Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 07, 1992, Image 33

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    National Dairy Board Reviews Research Spending
fanners checkoff dollars are used
for lots of activities, all aimed at
increasing the bottom line of
income statements at the farm
level. “After advertising, product
and nutrition research sees the
largest chunk of the National
Dairy Promotion and Research
Board’s promotion dollars at
$10.9 million or 14.6 percent of
the program budget,” explains
Harold Reiff, Indiana dairy farmer
and chairman of the National
Dairy Board’s dairy foods and
nutrition research committee.
Research falls into two catego
ries: dairy foods which looks ,for
new products, packages or techno
logies to make better products and'
nutrition which explores the nutri
ent content of dairy foods and the
effects of their consumption on
More Than 200 Ultraflo 3 Systems Have
Been Sold In The Northeast Since 1985 -
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Bfe. Microprocessor control lets you
program feeding time to the second.
AOows fast and simple installation,
also quick and easy repair of auger
» if ever necessary. Auger and trough
Ja an both warranted 5 full years.
Chain feeders ore not.
human health. Dairy farmers fund
research in various ways through
NDB. Some research is carried out
at six dairy food research centers
or three nutrition institutes across
the U.S. Other projects are funded
through directed research and
competitive grants programs,
Reiff explains further.
In its competitive grants prog 1 *
rams, NDB organizes an advisory
committee of scientists to review
and evaluate the scientific quality
of research proposals. The panel
of scientists commits its time
twice a year to review proposals
for NDB. It-will meet Feb. 27-28
in Chicago to review 65 proposals
and 22 letters of intent submitted
by researchers from across the
U.S. Proposals are thorough plans
detailing exactly how the project
will proceed and what the research
Pull" Power Units with low HP
motor are located along the
feeder line as needed. Have
hardened steel gears for trouble-free
The Top 54 V S Egg Producers a* hated In NovJ Dec 1991 EGG INDUSTRY
Our systems are made in the U.SA.
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is expected to accomplish. Letters
of intent are brief summaries to
see if NDB might be interested in
funding an area of research.
Researchers submitting a letter of
intent judged to have potential for
helping dairy farmers arc asked to
prepare a full proposal on the idea.
“The- committee helps rate the
best proposals the ones with the
most scientific merit. The scien
tists determine of the objectives
are realistic and if the methods
outlined in the proposal will really
accomplish what the researchers
have set out to do. They also
determine if the budget is ade
quate and if the researcher has a
clear enough understanding to do
the project and complete it with
sound results,” says Bob Bursey,
head of NDFB’s dairy foods and
nutrition research program.
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iworai of
Egg producers have been putting up with obsolete
chain feeders far too long. Now there’s a better
way: Chore-Time’s proven ULTRAFLO Cage Feeding
System. Since introduction, more than 80% of the top
54 egg producers* have gone to ULTRAFLO. A lot of
smaller ones have too.
They’ve all looked at the advantages and chosen
ULTRAFLO. That’s because it makes them more
profitable. Total egg production and egg size—these
are the best benefits of our complete feeding system.
Why not check out the facts for yourself? Contact
us now—or ask any producer who owns ULTRAFLO.
Because the only negative comments about our
feeding system come from our competition—not from
our customers.
“After the scientists’ results are
tallied, the dairy farmers who
serve on NDB’s research commit
tee review the proposals and rat
ings. recommending use of check
off dollars only to fund those pro
jects most likely to eventually sell
more dairy products,” Reiff says.
This year’s Science Advisory
Committee consists of Bob Mar
shall, University of Missouri; Bob
Bremel, University of Wisconsin;
Harry Farrell, USDA; Floyd
Schanbacher, Ohio Agricultural
Research and Development Cen
ter; Mike Doyle, University of
Georgia; Bruce Harte, Michigan
State University; Mike Mangino,
The Ohio State University: Don
McMahon, Utah State University;
Rich Hartel, University of Wis
consin; Bill Sandine, Oregon State
University. Their areas of special-
wwyw. iwiMn
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chain troutft.
ow*r I
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Lancaster Fanning, Saturday. March 7, 1992-A33
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Punching » CNC Press Brake • Fabricatli
ty include food processing, frozen
desserts, milk composition, food
chemistry, food safety, food pack
aging, dairy proteins and dairy
starter cultures.
The National Dairy Board,
composed of 36 dairy farmers,
was established in 1938 to deve
lop and administer a coordinated
program of promotion, research
and nutrition education to
strengthen the dairy industry’s
position in the marketplace. This
effort is financed by America’s
dairy farmers.
A World Of Value