820-Uncasi»r Satutwr. July tl, 1992 Gary Olson, executive director of Flower Growers, and Tom Murphy, president of Flower Growers, arrange displays of flowers for the two-day course. Floral Expo Stresses Need For Unified Voice LOU ANN GOOD Lancaster Farming Staff LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.) Participants at the fourth annual Pennsylvania Floral Short Course and Expo, held in Lancaster last week, grappled with the need to pre sent a unified voice for research money on the university level. “Without money for research, educators are giving up a sizable part of the economy to an unknown entity,” Ralph Null, from the University of Mississipi, told growers. About 360 persons registered for the two-day course that included sessions on design, costs, growth regulators, insect and weed control, water and nutrient management, government management, and worker protection. The expo included a Trade Fair for growers to keep up to date on what’s new in the market. In one of the sessions, Peter Konjoian, a former profes sor and now full-time in the family greenhouse business, spoke of the need for small family businesses to continue to provide the back bone of the floral industry. “Sure the big boys get a lot of attention,” he said. “But you can be small and successful." In his own case, Konjoian said that he has chosen to remain small even though it goes against the grain to remain small among American thinking. Konjoian shared his passion for growing “not as a job but as a way of life.” Retailing, he said, is always changing. “Some say you must specialize,” he said. “Our specialty is quality so we grow everything.” Konjoian said the concept of self service in bedding plants continues, but scheduling is everything to have a continual supply of plants in different stages. He advised growers to leant a lesson from grocery stores and put the plants they sell the most in the back of the store so that customers are enticed to buy other plants while going to pick up the items they came to buy. nil HAPPENINGS 4-H Exchange Adams County 4-H teens and adults are involved in an international cultural exchange experience with youth and adults from Monterrey, Mexico. Four youth and one adult are visiting from Mexico with 4-H host families in Adams County for two weeks. This international experience is to acquaint youth from both countries with the similarities and differences between cultures. The teens and adult from Monterrey are in host families to live, work, and leam about Adams County and the United Slates during their visit. The visitors will tour Utz Potato Chip, Round Hill Foods, Inc., Adams County Courthouse, Oyler’s Fruit Farm, The National Apple Museum, Larry and Doris Wilkinson’s Dairy Farm, The Land of Little Horses, WGET, and play miniature golf. In addition, they will spend time with their host families doing whatever the family has scheduled. Adams County hosts are Brandy Carey, York Springs; Michelle Brown, Gettysburg; Angie Huss, McSherrys town; Erica Young, Gettysburg: and Janet Ludwig, York ADAMSTOWN CLUGSTON FARM ENFIELD EQUIPMENT INC. EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT INC. Mohnten, Pa Naodmora, PA Whllaford, MO (near Adamatown) 717-573-2215 301-452-5252 215-434-4331 BARTRON CLUGSTON AG SUPPLY, INC. A TURF, INC. Tunkhannoek, PA Chambaraburg, PA 717-336-4011 717-263-4103 CARLYLE A DEERFIELD AC A FINCH SERVICES MARTIN, INC. TURF CENTER, INC. HANOVER INC. Hagaralown, MD Wataontown, PA Hanovar PA 301-733-t873 717-536-3557 717-632-2345 IM The Trade Fair included products to be marketed in greenhouses such as these dried oranges, apples, squashes, mushrooms, lotus leaves, and pepper berries displayed by John W. Cox Inc., wholesale brokers for A Knud Nielsen Products. ■Ji SQUARE BALES OR ROUND, YOU’RE IN THE BEST SHAPE WITH JOHN DEERE ■ Look over the complete and completely advanced baler line. ■ See the 435 and 535 Round Balers that can both surface wrap and twine-tie. ■ See square balers with the hay control to produce bales that stack like bricks. ■ Four round baler models, 750- to 2000-pound bales. Three 14xl8-mch square balers, one 16xl8-mch square baler HI ** EVERGREEN TRACTOR CO, INC. Labanon, PA 717-272-4641 A.B.C. GROFF, INC, Naw Holland, PA 717-354-4131 GUTSHALL’S INC. RD 32 Box 74-A Loyovllla, PA GUTSHALL’S INC. Cartlsla, PA 717-243-2313 LG. SALES Silvardala, PA 215-257-5136 > / L-tv KERMIT K. KISTLER INC. Lynnporl, PA 215-2 M-2011 LANDIS BROS. II Lancaster, PA 717-291-1046 LEHIGH AG EQUIPMENT Wsseoavilla, Pi 215-398-2553