Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 30, 1993, Image 132
D4-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 30,1993 16S0 Oliver Gas w/1210 >B6 7720 Titan 11 4*4 a** Oliver loader, WFE, PS, & )ow tj n 643 a.w’hre.. Hydro Power, Priced to super clean $5B 900 Sell $2500. 804-824-4319. , Trad e & Finance Law FARM EQUIPMENT 1000 gal Badger vacuum tank, excellent condition Union County (717)966-1998 12" Oliver plow w/new mold boards, landslides, etc $495, JD 9’ spring har row, reconditioned, $450, JD KBA disc harrows, 20 or 24 blades w/new 20” blades, pivots, etc $750/ea, 3&4 foot roller harrows $2OO/ea, 9’-12' cultipackers made to order, $250-$350/ea, Nil 401, 402 crimpers, NH 455 mowers; NH 55 rakes All equipment field ready and guaranteed Farm equip ment parts in stock, bear ings, bolts, sprockets, pull leys, belts, PTO parts, etc 10% sale on parts Febru ary 15 to March 15 KIRK WOOD REPAIR SHOP, 550 Coopers DR, Kirk wood, PA 17536 717-529-3299 Call’be tween 8-8 30AM 12R model 500 Cyclo IHC cornplanter, 30" spacing, hyd fold, hyd markers, m sectide and monitor, well maintained, stored inside, priced to sell, 6R Kinze no till cornplanter, equipped w/5 spliter row units for 15“ soybeans, msectide, moni tors, Kinze brush meter for soybeans, well maintained, stored insided, priced to sell 717-758-4133. 145 HP Deutz Allis Tractor #7145, full cab, used 1500 hrs , 85 HP Deutz Allis Tractor #7085, full cab and bucket, used 1500 hrs , Deutz Allis Corn Planter, 6R, no-till, series I Miller harrows For information on the above, call Don 413-243-0730 Will dicker 1972 Chevy lime truck, #9O series, 10 wheel, 6 cylin der, Hptroit 11 trans, 5600 GVW, 18 ton new leader box, 26' spread width, garage kept, $3OOO 080 717-943-2572 1977 MF 750, hydro, oil, 800 hrs , sheded, owner quit farming, $17,000 Fi nance Larry Stalter the "Combine Man" 1-800-248-2151 1979 F 2 hydro, air, 1,200 hrs , 13' header, very sharp Financing $14,900 Larry Stalter “The Combine Man" 1-800-248-2151 42' manure stacker, size adjustable, $5OO, 1,000 gal non-hydraulic liquid manure spreader, $2OO, Starlme stable cleaner transmission, $35 215-286-5530 4400 diesel, rotating air screen, kept inside, 13', immaculate condition, $9,200 “The Combine Man" 1-800-248-2151 Brady Chisel Plow, 9 Tooth, 3Pt Hitch, Good Shape. 100’ Wire Rabbit Pen and Breeding Hutches 717-385-3589 Bnllion 6' Alfalfa seeder, double boxes, $l3OO, NH 68 baler w/bale chute, $725, MF #lO baler, $175 215/562-4464 Byron iron picker, excellent condition 24' sorting table w/accet~ nr ' r '~ ~<l4 self unloading wagons, complete system field to customer, $12,500 (518)237-3611 evenings CAT 9228 wheel loader, diesel cab heater run and operates O K , bucket need some work, new bat tenes, $6OOO, Trojan 104 wheel loader 3-71 detroit, runs good, needs brake work Asking $4500 215-026-0147. Case 1830 skid loader (717)527-4772 Case 1835 skid steer bucket. $250 , Also Mustang 342 skid loader for parts, $2OO 215-445-6156 Case 070 cab, air, duals, wts, 3000 hrs, excellent condition (717)308-0187* (717)308-2881 Case IH 7110 tractor, 2WD, cab, 1000 hours, warranty ends 12/4/96, $40,000 firm. 717/933-5771. Case SA 10'Disc. 38X7, Near New 18” Blades, All Brgs., Needs Nothing $ll5O 410-745-9408 1980 6620, 1,868 hrs , shaded, very clean, field ready, $23,900 1-800-248-2151 1980 Button Johnson to matoe harvester, refurb ished 1985, w/brush shaker, electronic color sort, disc pickup head w/ conversion to knife head 717-473-4473 Ask tor Sam 1989 18 Ft. Equipment Trailer, 10,000 Lbs , Ramps Wood Deck, $llOO or Best Offer (410) 939-0088 1989 2-Ration 4-Stall Lac Tracker Computer Feeder System- w/high moisture corn agitator, 90’ Brock Flex Auger System, printer, 150 ;k tac it, neci igs- excellent, $5OOO. Van Dale 24'Mag num Silo Unloader w/7’/» hp motor, electric winch,etc $l5OO. 814/664-2661 , 814/438-2794. 1 JD 4240 Tractor, SGB, QR, 1 JO 210 C Backhoe Loader. 717-573-2215 (2) 13X6X38 Tires and Rims, JD Wheel Disc; 12A Spreader; 8N Ford, B AC 717-786-3087. (2) 14 9-24” tires on JD 8 hole rims, $3BO 215-868-5781 25KW Westmghouse PTO Generator, 1800 RPM Belt Driven, Single Phase, 115/230 Volt, $750 Arts way Grinder Mixer, 105 Bu $l9OO JD Four Bottom Plow $9OO, Farmer Boy Bin Wagon $4BO (717)933-8365 1953 Farmall Cub w/sickle mower and hydraulics Af ter 6PM 908-362-9521 (2) Ml 213 PTO driven manure spreaders, like new Call after spm. (717)677-7282 2 Tandem Badger Silage Wagons 814-685-3408 36' Mayrath transport au ger, $650, 5 bottom JD automatic reset plow, $750, 16' Brillion culti- packer, 4" axle, $1800,500 gallon Farmnte trailer type sprayer 36' booms $lBOO 215-868-5781 3 all r’°“l biiildions 40X60 was $BB9O now $6342, 50X100 was $15,777 now $10,849, 100X100 was $46,321 now $30,000 Never erected, can deliver 303-757-3107. 3 Stanhay Mark 1 Planters RENT A “MINI” EXCAVATOR! AND DO IT YOURSELF! • Kubota KX-41 « • Compact - Fits On the Back Of A Pickup Truck n i • Under 40" Wide, 67” High J 11 I • Rubber tracks jJaBU ■ Digging Depth - 7’B” • Dozer Blade For Grading • 12" Bucket Available • Easy To Operate • Very Economical Rates RENTS FOR LESS THAN A TRENCHER! KELLER BROS. KUBOTA I TJTRANON 1 I LANCASTER 1 Route 419 West of SchaeHerstown , Route 30 & Frultville Pike 717-949-2000 717-569-2500 1941 Ford 9N tractor, Stater “The Combine Man’ undergoing restoration, 1-800-248-2151 partially disassembled. 8N Ford onod perfect[sheet metal new dition new c| ' tch as . tires & wheels, 81900. SBm h|i/ 5249& Call 908/362-6916 8.30-7 pm, |fi? 7 sa 339# 908/362-5456 7-10 pm Z ' N.H. 852 Auto Wrap Excellent $4,000 (301) 898-7426 Spring Garden Repair Isaac 5. Garden Road '** Gas & Diesel Engine Rebuilding Cast & Aluminum Head Rebuilding & Welding Block Boring & Sleeving Flywheel Grinding Engine Parts Tractoi Pistons & Sleeve Kits Rebuilt Tractor Heads New & Rebuilt Water Pumps Deutz OX-90, 95hp, 20sp, AC 185 diesel, 1981, very p®P . cree P er - 11 ,rVbber nice condition, 1295 origi- lo « h ° urs ' aHupdatesex nal hrs., weights, dual hy- cellent condition $9500 draulics, 540 or 1000 PTO, 080 717/426 2659, $7900. 717-442-8354. 717/426-1645 AC 7000, CAH, 2,900 hrs., 1 owner, nice, $7,800 410-833-9091 AC XT 190 rebuilt engine, rebuilt injection pump, new injectors, paint not good, $4,500. Susquehanna County. (717)965-2344 FOR THE FULL MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1993 Come in and have donuts and coffee every day during the month of February, 1993. $200.00 Grand Prize 10% DISCOUNT on all parts and oil in stock or ordered on a stock order, and settled for in February. There will be $lOO.OO cash drawing each of the four weeks of February, based on your sales slip number; and a $200.00 Grand Prize for the purchase of the highest dollar amount for parts and supplies during the total month of February. •' So, buy all your parts and sup plies each week; get the DIS i COUNT, plus a chance to win the $lOO.OO and $200.00 ’ «* (S' Gasfc I < Ford Credit i V I Specials • Ford 8 HP Lawn Tractor w/38” Mower • Ford LT 12 HP Lawn w/38” Mower • Ford YTI2S yard Tractor w/38” Mower • Ford 5T5248 Snow Thrower • Ford 917 H mail Mower 74” • Ford 917 L Flail Mower 60” • Ford 702 C Front Blade • NH 451 7 Ft. Mower Financing Available S.G. LEWIS & SONS. INC. N. Jennersville Rd. West Grow, PA 10390 (215) 869-9440 PARTS: Just arrived for parts. AC HD-7GB w/fair u/c. AC HD-6G w/344 en gine. All parts available BALANDA EQUIPMENT P O, Box 407 RT 29 Palm, PA 18070. 1-800-322-8030 Opftjv house, ■X Cash Reg. Sale Price $lOOO $1995 $1375 $2295 $2795 $1675 $ 775 $ 575 $lB5O $2699 $1712 $1075 $ 900 $2400 $1750 $3700 Ag bagger, good condition, $BOOO 080 301-694-8624. Agway 3 HP electric bed ding chopper, good condi tion, $650. 717-786-1232 Allis Chalmers WD 45 w/ snap couples, 3pt adapter, very clean, original tractor, $1,975 (215)267-2031 ATTENTION horse far mers. NH manure spreader, 3 beater, 100 bushel, PTO, new drag $BOO (301)898-7426 Athens T chisel, IH 12' field cultivator, Noble 4R crop cultivator, 920 Gehl forage wagon, JD #35 1R chopper, (2) AC corn plan ters. 717-284-2692 Evenings Ford 9N, tires 70% all have weights, motor just rebuilt but needs head or gasket, brakes and 3pth arms, $1,200 080. 8’ Int disc $l5O. MF 3 bottom plow, $2OO (908)637-4632. Int. 240 utility tractor with heavy duty loader, cab, good condition, $4200 410-343-0802 Int 5088, very good condi tion. 215/869-4910 after 9pm Chester Co. International combine 615, 3RN com head, 13’ gram head, $3200 215-885-1032 International offset 8' disc, almost new 22" blades in front, ready to use, good for finishing plowed ground Lehigh Co. 215-679-8921 Hay wagons, 6-3 w/brand new beds and 3 w/a-1 beds All 16', wood, all JD 965 gear, excellent, $1,250 each (301)898-7426 Hesston 4600 haybaler w/ thrower, excellent condi tion, $9OOO, 3 brand new Hesston bale throwers w/ pump and orbit motors, $950/each, Hesston 4800 big baler, Krause 6R vibra shank cultivator, used 1 year, $2500, JD 2280 diesel 14’ self-propelled haybme, $7500, NH 258 hayrake, $l2OO, NH 256 Hayrake, $9OO, Michigan 125.3 A payloader, V-8 Cummins engine, recently rebuilt, $13,000 717/386-5696 after 730 pm S.G. LEWIS & SONS, INC. N Jennersvlll# Rd, West Grove, PA 19390 (215) 869-9440 @ W NEW: • MF 362 Tractor • MF 1030 Tractor • MF 1035 Tractor • MF 1045 Tractor • MF 399 Tractor « MF 375 Tractor • MF 240 Tractor Lawn & Garden • MF 212 Tractor • MF 214 Tractor • MF 218 Tractor USED; • Ford S4SA Tnctor/Loider • Cue 480 D Tnctor/Loider • MF 35 Tractor w/Lotder • Fond 1600 Tractor w/Mower ■ MF 35 Tractor • MF 202 Tnctor/Loider • NH 8 HP Lawn/Mower • S6SOG Satoh Tractor • Ford 145 Lawn Mower •AC 840 C Loader • Hawk-Built Tank Spreader • IH 100 7-Ft. Mower • 7-Fl. Rear Blade • MF 6 Ft Rotary Cutter • Ford 530 Baler •NH 310 Baler • JD 12' Disc Harrow • JD 450 Hydro Push Spreader • (21 IH 120 Forage Boxes • NH 256 Rake • NH 900 Chopper w/Pkp. • (2) Disc Mowers - All Sizes