Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 29, 1992, Image 46

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    Hot Potato Recipes
Some people feel that the better
food is for you, the worse it tastes.
Potatoes proudly break that rule by
tasting so good that kids love them
and so nutritious they supply near
ly all of the nutrients you need for
As a matter of fact, potatoes
taste so good, people forget that
they are nutritious. Not only are
potatoes low in calories (about 12S
for a medium potato), but they are
a good source of vitamins B and C,
potassium, phosphorus, and iron.
10 medium potatoes, sliced
1 small onion, sliced
1 cup milk
1 cup grated American cheese
6 slices bologna
I teaspoon salt
Combine potatoes, onion,
bologna, and salt in water and
cook. When potatoes are tender,
add milk and cheese. Melt cheese,
then place in baking dish and bake
until brown, at 400 degrees.
Lycoming Co. Dairy Princess
Shannon Peterman
baked potatoes
cup milk
cup grated Cheddar cheese
cup butter
Slice the top off each baked
potato. Scoop out potatoes without
breaking the skins and mash. Add
butter, milk, cheese, salt, and pep
per, if desired. Blend well. Ptit
potatoes back in skins and return to
oven until potatoes are a little
brown on the top.
Lycoming Co. Dairy Princess
Shannon Peterman
% cup milk
1 8-ounce package cream
cheese, cubed
'/♦ cup grated Parmesan cheese
'A teaspoon onion salt
1-pound can whole small pota
toes, heated and drained
10-ounce package frozen peas,
cooked and drained
Heat milk and cream cheese
over low heat, stirring until
smooth. Add Parmesan cheese
over low heat, stirring until
smooth. Add Parmesan cheese and
onion salt; mix well. Add veget
ables, pour into serving dish,
sprinkle with additional Parmesan
cheese, if desired.
M. Zimmerman
Recipe Topics
If you have recipes for the topics listed below, please share
them with us. We welcome your recipes, but ask that you
include accurate measurements, a complete list of ingre
dients and clear instructions with each recipe you submit.
Send your recipes to Lou Ann Good, Lancaster Farming, P.O.
Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Recipes should reach our office
one week before publishing date.
7- Lamb
14* Fondue Ideas
21- Pancakes
28- Budget Stretchers
Home On The Range
10 potatoes
1 medium onion, optional
'A cup butter
A cup Velveeta cheese
'A cup milk
Salt and pepper to taste
Boil the potatoes until almost
soft Cool and shred with shredder.
Chop onion fine. Crate cheese and
mix in. Melt butter with milk and
pour over potatoes. Bake 1 hour at
350 degrees.
Contributor writes that this is a
good recipe for Sunday dinner
because potatoes may be cooked
the day before.
Brown 1 small onion in 2 table
spoons shortening. Mix together:
1 cup mashed potatoes
2 beaten eggs
4 slices bread, tear in small
Pour on top;
1 cup milk
Add onions, salt and pepper.
Mix well. Pul in greased casserole
dish and bake 1 hour at 350
Onions can be omitted and sub
stituted with parsley flakes and
other seasonings. This is a good
way to use leftover mashed pota
toes. Serves 2.
Mrs. Martin
New Holland
5 pounds potatoes
'/« cup cream
'/> stick butter
'A teaspoon salt
/> teaspoon pepper
Garlic head
3 onions
'A pound mushrooms
Pinch sage
Pinch parsley
3 eggs, beaten
Soy sauce
Cook potatoes. Mash with
cream, butter, salt, and pepper.
Add sauteed garlic, 3 onions,
A pound mushrooms, sage, and
Add eggs to mashed potatoes.
Add sauteed vegetables and soy
sauce. Mix well and bake at 350
degrees until brown.
Elsie King
is flavorful combination of crumbled bacon, roasted potatoes, and green beans
blended with a savory dressing of wine vinegar, chives, and dljon mustard is the per
fect accompaniment to any meal.
6 medium potatoes (instant can
be used)
3 eggs, beaten
'A cup warm milk
Simmer the following in 1 cup
3 ribs celery, chopped
1 large onion
'A cup parsely
Sage, optional
3 to 4 slices toasted and cubed
white bread cubes. Cook and mash
potatoes. Add milk and eggs. Add
bread to vegetable mixture and
fold in potatoes. Serve immediate
ly or put in casserole and bake at
3SO degrees until crust forms on
top. Freezes well.
4 large potatoes, scrubbed and
7-ounce can tuna, flaked
1-ounce butter
5-ounces sour cream
Salt and pepper
4-ounces bacon, chopped
Bake the potatoes in 350 degree
oven for 114 to 2 hours, until just
Slice the tops off the potatoes
and scoop out the flesh, leaving a
thin shell. Mash the potato flesh,
then stir in the tuna with its oil, but
ter, sour cream, and seasoning.
Spoon the tuna mixture back
into the potato shells and mark the
surface with a knife. Place the
bacon on top of the potatoes. Place
the potatoes in a shallow dish and
return to oven at 425 degrees for 20
to 25 minutes.
Ann Keller
Karen Lentz
Lebanon Co. Dairy Princess
Scrub and dry potatoes. Cut in
half lengthwise. Spread cut side
with margarine or butter. Sprinkle
with Parmesan cheese and garlic
powder. Bake at 375 degrees for
30 to 35 minutes or until soft.
June Unruh
£'* '
Mary Lehman
1 unbaked pie shell
l'/i cups diced potatoes
2 hard-boiled eggs, diced
1 small onion, diced
'A cup milk
2 tablespoons butter
Line an 8 or 9-inch pie pan with
unbaked pie shell. Mix potatoes,
eggs, and onion together and pour
into pie shell.
Add milk and butter. Season to
taste with salt and pepper. Cover
with top crust and bake at 375
degrees for 1 hour or until done.
Serve piping hot.
Helen Nolt
New Holland
Featured Recipe
Looking for something different that cooks in a hurry, is low in calo
ries and in fat content and can be prepared in an endless number of
Try fresh ground chicken, one of the newest products in the super
market poultry case.
Made from boneless, skinless thigh meat, ground chicken contains
only 10 percent of less fat. It can be used in almost any recipe that calls
for ground beef. As with all poultry products, ground chicken should
be cooked thoroughly and never served rare.
A tip for handling raw ground chicken; wet hands with cold water to
make it easier to form chicken into patties or meatballs.
1 pound grpund chicken
16 ounces tomatoes
6 ounces tomato paste
11 'A tablespoons chopped parsley, divided
114 teaspoons salt, divided
1 teaspoon basil
6-ounces lasagna noodles
16 ounces cottage cheese
1 egg, beaten
A teaspoon pepper
6-ounces mozzarella cheese, shredded
'A cup grated Parmesan cheese
Heat trypan over medium high temperature. Add ground chicken
and brown, stirring, about 6 minutes. Pour tomatoes, tomato paste,
'/> tablespoon of the parsley, I teaspoon salt and basil into food proces
sor container; process about 1 minute. Stir tomato mixture into ground
chicken and simmer over low temperature about 20 minutes. In
medium bowl, mix together remaining 1 tablespoon parsley, remain
ing 'A teaspoon salt, cottage cheese, egg and pepper. In bottom of
2-quart shallow baking dish, spoon a little of ground chicken mixture.
Layer noodles (uncooked), cottage cheese mixture, mozzarella cheese,
Parmesan cheese, and ground chicken mixture. Repeat layers but save
Parmesan cheese for topping. Cover and let sit in refrigerator over
night. Bake in 37S degree oven for 30 minutes. Let stand about 10
minutes and cut into squares. Makes 6 servings.
6 or 7 medium potatoes, cubed
2 medium onions, diced
Salt and pepper
1 medium stalk celery, diced
1 pound smoked sausage
3 carrots, diced
Peel and cube potatoes, cover
with water, add celery, onions, and
carrot. Add seasoning. Cut sausage
in 1-inch pieces and add. Simmer
until potatoes are done. ScrVc with
Betty Biehl
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