after 7 pm Old army jeep trailer, good frame and tires, rusty box $200,1-horse bobsled nice $5OO Del Co (215)459-0608 Jack miniature donkey and white American Eskimo dog male 455-7766 and Pomeranian male dog $4O 445-6985 Lane Co 2" receiver group for pipe line. with new washerbox Also 243 Nl manure spreader with endgate, 260 bu capacity. Lane Co (215)445-7527. HKUB 0 T n j TRACTORS»EQmPMEHT [ Serving Central PA Since 1(21 STORE HOURS ’ HONDAY-FRIDAY 7:30-5:00 SATURDAY 7:30-12:00 2 Location* Farmall H cults., good $l5O, 4 row IH 56 corn planter, $275, Farmall 450, top shape, $ 1 750 410-658-4654 Red oak, red cedar, white cedar Burl Co 609-726-1286 after 6pm Red laced cormsh ban tams, also finely stitched quilts in crib size & full Franklin Co 717-263-1820, no Sunday calls August west chimney cleaning system, rods, brushes, dust vac, good cond , $5OO Perry Co 717-789-4211 Pixall green bean picker, grading table, only 3 yrs old, Zimmerman plastic mulch layer & water wheel Juniata Co 717-436-6067 Horse collars good cond , all kind 16" thru 25* Christ Fisher, 1975 A Mine Rd , Paradise, Pa 17562 JD DD gram dnll 21 x 7 8200 all gram, excellent condi tion $2,500 No Sunday calls Leb, Co (717)949-3955 Dwarf Pygmy goats, males, females Prices vary Old BndgeNJ (908)566-5029 Leave message Two way belt 22' long, 3' wide (609)561-2035 or 0514, 1435, or 2964 Atlan tic Co , N J 1972 G M.C 9500 series truck 318 Detroit 15 speed trans 124” CA 10 00x20 tires 34 Hendrickson sus pension. Montour (717)437-2778. 1940 17,0001 b GW Dodge farm truck, 4 spd., tough old truck Used (or hay and corn $5OO York Co (717)637-9375 Foot control for Unde or P-H welder Have miller to trade or buy Bob Snyder, 1751 Woods Rd , Akron, Ohio 44306 Reg half Andalusian geld ing Green broke, gray dapple, 15 hands Gray Castle Farm, 66 Porter Rd , Howell, N J 07731 Two 15' corn onbs Good condition Make offer Lane. Co. (717)738-2491 M-T 8-5 FINANCING OR CASH DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE CALL FOR DETAILS ON LEASING LANCASTER «<M ftuMO. Ma, UMHt, M 11WI *1 (MM N e FnnuWa Ml 717-569-31500