Rabies Continues UNIVERSITY PARK (Dau phin Co.) A rabies outbreak among raccoons continues to spread across Pennsylvania, but alert homeowners, hikers and others who spend time outdoors can minimize their risk of expo sure to the disease, a Penn State specialist said. “Rabies is a viral disease that affects the nervous system,” said Dr. Thomas Drake, extension vet erinarian in the College of Agri cultural Sciences’ Animal Diag nostic Laboratory. “A bite from an infected animal deposits the rabies virus under the skin. The virus then travels through the nerves until it reaches the brain, a process that can take up to six months. Symptoms don’t appear until the disease is in its final, fatal stages.” Until recently, rabies outbreaks generally struck fox and skunk populations, with other species infected in much smaller numbers. “The current outbreak of rabies in raccoons began in West Virginia in the late 1970 s and spread to south and central Pennsylvania during the 1980 s,” Drake said. “It’s now reaching the southeast ern part of the state and the Allegheny plateau.” SJ *v v-v* >\ Vi * V'** * >\ -Sy *♦ ' >1; *4s '' 80*4 treatment for ~ ' iiliir.^lie6eoelteofe^^«tt ********f.i**t certain ITT |wr|jili^«fta|#BC««iaohe AND del^,mdp«h*p«diarfn«»ed. «npranpP9». 30, ywni not ooly B«ytM 30 «ww*fele fungicide lowts »«t heailWer crop - you’U see disease pcessuie both dxm and below mere oflt at harvest. In 10 years of the soUjtoe. That means abetter bottom field triab throwgboat the country, seed Ilms for your wheat, bsrty, oats and rye treated with Baytan 30 has shown a yield Baytan 50 protects against a broad spectrum of advantage of 5 bushels an acre early season seed and seedling diaeascs-with up to eight Baklan 30 is avaflaWe only at Gustafson-certified seed opn wee&sofactMtyapinst foliar dtdoaers. For the location nearest you, diseases such as rust and powdery contl,ct Gustafson at 1-800-638-1404. " V % Between 1981 and 1989, the Pennsylvania Department of Agri culture confirmed 3,243 cases of rabies in animals. The number of cases peaked at 700 in 1989. In 1991, 363 cases were reported. According to the state Depart ment of Health, Pennsylvania has had no human cases of rabies since 1983, but human exposure to the rabies virus is always possible. The best way to avoid exposure is to avoid infected animals—but they can be difficult to recognize. “Unfortunately, rabies has no consistent symptoms,” Drake says. “Rabid animals just behave in unusual ways—for instance, nocturnal animals such as rac coons may be active during day light. Classic symptoms include foaming at the mouth and aggres sive behavior, but rabid animals are just as likely to be abnormally docile. Many lose their natural fear and wander about aimlessly.” Following these guidelines can minimize your risk of exposure to rabies: • Avoid wild animals that act strangely. • Vaccinate all pets. Pennsylva nia law requires vaccination for all dogs and house cats beginning at P.O. Box 660065 D*Bm, Tbtts 75266-0065 (214)985-8877 rtti and fUBow IriMl TMofQMn*i>,l»c. three months of age. • Bam cats and other neighbor hood animals arc more likely to carry rabies. If possible, see that they are inoculated or avoid con tact with them. • Be aware of rabies symptoms in farm animals and consider vac cination in areas with a high num ber of cases. • If a pet or livestock animal begins to act abnormally or appears unusually sick, call a veterinarian. • Keep your property free of material that might attract wild animals. Keep garbage in contain ers that animals can’t open or knock down. Don’t leave food out Official Drink HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) Milk is Pennsylvania's official beverage. And why not? Dairy is the leading segment of agriculture, the number one indus try in the state. Nearly 13,000 dairy farms pro duce milk from 683,000 cows. That represents an average of 14,500 pounds of milk produced per cow! In just 20 years, the number of dairy cows has decreased 3 per cent, while the production per cow has increased 44 percent s * v* ■* ■'» \ 9$OMU$ lUHrf for wild animals or stray dogs or die within 10 days, it wasn’t rabid, cats* **A wild animal should be cap- If you or someone you know is tured, if possible, and submitted to bitten or scratched by a potentially the Pennsylvania Department of rabid animal, take it seriously. “If Agriculture Diagnostic Lab at the bite came from a pet or domes- Summerdale for a rabies test,” tic animal, the animal should be Drake said. “The bite victim confined and watched closely for should see a physician for care of several weeks.” Drake said. “As a the wound and recommendations general rule, if the animal doesn’t about antirabies treatment.” Mainesburg Farmer this summer, he may do the same thing. Another problem with pastures involves water. Sometimes a stream or pond is convenient, but often no water supply is readily available. And cows need water to produce milk. To get water to the cows on the lots, Chamberlain piped water from the bam to 100 gallon tanks. Each tank is connected to a flota tion device similar to that found in an ordinary toilet. When the water level drops in the tank, the float sends the message to the pump that more water is needed. The tanks are placed beneath the electric wire so that two con- Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 18, 1992-A2l (Continuad from Pag* A2O) necting lots have water at the same time. This way, Chamberlian doesn’t have to move the water source each time the livestock switches lots. To help farmers learn about the best watering and feeding system for animals despite unfavorable pasture conditions or locations, the Penn State Cooperative Exten sion Service and Soil Conserva tion Service held a fact-finding day June 26 at the Chamberlain farm near Mainesburg. Craig Williams from the Cooperative Extension Office and Paul Shaffer from the SCS Office, both in Wellsboro, were on hand to answer questions about Cham berlain’s intense grazing program and the methods he uses to pro vide his herd with water in the field. Two weeks prior, the Cooperative Exten sion Office helped Chamberlain solve the problem of getting water to his cattle in another pasture across the road from the bam. In 1988, Chamberlain had transformed a wet spot next to the pasture into a 3,000-gal- lon holding tank by digging down and lining the hole with cement blocks. Drainage ulc help guide the water to the hole. But how was he going to get the water to the cows? He wasn’t anxious about spending a lot of money piping the water as he had done in the field behind the bam. Cooperative Extension provided the anw ser. With grant money, it had purchased a special watering system called a nose pump. A plastic tube connects the water source to the pump. Craig Williams explained how the pump works. “By using the same principle as the old-fashioned hand pumps common in days gone by, no electicity is required. The cow simply moves the pump arm back and forth with her nose and water fills the drinking cup.” Are the cows smart enough to figure out how to use it? “You bet,” said Chamberlain. As if on cue, a cow wandered over to the nose pump and demonstrated to the group just that. To test the nose pump’s practically, cooperative extension is making it available free to farmers on a 30-day trail basis. Plans are to purchase a second nose pump to lest on sheep. But the nose pump has it’s limitations. Twenty-six feet is the maximum height it can move water uphill. Reluctantly, Chamberlain tried the piping method in a pasture further up the hill. Using a 1/2 horsepower electric pump, he was able to send water to a 100-gallon tank via 400 feet of plastic pipeline. The same type of flotation device used in the intense grazing lots is used in this tank, also. As Chamberlain can attest, the extra effort was worth it. “Before we began providing water in the pasture, the cows would come to the bam and immediately begin lo drink. But with everyone drinking at once, the (low to each drinking cup was barely a trickle so the cows lost interest in waiting for the water long before they drank the amount necessary for peak milk production. Now they arc able to get then - fill before coming to the barn.” Although the official results aren’t avail able yet on paper, Chamberlain is convinced the new watering system is helping this herd produce 150 extra pounds of milk per day according to bulk tank readings. Chamberlain figures that in one month, the additional milk will more than make up the cost of the whole watering system.