Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 30, 1993, Image 148
D2O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 30,1993 Joh" Deere 5' Sickle Reaper- Binder Steel Wheels, Two Tongues. Gehl B-40 Blower, Flat Belt Drive, Steel Wheels. 8' On ta/io Woodo" Lime Spreader, 42' Wooden Spoke Wheels. John Deere LF-10 Lime Fertil izer Spreader on Rubber. Make Offer. 717-278-1651. Kuhn #58599900 $4/ea. Can U.P.S.; Artsway Loader $lOOO, will part out 410-452-8643. L 250 NH Skid Loader, good condition, 500 hours, best offer. 717/898-8414. Landplane-Leveler-35' Long X 9'. Semi-Mt. Front, Cat II Uses 1 Dbl Outlet Tow Attachment for Pickup $2485. 080. 410-745.Q/inß Leon Blade, Fits Any Trac tor, Like New. $2500, Vac uum Tank, 2200 Gallon, $5OOO Like New 215-255-4311. LOADER ATTACHMENT SAUDER QT, 1 owner, wide bucket, nice, $250. 410-833-9091 LOADER TRACTOR FORD 3400, gas w/600 original hrs., 3 pt PTO, $5,500. 410-833-9091 • 6 MU Silage Coven Black, Black/White • Special Repair Tape • Sunfilm Stretch Wrap 20"x6Q00' • Clover Bale Twine • Wrappers for Rent Authorized Dealer For Welger Baler Kvernelend Wrapper Don’t Settle For Lose Than The Beet Call “The Team Martin’s Custom Chambersburg, PA [717) 369-5702 DO YOU NEED , YOUR AG ELECTRONICS 1 REPAIRED?? | VUe Service: • Grinder/Mixer Scales • • Planter Monitors 1 • Sprayer Controls • Moisture Testers ! SERVICE IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS!! Featuring: • Flexible in-season cus tomer hours • Quick response, fast turn around • Walk-in, ship or call lor repair • Quality repairs by our expenenced people • Independently owned AG'EICPRESS ELECTRONICS 106 W. Main, Box 28 Sulphur Springs, IN 47388 317-533-4809 PTO KATOLIGHT AGRI ALTERNATOR • 25000 Watts • 35000 Watts • Power Shaft • Power Cable • Trailer ON-HAND Reasonable Prices REBUILT TECUMSEH 3 HP Electric Condensing Units Write or Call 717-483-6446 Byler’s Diesel Refrig. HCR 61 Box 32 Bollovllle. PA 17004 FORRESTER FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. 1475 Orchard Rd. Chambaraburg, PA 17201 Phone: 717-263-0705 Sales - Parts • Service NEW FORD TRACTORS Ford 1520 4WD Ford 1620 gQBS Ford 1720, 33S Ford 5610, 2WD, 600 Hrs Ford 5610, 2WD, Cab & Air, 500 Hrs. Ford 6640, 16x8 Ford 7740, Cab & Air, 4WD. 16x16 Ford 86r 33E' Shift NH EQUIP. NH 254 Tedder Rake NH 256 Rake, Steel Teeth NH 258 Rake, Rubber Teeth NH 258 Rake NH 451 Mower NH 415 Discbine, 12' NH 492 Haybine NH 499 Haybine NH 630 Round Baler NH 640 Auto Wrap Round Baler Located: 1 Mile Off Exit 8, On 696 North To Orchard Rd. Hours: 8:30-5:00 Monday thru Friday 8:30-12:00 Saturdays MWe Accept Mnm We Ship Perte VISA A Master Card USnal UPS Dally Cowan Equipment Martinsburg, PA 814-793-4293 Day or Evening JD 5820 chopper, 4x4, excellent JD 5400 chopper, small knives, 1,900 hrs., 3 row corn head & grass head, very sharp, 1 owner NH 1890 chopper, 4x4 w/corn & hay head Nl 709 Uni System, 4 WD, excellent condition Nl 709 Uni System, 2WD Gleaner F 2, 4 cyl., turbo JD 2955,4 post, high & low, 38” rubber JD 2755 JD 4450, cab & air, power shift, 4WD JD 2950, cab & air, 4WD, 38” rubber JD 2950, 4x4 JD 2750 JD 2550, 4x4 JD 4630, cab & air, powershlft JD 4430, cab & air, quad range JD 4430, cab & air, power shift JD 4240, cab & air, power shift JD 4240, power shift, 4 post, ’B2 model JD 2840, hi-low, 1 owner JD 4230, 4 post, power shift JD 4020 power shift, dual hyd. JD 4020, side console JD 4000 w/cab JD 3020, side console, hi clearance Ford 7710, cab & air, ’9l model, 450 hrs. Ford 7710, cab & air, ’9l model, 700 hrs. Ford 5600 Deutz DXI4O, cab & air, 4WD AC 200 w/cab MF nos, cab & air Oliver 2255 w/cab, 4x4 Oliver 1955 IH 1566, cab & air IH 1486, cab & air IH 1066, cab & air.. IH 856 w/cab IH 560 gas IH 574 utility White 2-105, cab & air White 2-70, red stripe Cat 930 4x4 loader JD 430 round baler Nl 325 corn picker, 12 roll bed Nl 325 corn picker, 8 roll bed Nl 324 wide row picker Miller 12’ offset disc Brllllon 6 Row Cultivator Brllllon 8 Row Cultivator JD 7000 corn planter, 6 row, no-till Axle mount duals for IH 38” ' Roll guard for 2950 $650 Turbo charger for a 4030 Turbo charger for a 4230 (2) NH 650 Round Balers w/Bale Command, Wide Pickup & Net Wrap NH B4?tW Baler. NH 848 Round Baler, SP NH 360 N 3 NH 990 W NH 7Q(M«11B-Iead NH 185 Manure Spdr. NH 155 Manure Spdr. NH 125 Manure Spdr. NH 455 Skid Loader NH 553 Skid Loader NH 785 Skid Loader A GARDEN LTIOW/38" Deck LTI2 w/38" Deck YTIB w/48" Deck GT 95 w/60“ Deck 59,000 J & L Equipment St. Thomas, PA , 717-369-2637 Steel Pipe, Tubing & Sheet Steel % ” Through 12" Custom Wholesale or Manufacturing Retail Cut to Your Size No Job Too Large Or Too Small I i»^ •• »»«%■*%»«» ' mrnsr&fim FINE SINCE I$T» Farm Motor Oils • SPECIAL DUTY ISW4O ...$219.95 • SPECIAL DUTY 30 $212.95 1 • TRACTOR HYRAUUC $212.95 JT“ wart bud ■■ NOLT’S AUTO PARTS Eahfto Manhalm Flwpolntvllla (717)733-1171 (717) 635-3216 (215) 445-3714 \J*rJ Nothing runs like a Deere™ i Ford 5000 (5200 model) 1975 row crop WF, 16 spd, excellent...., Coming In IHC 1586 Cab, Heat & Air w/Duals, Excellent Coming In IHC 5088, cab, heat & air, 2600 hours, 3 outlets, excellent Coming In JD 4320, cab, heat & air w/direct axle duals, original paint, excellent JD 2520, dsl. w/power shift, WF, new engine, excellent JD 1010 Special, WF. 3 Pt.. 2 Cylinder JD 350 dozer w/blade, PTO & New engine Coming In JD 750, MFWD, compact dsl. w/60" mid mower, 400 hours Honda 5518 4WD, all wheel steer w/48” mower & 3 pt. hitch JD 2020 dsl. w/143 loader, excellent JD 2630 dsl., excellent IHC 666 dsl., WF, new tires, excellent Case 870 gas, WF, 2000 ongmal hours $ 6,500 Case 930 WF, gas, nice $ 4,950 JD 4640, cab & power shift w/direct axle duals 2659 hours, very nice $29,500 JD 4430, cab & air, quad, radial tires, excellent $18,500 JD 2840 tractor $11,900 Mitsubishi 210 D, MFWD, 21 HP, w/Woods RMS 9 3PT Mower.... AC 7040 Cab & Air. PS MF 85 Tractor Farmpll 460 Gas Farmall H w/Loader & Blade JD 8630 4WD New Engine, 3PT, PTO Duals HAT EQUIPMENT JD 670 hay rake w/ddly wheel, 9/t" NH 495 Haybino NH 479 Haybine JD 1219 Mowco, Excellent NH 1495 Self Propelled Windrower, 12' Head, Ford Gas Engine, 1600 Hre., Excellent Gehl 2350 Discbine, 3 Yrs. Old Gehl 2350 Discbine, 2 Yrs. Old Mission 1014 12' Hydro Swing COMBINES ft HEADS JD 4400 gas w/new engine, 13' platform JD 243 com head w/adapter plate for harvesters JD 6600 combine, diesel, 2600 hours, excellent $14,000 JD 443 Corn Head $ 5,500 JD 343 comhead $ 2,950 JD 4400 Combine, Gas $ 4,995 JD 6600 Combine, Parts.. $ 2,300 MF 510 w/Comhead & 13’ Grain Platforms 4,995 NEW JD 913 Rigid Platform w/Bat Reel Pickup Special $5,795 (Invoice Price) TRACTORS $13,900 Coining In Coming In $ 7,950 $ 6,900 $ 8,500 $ 9,350 $ 8,500 .... $ 7,540 7,900 ....$ 2,500 $ 8,450 $ 6,995 . $ 2,985 Chore Time grain bins, 1-8 ton w/auger, 1-12 ton w/auger (2) Elevators, 1-grain, 1-hay (4) 3’ metal stairs for milk parlor (24) 45x64 rubber cow mats (6) Jamesway feed carts Forklift Model 59 (2) Starline barn cleaners Model 47 w/200 chain and flights per unit. (3) Patz barn cleaners Model 400 complete w/motors Rhino scraper Weights for 706 IH tractor A 3 Wheel Model Just Arrived I 4 Speed Trans. w/Reverse, I Jj Excellent Mudder, Easily Customized, K Turns On Nice Cents, Wisconsin I 1 Motor, Scout and Spot Spray v f 4 Different Hl-Tractors } 7 $l2OO And Up I 5 Plain View Farms | i Worton, Md. 21678 % g L__ -410-778-1065- I JD 213 Flexhead, Yellow Reel Ml 844 W Comhead . FORAGE EQUIPMENT Gehl 1250 W/3RN & T pickup head.. Nl 709 Unisystem w/767 Chopper, 3RN Comhead and 866 pickup, 2100 original hours, excellent $24,900 JD 716 A Forage Wagon w/12 ton chassis * 6,250 JD 3940 Harvester w/electric controls, 540 ROM W2RN & 5V4 ’ pickup, excellent $11,300 JD 4R Forage Head, Narrow Row $ 9,750 JD Cutterhead For Self Propelled Harvester JD 216 Forage Wagon w/Gehl Tandem Gears Krause 3200 series plowing disc $ 5,995 JD 1350-1450 5 Bottom Plow, Like New $ 1,800 JD 2 Btm. Trailer Plow $ 300 JD 3 Btm. 3PT Box Beam Plow $ 885 JD 3 Btm. 45 Plow $ 775 JD 5 Btm. Trip Plow JD 6 Btm. Trip Plow MF 880 5 Btm. Hyd. Reset Pittsburgh 6 Btm. Spring Reset Plow JD KBA Disk 12' White 283 Offset Disk 10’ Power Harrow MANURE SPREADERS Ml Manure Spreader JD 450 24x6 w/Press Wheels, 1 Year Old, Like New JD 450 Drill, 21 DD, TA * Spacing, w/press wheels, like new IHC #lO, 18 Hoe Hay Buster No-Till Drill $ 2,500 $ 1,350 $26,900 JD 1240 4R w/insectidde & monitor $ 1,200 JD 7000 4R Conservation Planter w/Liquid & Frame-Mounted No-Till, Excellent JD 1240 4 Row Insect. Shoe, $ 1,850 $ 4,000 $ I,§SO $ 5,850 No Markers JD 7000 Conservation 6 Row MISCELLANEOUS $14,500 $ 6£oo JD 78 blade, T, category II $ • 450 JD 146 Loader, Independent valve $ 3,200 Dual wheels 18.4x34. snap ons w/tires...s 750 Heeston Stacker $ 1,100 Dual wheels 20.8x38, snap-ons w/tires... $ 1,150 Kwik Way Blade $ 400 $ 6,995 3PT Blade Green Woods Belly Mower $ 1,995 Case Rotary Mower.... Spreader Box..ggjS3. WINELAND EQUIP. INC. 215/827-7687 TILLAGE GRAIN DRILLS RD 2 Rte. 164 East Martinsburg, PA 16662 Phone 814-793-2109 $ 2,200 $ 1,600 $ 9,500 $ 2,500 $ 2,450 $ 1,000 $ 1,650 $ 2,500 $ 7,950 $ 750 $ 4,350 $ 650 $ 600 $ 7,750 $ 5,950 $ 1,850 $ 3,500 $ 7,850 $B5O $ 700 $ 8,500 300 500 150 400