Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 30, 1993, Image 119

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    In grain bodies,
aluminum makes Sense .
Eby’s time-tested design is available in lengths to
24’ and a 48” standard height; optional heights
include 54”, 60” and 72”. A long list of standard
features such as tie rail, built-in steps, aerody
namic uprights and Harsh hoist is complemented
wmwjr M.H. Eby, Inc.
mK IF 1194 Mam Street (Route 23) 4435 State Route 29
JV Blue Ball, PA 17506 West Jefferson. OH 43162
- ~ (717)354-4971 (800)292-4752 FAX (717)355-2114 (614)879-6901 (800)752-0507 FAX (614)879-6904
88 Ford F-350 Super Cab
43,000 Actual Mllaa, 300 f.l. S Spd.,
OD, Excallant Pulling Power,
Priced Right $8,900
4x4 Dump Truck, 90 Ford
F-350 XL 7.3 Diesel, AT, AC,
11,000 GVW, • FI. Bad, 7.500 Actual
m iik*lMHf*^
Dieael 4x4 Flatbed
7.3 DlaMl, S Sp, 0/0, Real Clean,
51,000 Mllaa
XLT Lariat Perfect, Only 42,000
Mllaa, 351 F.l. 5 Sp., O/C, A/C,
Dual Tanka, Ready To Go
V ' *jtefrrtßfc.
Cheap Dump Truck, 79 Ford
7-550 351 Heavy Duty, 4 Spd„
8 FI. Dump Body, Worka Real Nice
/ '
RTE. 422,
(Across From Lebanon
Valley Mall)
Dlocl Super Cab. 2 Wheel Drive
90 Ford F-2SO XLT Lariat
Captain Chairs, 7.3 Diesel, S Spd., AC,
Tilt, Cruise, Run. Boards, Custom Wheels,
Black Finish, A Real Looker
rr*'*' -£2*
Diesel Chevy Van
Look At This On*, 6.2 AT, Frt
& Rear AC, 2 Ton* Dark Blu* &
Charcoal, 60,000 Original Mila*
'* a:
Diesel Utility Dump
Turbo Cummlngo Dioool, Auto,
Porfoct, Only 20,000 Mlloo
80 Ford P-350 4x4
Nice Driver, Only 34,000 Klee,
351 E.F.L, AT, AC, 0000 GVW,
2 Tone Sleek A Chercoel
88 Ford F-450 Super Duty
Only 27,000 Milee, 460 E.F.1.,
5 Spd O/D, 161 W.B. 14,500 GVW
by a full range of custom options, including
tailgates, Wahpeton tarps and chute.
When you select your next grain body, consider
the value that aluminum offers. It’s a worry-free
investment in your future.
Silv*r»do, 45411, AT, AC,
Tow Pkg., 2 Ton* Paint, 52,000
jf|F- **-£# i *J**h /
4 Door 4x4 80 Ford F-350
XLT Lariat 7.3 Dloaal,
AT, 00, AC
Gumming* Diesel 89 Dodge
D-350 4x4 Not Real Fancy,
But Clean AT 4 AC, Vinyl Seat
A Floor Mat
Super Duty Stake Body
Dump 90 Ford F-480
7.3 Dlnel, S 3p, 0/0, 23,500
Duel Tanks, 5.13 Rear Axle
-U! " '
t> -* ~. »/
4x4 Diesel Cummings SB Dodge
D-SBO Strong Turbo Gumming*
Diesel, 6 Sp 0/0, Dump Body,
Will S*p*rato
Eby Aluminum Grain Bodies
pay off in dependable
long-term service. Their all
aluminum construction
Actual Mil**
• Greater payload efficiency
• Maintenance-free service
• Substantially higher resale
If you think that steel is
cheaper, think again. We
can show you how
aluminum actuall
you dollars in the long
•unoNAi iwa toumiw amocwiion
““ Member
717-274-200 Q
Box Truck, Cummin* Turbo
i Dieael 91 Dodge D-380 W O/D,
Famou* Gumming* Dlaaal, AT, AC,
15,500 GVW, 12 Ft. Box
4x4 Chaaala Cab 82 Ford F-3So’a
Only 100 MHaa, Factory Warranty
Long A Short Whoolbaaa
Chaui* Cob 82 Ford
F-380 XLT Only 100 Mil**
7.3 Dloml, S Spd., A/C, 60"
C/A, 11,000 GVW, Brand New 3/36,000
Ml. Warranty
4 Wheel Drive SB Chevy 3500
Real Strong 454, Good Trailer
Tower, Only 41,000 Mile*, Very,
Very Nice
Super Duty Dumps
M F-450 460 1.1., 6 spd., 27,000 Mila*
S« F-4SO 7.3 Diesel, 6 sp.
1987 Eby 48'x98"x13’6"
Cattlo/Hog Combo
1987 Eby 48'x98 ,, x13’6"
Cattlo/Hog Combo
1984 Barrott 48'x98"x13'6"
Cattls Trallar Jailhouaa
1983 Barrott 48'x98”x13’6”
Cattlo Traitor
1983 Wilton 45’x96"x13’4”
Cattal/Hog Combo
1982 Wilton 45*x96"x13'2”
Call It Trallar
1982 Wilton 4S'X96' , Xl3’6”
1991 Four Star 18'
1986 20'x8' Aluminum
1983 Eby 18'x7 , 6"x6 , 6”
1982 Trlggs 30'x8'x6'
(4) 12' Eby Aluminum
Cattle Body
17' Eby Cattle Body
IB' Eby Cattle Body
21’ Eby Aluminum -Double
20' Fruehaut - Deck-Rail A
B'A * Eby Aluminum •
Chicken Body
M.H. Eby, Inc.
1194 Main Street (Route 23)
Blue Ball. PA 17506
(717) 354*4971 (800) 292*4752
FAX (717) 355-2114
4435 State Route 29
West Jefferson, OH 43162
(614) 879-6901 (800) 752-0507
FAX (614) 879-6904
76 International Cattle
Body 345 V*. 4 Sod.,
2 Sp**d Axl*. 14 Foot Body, N*w
ln*p*ctlon, Good Rubber, Run* Nice
* m ‘ SmtSSSI
460 4x4 81 Pord F-2SO
Super Cab XLT Lariat, 460
t.l, AT, AC, Tow Pkg.,
29,200 Mile*
Run* Rhl Nlc«
Catch He If Ton Can
Banks Turbo Charged 80 Ford
F-350 Super Cab. 7.3 Diesel, AT, AC,
Limited Slip Axle, Gear
Vendors Overdrive
, *<* <
Diesel Super Cab 4x4, 89 Ford
XLT Uriel, 7.3 Diesel, AT, AC,
4:10 Axle, Very Nice