LUZERNE Donald and Mary Cook have a small century farm located near Hazelton In Luzerne County. But they also rent 400 acres to raise feed forthelr Guern sey and Jersey dairy cows. Their son Ken Is the seventh generation on the farm. Donald noted that there are only four farms in their valley now, but back in the early 60’s there were 65 farms that produced milk. Housing and industrial development followed the new highways through the area. To help Improve the Brubemont Farm operations, a silo was installed by Paul and Helen Brubaker In 1988. The 93-acre farm (80 tillable) In Belleville milks 38 registered and grade Holstein twice a day from a tiestall to buckets. The herd, which Includes 25 young stock, milks 18,500 pounds on DHI A. The 4th generation farm Is operated by the Brubakers with help from daughter Dana, 19 and son Travis, 7. In southeastern PA... Keystone Farm Credit, ACA 1-800-252-2080 In western PA... Penn West Farm Credit, ACA 1-800-736-4126 MIFFLIN Farm Credit in Pennsylvania Our Dairymen Are The Cream Of The Crop! Dairy of Distinction Supplement, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August I,l992—Page The well-known Brown Swiss herd of William and Rhoda Danbert is located one mile north of Pine Grove. They milk 100 cows and have 200 head of young stock. They converted a turkey farm Into a dairy operation in 1957, but the farm has been in the family nearly 100 years. With a top herd milking an average of 17,000 lbs. of milk and 650 f, Danbert cattle are exported all over the world. The six children are Rhonda, Dean, Dennis, Ronald Ray, Anne, and Allen. And there are also 10 lovely grandchildren. Farm Credit Years and Still the Best in the Field SCHUYLKILL Dairy of ■ Distinction Dairy farm BaautMicslion Program In northern PA... Northeastern Farm Credit, ACA 1-800-326-9507 In south central PA... York Farm Credit, ACA 1-800-673-2416 189