CONGRATULATIONS TO THE MERLE KING FAMILY FOR THEIR COMMITMENT TO AGRICULTURE AND THE DAIRY INDUSTRY. HAMILTON BANK BELIEVES THE FAMILY FARM IS THE BACKBONE OF AGRICULTURE'. On behal of all dairyman, we are pleaeed to salute the euooeee of MERLE AMO JEANETTE KING AND SONS AND THE MER-ETTE HOLSTEINS at RD * 1. King Road, Cochratwlla hi Cheater County. The Merle King famly hoe been dairying for 27 yearn which la part of over 60 yearn of dairying on thle farm Including Mettefc father, Valentine King. The 150-cow MER-ETTE HOLSTEIN herd haa a rating hard average of 19,602 pounds of mlk, 750 pounds of tat and 633 pounds of protein. Tree diveteVied operation constate of 750 crap actea ends 120,000 pulet growing facNty. Plcturod-Front Row (L to R): The King Family - Neal, Mary Lou and Kely; Jeanette and Matte; Nolan, Nedra and Norena. Back Row (L to R): The Hamllon Bank AgrWnanoe Department • Garvin Boyd, Karen ObM, Pat Coomae, Roger Rohter, John Moose, Jeffrey Troutman, Donna Schreiner, Ted Bowers and Gene Martin. A SALUTE TO DAIRYMEN. EVERY MONTH IS DAIRY MONTH WITH US. In June a lot a people pay tribute to dairy farmers because it's National Dairy Month. At Hamilton Bank, we feel you deserve credit a lot more often than that. Managing a successful dairy operation requires working capital all year round. So we're here to help you meet your capital requirements whenever you need us. Dairy is the major agricultural enterprise in Pennsylvania and accounts for 31.3 percent « Core States nammon kmmik We Believe In The Power Of Relationships. sm Unc-Hr Fuming, Saturdty, of the total agricultural production value. The total annual volume of dairy production for our seven county area is $503 million. This represents 33.3 percent of the yearly production for Pennsylvania. Now that's a record you can point to with pride, and we're proud to be able to help - any way. any time. At Hamilton Bank, every month is dairy month! Contact your local office for complete details on Hamilton Agri-Finance Programs. n Member FDIC