Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 30, 1993, Image 153
FOR OVER 50 TEARS FARM MACHINERY SERVICE - Quality Products Backed ble Price! VI MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE mm cations intercourse, pa .MIDDLETOWN, DE -A (IV PLANTERS *** >** ES CYCLO AIR PLANTERS !t *' from 4 to 12 Rows. Truly designed for rgence and accurate seed depth. C HOICE OF WINNERS!! Call For Prices! v f' >■»- 24x6 GOT 2U7 tF... 18x7 •le Crop Stands & Seed Metering. -*| HP* Mk Authorized aßh mM UPS Station JMLIm [?Tj 5300 GRAIN DRILLS Sizes Available All With Depth/Press Wheels By People Who Care HOOBER PEOPLE MAKE AXIAL-FLOW COMBINES PRODUCE FOR YOU! By servicing over 200 C.B. Hoober & Sons, Inc to make )ines people know how these Coml reach their maximum troductivity. Talk to an owner of a combine serviced by HOOBER’S COMBINE PROFESSIONALS. They’ll tell you how they produce. The Reason Axial-Flow Combines Are More The Single Rotor design is SIMPLE! Only a single rotor to thresh and separate. Eliminates the straw- walker assemblies common to conventional combines. Less moving parts means less main tenance, less downtime. The Single Rotor Design is HIGHER QUALITY GRAIN Multiple threshing action of axial-flow reduces kernal damage and holds elevator dock age to a minimum. CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO OWN AN AXIAL-FLOW FROM HOOBER? Productive - THE ROTOR! The Single Rotor Design is MORE PRODUCTIVITY! When your crops are ripe and ready to harvest, Axial-Flow allows you to move faster than with a conventional com bine. The large throat means -no bottle necks up be able to top £ for maximum productivity, even on side-hills. HOOBER PEOPLE ARE PROFES SIONALS