Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 30, 1993, Image 138
dlO-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 30,1993 New 9 and 10 ft. harrows Disc blades in stock Will repair discs again this winter Logan Mills Weld ing, RD#2. Loganton, Pa 17747 New Bnllion 10' seeder $4350, Woods 15' rotary cutter $5450, Hesston 540 $BB5O, 530 $6200, Round balers; 1130 mower condi tioner $7BOO, 4570 squre baler, (4) flexi and Lohman round bale moving trailers, new skid* loader with back hoe $B5OO DON ERDLEY EQUIPMENT, Lewisburg, PA Call 717-524-2410 J.L. HOLLINGER & SONS INC. RT. 72N, Manhelm, PA. 717-664-2444 717-665-2354 FAX 717-664-2835 NEW & USED Farm & Construction Equip. IH 354 w/3 pt. Live PTO, Runs Case 580 E TLB 4 WD, Cab, Ex-A-Hoe, & Operates Very Goad Excellent Cond. $3,750 SKID LOADERS Bobcat 632, w/Ford Industrial Eng. Very Good Cond. (2) Case 1845 International 125 E Crawler Loader w/4NI Bucket, Very Good U/C $13,000 John Deere 550 A 6 Way Angle Blade, In Excellent Cond . $13,500 Cat D 5 Straight Tilt Blade, ROPS Canopy, Excel. Condition $16,500 JD 450 C, Crawler Loader $13,000 Case 5808 TLB, full cab, standard hoe. good condition JD 410 TLB, full cab, standard hoe, good condition Case 580 E, TLB, 4WD, Cab, Extend-A-Hoe, excellent Case 580 K 2WD w/Cab, Ex-Hoe, Excellent Cond... Case 680 H Cab, Standard Hoe, Good Cond Ford 6500 TLB Case 580 K 4WD, Cab, Standard Hoe Cat 416 Open ROPS, Standard Hoe LOADERS TCM 810 A 4WD, wheel loader, open ROPS, very good condition.. Ford A-62 4WD Art. Loader w/Cab, Excellent Cond AC 840 4WD Art. Loader, w/Cab & GP Bucket, Very Good Cond. FARM TRACTORS Int 354 w/3 Pt., PTO, New Paint, Very Good Cond David Brown 1200 w/3 Pt, PTO, Good Cond. FORKLIFTS Case 530 w/21* mast, runs & operates very good Clark IT6O 6000 Lbs Cap, Good Cond CURRENTLY DISMANTLING FOR PARTS Case 5808 TL WWW* I CAT D-5 w/Stralght Tilt Blade POPS, Canopy, Excellent Cond.s 16,500 \*o' WISCONSIN \fJSII ENGINES Liquid Manure Pumps Portable & Stationary USED EQUIPMENT IH 208 Manure Spreader, Nice $1,750 Nl 206 Manure Spreader $1,250 Nl 17A Manure Spreader $1,650 JD 2800 5 Bot Plow $2,300 White 598 4 Bot Plow Variable Width $3,950 JD 400 Rotary Hoe, Green $l,BOO Glenco Chisel, 5 Tooth, w/Front Disks, Like New $4,800 Noble 4 Row Cultivator $1,250 NH 630 Baler NEW $8,400 NH 258 Rake $l,BOO (8) NH 402 Crimpers . . $B5O tO $l,lOO AAVCO REPAIR 1 Mile North of Bird In Hand' r-Z , 8 Miles East of Lancaster S 3 Ph. 717-856-8109 Gehl Harvester w/2 heads International Disc, 15’ Model 501 7 ton hydraulic dump wagon, new condition 300 Gallon trailer sprayer 8” auger, 34’, new condition 15’ 3 pt. hitch seed bed finisher, new condition Deutz Fahr disc mower, new condition Kuhn hay tedder, 6 star Niemyer hay rake, new condition 315/585-6078 evenings CRAWLERS BACKHOES Case 450 C/L IH 125 E Crawler Loader, 4NI Bucket, Runs Excellent $13,000 $22,500 $5,750 $5,750/E«. $7,500 $10,500 $22,500 $22,500 $14,000 . $7,500 $29,000 $22,000 $10,500 $11,750 . $9,500 $3,750 $3,750 $5,800 $6,500 Case 4808 TLB TILLAGE White 546 Semi-Mount Auto Reset, 4x16 Plow, Nice IH 3 Bottom, 3x14, 2 Pt, Semi-Mount Plow w/Gauge Whcwl JD 3x16 3 Pt. Plow Case 3 Pt 5' Disc, Good IH 710 4x16 plow w/gauge wheel IH 510 4x16 plow, gauge wheel, side hill hitch IH 45 12' field cultivator, pull type, nice $1,250 IH 16' wheel harrow, hyd fold, nice MISC. NH 467 7' Haybme, Good NH 56 Rake w/Dolly Wheels IH #5 Flail Chopper IH #lO, 13x7 DD Grain Drill NH 489 haybme, $2,200 NH 512 manure spreader, nice Bnllion IV cultipacker, 4” axle NH 256 rake, real good Gehl 95 grinder mixer for parts JD 54 manure spreader for parts Farmall Cub power unit w/reduction Clutch, 8 hrs since rebuilt Nl 212, 3 beater manure spreader, good JD round bale grapple for front end loader IH 110 Forage Wagon, 3 beater w/Roof, Nice $1,250 Balers 5 Haybines For Parts BITER’S USED FARM MACHINERY Robert L. Kelter HolHOx, PA 17032 (CaraonvWe) 25 MRm North of Harrisburg (717) 362-9096 WO Ship UPS! BOAT COVERS from $39.00, call 1-0800-874-2928 with boat size. Dealers invited. I TIRONIE’S TARPS Fabric Covers for anything. Truck, Farm, Industry, also R.R. Ties available. Martin Tractor 866 Greenspring Rd. Newvllle, PA 17241 Used Tractors • MM GlOOO Vista $3,500 • JD 4320, $8,500 • MM 670 $2,500 • Ford 961, $2,500 • Oliver 770 $1,600 Used Tractor PARTS Most Makes And Models. Have Large Selection Recent Arrivals; IH 200; JD 4020; Ford 5000; Ford 600; Ford 800; Oliver 1750; IH 574; JD 2010 D; MM G100Q; IH 300; Case 930. Call (717) 776-7542 for detailed information MON-FRI 8-5 SAT 8-12 No Sunday Calls Will Ship UPS No Out-Of-Stata Peraonal Checks Caterpillar 9228 loader, 4WD, buckets like new, $BOOO 080 1950’s Case tractor w/Lull loader, 4000 lb. lift, new motor, $l5OO 080 Honda 3-wheeler Big Red, runs great, new tires, $6OO 080 Suzuki 4-Wheeler 125, new motor, $6OO 080 1978 Ford crew cab, 4WD, automatic 3/4 ton dump, $2995 080 1979 Chevy 1-ton flatbed, automatic trans., runs good, $2495 080 JD H tractor, complete, no tires, $BOO 080 24” Thickness OBO 200 Gallon Lefco tank sprayer, on skids, 300' hose reel, like new, $2295 080 Ford F7OO cabover, cab & chassis, 2-speed rear, lots of good parts, $250 080 Mighty Mack chipper spreader, $5OO 080 Sawbuck for Farmall cub, $lOO 080 Craftsman metal lathe, w/3 jaw Chuck, $650 080 Berks Co. 215/689-5230 ” W? + ' " -**» -%#•-, f*" Farmhand 6650 Tub Grinder Like New Only 60 Hrs. On It $19,500.00 Call Between 6:00-6:30 Evenings 215-593-5989 DEPENDABLE MOTOR CO. East Main St., Honey Brook, PA 215/273-3131 or 215/273-3737 ... „„ NH 310 Baler * f? V “° r NH 30 Forage Blower NH 790 Manure Spreader pg Tedder NH Wito-e $ ™ Hck-Up Head New Demo NH 553 Skid Loader NH «» KayWne NH 8 Forage Box NH 56 Reke w/Tandcm Gear Ford 532 Baler Bu ,l er 2 g> pu Pu mp WE REBUILD I r , ■ ,r Mr—« 469 WOBBLE BOXES | I DEALER FOR WMI P I lloshamp ”“ TRACTORS MF 1080, conguyy ngine & hyd. overhaul MF 275 diesel w/38" robber MF 285, 8 speed, good robber, new paint MF 165 diesel, 28“ rubber, new paint MF 135 steering, gas, new paint & new robber MF 135 gas MF 35 gts steering & loader EQUIPMENT Int. 510 7xlB double disc drill JD 325 3 pt. 3 bottom hyd. reset JD F355H, 5 bottom, hyd. reset plow 8 tooth chisel plow Oliver 565, 4 bottom semi-mount plow MF 4 bottom, semi mount plow MF 880 5 bottom spring reset plow Brillion packers Com cultivators dif. makes & dif. sizes 4R-8R 3 pm 7' scraper blade Used Brillion cultipacker and cultimulcher parts New farm and corral gates 3 pt. McKee snow blower Sauders snow blade MF Tractor Parts Dismantling; 20,30, 35, 40, 50, 65, 85, 90, 138, 150, 165, 175, 178, 180 4 1080, 1085, 1100, 1130, 1135, 1150 w/cab, 1155, MH 44, NH 785 skid Idr. and Case 1838 C akld Idr. for parts, NOLT’S EQUIPMENT 403 Cantarvilla Rd.rNawvllla, PA 17241 (717) 776-6242 No Sunday Call* No Out-Of-Btata Paraonal Chtcka Wa Ship UPS