1979 Ford 7000 truck, 23,000 GVW, hydraulic brakes, 3208 CAT engine, good condition, $3BOO. 717-776-7725. 1979 GMC 6000 diesel, 5+2, steel grain dump, ex cellent condition, $7,000. (410)775-7519. 1980 Chevy 4x4 14 ton truck w/9' steel flatbed, 67,000 miles, setup for towing sth-wheel trailer. 717/548-3116. 1980 International 2675 Twin Screw, 290 Cum mins, 10-speed Road Ran ger, runs great, $6OOO 080. 215/255-0479. 1981 F 350 Ford, 12‘ stake dump, runs good. Call 8:00-5:00. 717-292-5696 $3995. 1981 Ford 800, 429 gas, 32,000 GVW, 5+2, air brakes, PS; 1979 Ford 800, 429 oas, 32,000 GVW, 5+2, PS, air brakes. 301-877-9889. 1983 Ford LNBOOO, CAT 3208, CA-86*, m/steel, speedy spread fertilizer/ lime spreader 12F23R. 804-633-7034. 1984 Chevy, 3/4 ton, 4x4 pickup, 4 speed, diesel, air, $4,000. 1983 Chevy 3/4 ton, 4x4 pickup, 4 speed, air, new 366 engine. $6,000. (717)762-6415. 1985 Chevy, C3O, 350, 4 speed, 12' flat bed, 4.56 ratio, 10,500 GVW, 99,000 miles, good condition $3750; vacuum manure tank, truck mount, 3850 gallon, 16' dome to dome, %" thick steel, never used, $5OOO. Union County. Call 717-922-4385. 1986 Dodge Cargo Van,* Heavy Duty, 70,000 Miles, Excellent Condition, $2900. 717-865-2022. 1987 Ford Ranger 4x4, V 6, 5-speed, excellent condi tion, 77,000 miles, 24mpg, bedliner, $4700. 717-692-3408 1989 GMC, 4x4, extended cab, sierra classic, S-15 truck, 4.3 engine, one owner, AC, automatic, de layed wipers, AmFm cas sette, new tires, bedliner, excellent condition, 51,000 miles, red interior red gray, $9,900. (717)966-9500 (717)922-1315. 35' Flatbed trailer, tandem axle, ideal for farm use, $l5OO 080. Chuck 717/569-0406. (3) tandem axle dump bodies, Snyder, good con dition, no hyd., $BOO/each. 410-833-9091 40' Gindy aluminum grain trailer, sliding tandem, roll tarp, $1 500. 410/398-5123. (4) 8 lug 10’ aluminum slots w/33x12 5R16 w/ Bridgestone deep lug tires. 717-786-3503. 671 power unit, $3,000. Low-boy log turner; JD skidder wheels; electrical roto-phase motors/ starters. Clearfield. (814)672-3196. '67 Ford F 950, 15 speed, gas, 22' steel dump, $5,000. (301)694-8624. '69 Diamond Rio tractor w/22' aluminum dump trailer, very good condition, $B,OOO. (215)791-0248. 69 Int. 1700, 5+2, 18' dump, good condition, $4,500. (301)694-8624. 74 Chevy custom 30 truck. 10,000 GVW with or with out cattle racks, 9’x7Vi' bed. runs good, $lOOO. Call 717-665-3168 74 Morgan aluminum 30' dump, 70* sides, 20’ spokes. Ready! (717)367-7403 76 C65,5+2,18 ft. body, 5 door, 366 engine. 71 C6O, 427, 5+2, 16 ft Morgan body, 2 side doors. New motors both, low miles. Both in good condition. Call 717-367-5404. 79 Ford LN7OOO 3208 Cat, long wheal base, excellent shape, good rubber, 5 speed. After 6pm, (717)363-2133. 79 GMC 4WD Pick-Up, 400 Automatic, Tilt Wheel, Cruise, 4* Lift. ter 6I 215-536-8674 'BO Chevy stalk-body, auto matic transmission, 292 6-cylinder newly rebuilt all steel bed, dual rear wheels, $3,800. (717)774-7410. 84 Keifer Gooseneck Stock Trailer, 19' Inside, T Wide, Good Condition, Was $2lOO Now $lB5O. 607-849-6472. 84 Timpte, blue, New Way air ride, spread, NWD 30 Thormoking, 96" wide 48’ long, $14,995; 87 Ameri can, stainless steel, Thun- derbird carrier unit, 1124 tires, 96" wide 48' long, $15,995; 88 Int. Eagle, 425 I Cat engine, 13 speed, red, | 150,000’miles on overhaul, I 42’ bunk, $30,995. 215/598-7773. 'B6 Chevy G3O 12 pass, van, 350 auto, PB, PS, air, AM-FM, 91,000 miles. $3,975 blue, 717-733-2873 'B6 Chevy Scottsdale 20 Series Suburban, 5 pas senger, 350 auto. PB, PS, air, AM-FM, 55,000 miles, brown & tan, 1 owner, ex cellent condition, $8,600. 717-733-2873 'B7 Chevy ClO 4x4, 305 FI, auto, PS, PB, AM-FM cas sette, Rally whls., 49,000 miles, 1 owner, red, $8,600. 717-733-2873 'B7 Chevy crew cab, dually, 65,000 miles, excellent condition, MD inspected. (410)634-2821. 'B7 Ford F 250 4x4, 300 EFt, 4 spd., lock-out hubs, PS, PB, AM-FM, dual tanks. 6,600 GVW, 1 owner, red, $7,900. 717-733-2873 •87 GMC Rally STX 8 passenger van, 305 FI, auto. PB, PS, air, cruise, tilt, AM-FM cassette, privacy glass, 49,000 miles, 1 owner excellent condition, $8,900. 717-733-2873 'B9 GMC 3500 dual whl w/9’ Stahl utility body, 350 FI, 4 spd., PS, PB. AM-FM, dual tanks. 10,000 GVW, 26,000 miles, dark blue, $11,900. 717-733-2873 '9O Dodge 8350 12 passenger van, 318 EFI, auto, PB, PS, dual air & heat, charcoal, 28,000 miles, excellent condition, $10,500. 717-733-2873 '9l Ford FI 50 XLT Lariat pickup, 300 EFI, 5 spd., PS, PB, air, AM-FM, dual tanks, 31,000 miles, char coal w/balance of factory warranty, excellent condi tion, $9,950. 717-733-2873 1973 Freuhauf Flat 46' 10-20 Tires, Spoke $3,500 1972 Fountaine Flat 46’ New Floor, 10-22 Tires, Spoke $4.000 Frtlnr Co. Cab & Chassis Less Engine & Trans For Parts sloo.oo 717/626-8632 Rothsville, PA After 5 PM - Ask For Gene DONALD M. HONEYWELL FARMS RR #1 Box 82 Shlckshlnny, PA 18655 717-256-3003 TRUCKS: 1975 KENWORTH CONV. TRACTOR, 1693 Cat, Sleeper, 13 Speed $8,500 080 1979 Chevy C-30 Truck With Utility Body, 454, 4 Speed, Air, PW, Body One Year Old, New Paint, Excellent Cond $6,500 080 1970 Int. Single Axle Truck Tractor, 238 Detroit, 10 Speed, Wet Line, Good $3,000 080 1984 Ford LT-9000 Tandem Dump, 15’ Body, 15 Speed, 350 Cummins, Jake Brake, Excellent $35,000 080 Headache Rack Enclosed, Aluminum New Cond $l,OOO obo 1988 Ford FBOO Single-Axle Dump, Diesel, 11,000 Miles, New Cond.. ,* ' * , v PASSENGER & CARGO VANS New & Used. Gas nr Diesel i I, SoffI^A?B^HASSIS 6.5 L Turbo, Heavy Duty, 15,000 GVW IF WE DON’T HAVE IT, WE’LL LOCATE IT! ...$25,000 :i> j ; i ifj} 8 New & Used To Choose From 2 WD & 4 WD Available Centurion Conversions. Too! (717) 274-1461 • PA (800) 222-5523 'B9 6x12 stock trailer, good condition, $2250080. Mif flin Co. 717-899-6481. Deitz fender mounted turn signals, heavy duty, includ ing lenses and bulb. In or iginal boxes. List price over $l2/ea. Special offering 10 signals for $4O. 215-579-7084. HORSE STOCK UTILITY Aluminum and Steel SPECIALS: *92 REDUCED Moritz 14’ Bp Red Pa Set-up Center Gate $3050 Reduced $2,650 Utility 16’ Bp Red Pa Set-up Mesh Ramp $1795 Reduced $1,450 Custom Fab 12’ Bp Navy Pa Set-up, T High 53,000 Reduced $2,650 Apache 16’ Gn 7x7 Blue Inspected (Used) 54,300 Reduced $3,750 Other New and Used Trailers In Stock Or Custom Order Starting At $650 ALUMINUM STOCK ’93 GN 20x8x7 16” Tires 7000# Axles Pa-Set Alum. Floor $10,571 Reduced $9,000 Other Sizes Available STOCK ’93 12’ BP 6x6% (2) 3500# axles Pa. Set-Up 52395 Reduced $2,250 Several Different Colors Available Temp Tags, Notary, Hitches and Trailer parts available Open 7 Days A Week By Appointment Or Chance FISHER TRAILER SALES strodes mhis m. 22 (717) 242-0941 Phone (717) 242-4377 Fax Turn onto ’9l CMC CONVERSION VAN 13 Pass., Extra High Top, Front & Rear Air & Heat, Frederick Owned, Only 535 Miles. VB, 5 Spd., Low Miles .Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, January 30, 1993-C33 1956 Chevy dump farm truck, 10.5 Ton, 14' long. $9OO, (717)872-5884. Chevy Transmission, 4 speed from 1978 1-ton, $150; Ford 2 speed rear from 1976 F6OO w/rims & 4 M&S tires, $3OO. 410/877-7015. RD #2 McVeytown, Pa 17051 j ’y s £ D **»ZsJ < m stock S J A REAL PEOPLE MOVER! Cummins Cylinder Heads fits model V 8 265, 785, Early 903 and others w/ minor modifications. Cylin der heads are new includ ing valves in original Cum mins boxes. $135/ea. 215-579-7084. Middle Rd.’/. Mile 1805 Quentin Rd. Rt. 72 - Lebanon SALES HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9-5