Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 30, 1992, Image 24

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    A24-LancMttf Fanning, Saturday, my 30,1992
(Continued from Page At)
short-falls. Imagine what the total
loss for the nation’s dairy farmers
must have been.
On April 2, the House Agricul
ture Committee approved a bill to
impose stiff federal penalties for
criminal acts involving animal
theft or damage to facilities hous
ing animals. Committee Chairman
E. (Kika) de la Garza, D-Texas,
said the bill is needed to combat
illegal entry, property destruction,
theft of animals and other acts of
terrorism against farmers and
ranchers in pursuit of a political or
social agenda.
And this week Vice President
Dan Quayle, along with officials
of the Department of Health and
Human Services and the Food and
Drug Administration, announced
details of a policy that would give
“regulatory relief* for genetically
Treated tomato sets show advanced n
fibrous stalks.
Mass Production And Natural Health Methods
engineered foods. According to
Quayle, the new government poli
cy for streamlining regulation of
food produced through genetic
engineering should result in an
abundance of new, varied and
more wholesome products.
And while Albright believes
you need to be sensitive to these
concerns, his ideas on what to do
about them are radically different.
So, many people remain skeptical
of his ideas.
For example, several years ago,
when Albright first started to say
eggs had a lot less cholesterol than
stated by USDA’s 40-year-old
dietary recommendations, he
faced skepticism. But his work
prompted USDA to retest eggs,
only to find that modem breeding
and feeding of chickens had pro
duced a much healthier egg. Sub
sequently, USDA increased the
recommended number of eggs
consumers could eat in their diets,
and the attire industry benefited
from this change.
Even now. Albright believes
that an egg is the most nearly per
fect food on the face of the earth.
“Eggs are predigested by the pro
cess of the chicken,** Albright said.
“The nutrition in eggs can be
passed through the human diges
tive system into the tissue instant
ly. In the egg, we have instant
nutrition. Few things on this planet
contain everything in nutritional
balance to support and grow life.
But the egg does.
“Egg people have had a bad rap
over the consumer’s fixation on
cholesterol.** Albright said. “We
cannot ignore cholesterol, but I
think fat and lack of exercise are as
much a player in over-all bad
Albright believes all foods
should be drug-free and chemical
free, grown in the proper way from
animals that are treated well and
raised in the proper environment
Few people disagree. But the
methods Albright proposes has
raised some eyebrows.
“If you look at food as fuel, you
can get more power out of properly
grown food than you can from a
fast-growing processed type
food.” Albright said. “This will
become more evident if we as a
nation experience some problem in
the food supply. Even if this
doesn’t happen, people always
look to cut their food bill. I think
you can cut your food bill if you eat
better quality food. Low quality
food makes you want to eat more
because your body is not satisfied
from the small nutritional benefit
you get from low-quality food.
“The hope of the fresh shell egg
industry is to develop a designer,
healthier food by creating an envi
ronment for the birds that allows
you to produce a higher quality egg
an egg with low cholesterol,
low bacteria counts, and. yes, even
an egg with no Salmonella.
“If we are successful, it will be
what we use in nature, with the
balance of technology, to create
safer, more nutritional natural eggs
and meat That’s the secret of the
food industry or any industry that
wants to provide nutrition for
“So many things that are done
work against nature. Anyone in the
health field should know you can
not eliminate bacteria in the pro
duction atmosphere. Bacteria are
there for a purpose, and to try to
sterilize the hen house works
against nature. The only thing you
can do is to try to increase the resis
tance to Salmonella in the bird and
in the egg. This fact has not been
considered by most of the research
that has been done. But it’s the way
nature works, and therefore, if you
want what you do to work, you will
need to follow nature’s laws.”
ms and
More and more people have
begun to look how Albright’s sys
tem works. But many observers
continue to remain skeptical. For
example, representatives from a
large egg production firm in Geor
gia visited Albright’s poultry oper
ation last week. “We still remain
skeptical because what is being
done here seems too good to be
true,” the representatives said.
“We continue to try to punch holes
in what Albright is doing, but he
keeps answering our questions.”
What these visitors from Geor
gia saw was a brightly lighted
house with a dust-free atmosphere
where birds with red combs and
yellow pigmented legs sing at the
tops of their lungs as though they
are really enjoying their work.
Dan Helwlg, vo-tech instructor, right, and Randy Lowe,
senior student, show the extra growth on treated carnation
plants. These plants were also virtually mite free while the
neighboring bed was infested with the parasites.
Long-wave ultraviolet lights broom and fall down again
create an atmosphere more like The electromagnetic energy that
out-doors to help induce good feed is emitted from power boxes and
conversion and bird health. Short- motors is shielded so that these
wave ultraviolet lights are used to waves thatcause harm to the birds
kill bacteria in the drinking water, are neutralized.
An ionization system floods the And then there is the secret
atmosphere so that the dust parti- formula.
cles become more heavy than air ‘The issue of the secret formula
and fall to the floor. When you is so proprietary, I hate to mention
sweep the floor, the dust particles that we even have it,“ Albright
raise about a foot in front of the * U m to P' ' A2B)
Junior, •how. , bedding. they treated with a sec
ret formula in an informal reaeerch project at the Mt. Joy Vo
tech School.