How a Doebler’s alfalfa by Willard Jones My old economics prof had a theory he pounded into our heads class after class: “You won’t make much money in farming if you’re just average.’’ Recently I asked myself, “But what’s average for new commercial alfalfas today? And how do Doebler’s alfalfas compare?” So I pull out Penn State’s 1992 trial reports and crunch yields on the longest trial at Rock Springs. The highly rated Precedent is our entry. Here’s what I find: THE DOEBLER ADVANTAGE AVERAGE PRECEDENT TONS TONS 5.23 7.61 5.52 6.65 1989 1990 1991 1992 25.01 This trial was big time competition, with just about every popular brand name entered. Average for the 64 entries was 6.25 tons per acre over four years. Doebler’s Precedent made 6.85 tons, or 0.60 of a ton extra per year. And 2.38 more tons over four years. At $lOO a ton, that’s a $238 Doebler advantage for each and every acre. My prof was no dummy. Be smart. Go with the best. DOEBLER'S (^Alfalfa R.R. 1, Box 424, Jersey Shore, PA 17740 Phone: 717-753-3210 rings up profits EXTRA PROFIT $ 60 $ 59 $ 57 $ 62 5.83 8.20 6.09 7.27 $238 27.39 CASE STUDY I’m Willard Jones, Doebler’s sales manager, with the story about a professor, an alfalfa trial and $238 extra profit. >