AS-Uncaster Firming, Saturday, Novembar 14, 1992 \a/r Travel in Time Imagine traveling by rail in the • good old days " Each rail road scheduled arrivals and departures in turns ol the par ticular city and each city set its own time standard (usually based on the sun's position over city hall) A cross country traveler had to ad|usl his watch 20 times to keep pace with the local variations' On arrival, the traveler wouldn t know if he was 'on lime or not. since the time could vary by 30 min utes or more at dilleient rad stations All this changed on Novemhei 18 1883 when the rnlroads adopted Standard lime Charles Feidmand Dowd labored lor 13 years to con vince the Amencan Railroad Association to try Ins time plan and although the railroads and the American people benelil ed greatly Protessor Dowd is largely uniemcmbered In time lake time while time doth last, for time Is no time when time is past. — Anommcm- ir w . Your crystal will sparkle when washed in a solution of 3 parts water to 1 part vinegar. EARTHWISE Arc vour shelves crammed with books, but you've got "nothing" to read 9 Why not try recycled reading Many communities now have second-hand bookstores that not only sell used paperbacks but also accept them for cash or credit toward your next purchase This has all the advantages of a yard sale without the work You can feel good about cleaning out your shelves, knowing that someone else will be reading the books And you can pur chase "new'" reading for yourself at less cost and lower environmental impact *** Contract with Purina Mills, Inc. Now accepting new and existing sow herds We Supply - Quality Purina Feeds - Sound Genetic Program - A Service Representative To Assist You - Competitive Contract Payment Purina Mills, Inc. Serving The Needs Of Agriculture e Bread Day, Nov. 17 Potato Brfad 1 package yeast 1 'A cups lukewarm water H cup sugar 1% teaspoon salt 2 eggs Vi cup soft butter 1 cup warm mashed potatoes 7 to Th cups whole wheat flour Dissolve yeast in wa t e Add next 5 ingredients Stir in flour to make pliable dough Knead 5 to 10 min utes Cover loosely and let rise until doubled Form into 2 loaves and place in greased 9x5-inch pans Let rise until doubled Bake at 250“ F for 30 to 40 minutes Makes 2 loaves —Call Us Today 1-800-873-5300 CATTLE 143... PDA STEERS: two Choice 71.00 & 74.00, two Select 64.00 & 68.50. HOLSTEINS: few Standard 53.00- HEIFERS; one Prime at 70.75, one Choice 72.25, two Select 60.7 S & 62.25, one Choice Holstein 63.50, two Select S6.SO & 57.25. COWS: Breaking Utility and Commercial 46.00-SO.2S, few SI.OO, Cutter and Boning Utility 43.75-47.75, few 48.75, Canner & Low Cutter 39.00-43.00, few 43.75. Shells 31.50. BULLS: one Yield Grade No. 1 1345 lb*. 57.00, one No. 2 1095 lbs. 55.00. BULLOCKS: few Medium 1 and 2 480/610 lbs. steers 5Z50-67.00, few Small lot 2 heifen 190/255 lbs. SXOO-71.00, few Large Frame No. 1 350/355 lbs. 69.00- few Medium No. 2 425/580 lbs. 45.00-51.00. * OLD FARMER’S WEATHER FORECAST a(M/p Northeast: Seasonable and rainv. then sunnv and pleasant. CALVES 195.... VEALERS: one Choice 160 lbs. at 92.00, one Good 210 lbs. 70.00, Standard and Good 70/1 IS lbs. 45.00-57.00, Utility 45/80 lbs. snowstorm west Southeast: Rainy and sea sonable then clearing and cold liosty Midwest; Rainy and cool then cold and cloudy, snow north and cast, sunny central Northwest: Clear and warm, rainy coast, then sunny and mild Southwest: Clearing and warming, some showers moun tains, hot south ern California Lebanon Valley Livestock Auction Fredericksburg, Pa. Tuesday, November 10, 1992 Report Supplied by PDA RECEIVING STAneN All market hoga received at receiving station muat be scheduled one week In advance Rt. 897 • 1 mile North of Flvepointvllle (215) 445-5776 • FAX (215) 445-6099 se c035J9 Since loncrete Is Not Ixact Science, Wb ;t Paradise Take