/& 9Taiiwi QAiomen JLr Societies Lancaster Society 1 The Lancaster Co. Society of Farm Women 1 met in die Brun nerville Fire Hall for their mother and daughter banquet. Forty seven members and guests attended. President Julia Zahn presided and opened the meeting with a welcome to members and guests. A table grace, sung to the tune of Eidelweiss, was offered by members and was followed with a turkey dinner. Mrs. Scott Carman led devo tions. Her scripture reference was taken from the book of Proverbs. She had some special thoughts for mothers and shared two letters which had been written by Helen Keller when she was a child. Roll call was answered by tell- NIPPLEMANIA? YES, NIPPLEMANIA IS RUNNING WILD! DID THE EXCITEMENT OF NIPPLEMANIA HIT YOUR FARM YET OR ARE YOU STILL SCRUBBING AWAY ON YOUR OLD WATERERS? BUY THE VAL NIPPLE WATERING SYSTEM FROM HERSHEY EQUIPMENT CO. INSTALL NIPPLES IN YOUR POULTRY HOUSE TO REDUCE YOUR LABOR COSTS AND IMPROVE YOUR PERFORMANCE AT THE SAME TIME EY EQUIPMENT OMPANY, INC. ing an amusing story about one’s mother. There were many funny stories. Dorothy Rutbell was installed as a new member into Farm Women Society No. 1 by Pres. Julia Zahn. Six of the society’s members sewed at the-Lancaster General Hospital on April 20. They sewed one hundred and ninety one pieces. On Tuesday evening. May 19. at 6:30 p.m. Society No. 1 will be the guests of Society No. 27. The meeting will be held at the Mariet ta Congregational Church. The guest speaker for today’s program was Barbara Brosey from the Manheim Library. She showed two films, 'The Corduroy Bear” WE HAVE THE CURE! CALL TODAY! We ‘Takg. Customer Satisfaction TersonaCCy m and “The Frog Goes to Dinner”. Both are humcrous films. She con cluded her program with this thought: “If a person has a book and a garden they have everything.” The next meeting of Society No. 1 will be a dinner show at the Rainbow Theater in Paradise on June 16. Husbands and friends are invited. For further information concerning this meeting members can call Mrs. Scott Oarman 717-626-6082. Forty Society 1 Perry County. Farm Women Society #l, met April 30 at the home of Grace Book. The meeting was “bring a friend” and the roll call was answered by telling how you met your friend. The ladies tried their hand at bow making with the help of speaker Donna Bower. Hand towel bibs for a childrens home were brought to the meeting. Delicious Rhubarb Crunch and orange mint tea, recipes from the state Farm Women Cookbook, were served. Mary Lou McMillen gave a report from the state board of directors meeting. □VAL SYSTEMS 0 SYCAMORg IND. PARK 255 PUNE TREE DRIVE UNCASTER, PA 17603 (717) 393-5807 A luncheon was held at the Hempfield Church of The Bre thren on May 9, when the Society of Farm Women #l9 entertained Society Number 25. After a delicious lunch, the group was entertained by Jean W. Berks County Society of Farm Women Group 4 met in the Boyer town home of Feme Kulp. Elizabeth Mangers of the Boy ertown Civil Air Patrol spoke to the gtoup and showed videos of the important work the Patrol does in search and rescue. She explained the various programs offered for young people that can help with their careers in the future. An invitation was received to attend the 40th anniversary of Group 2 at the Bethel Community Center on June 23. A thank-you was received for canned goods donated to the Reading Food Bank. Each member received a begonia plant in honor of Mothers Route 30 West at the Centerville Exit. Unojlwr Firming, ftrturfry, Hay 23,1992-BS Lancaster Society 19 Berks Society 4 Roth. She presented a monologue, “Harriet Lane-America’s Prin cess.” This was interspersed with piano music of the speaker and group singing of songs by Stephen Foster. Day. The next meeting on June 2 will be at the home of Renee Ketterer, Powdermill Hollow Road, Boyertown. Hot Weather Food Hints • Is it okay to take carry-out food like fried chicken to a picnic since it’s already cooked? • If the chicken will be served and eaten within 2 hours, it's okay to pick it up on the way to the out ing. But, if serving will not be for several hours, it’s better to purch ase the chicken well in advance of the picnic, and chill it thoroughly. Then pack it in the cooler and eat it cold.