Cl2-lancMter Farming, Saturday, February 22, 1992 LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.) —Heralding a new free, estate planning service, available through John Deere deal ears, Vin cent Siecinski, from John Deere Insurance Company, provided useful information to a group of farmers and dealer representatives from Landis Bros. Inc., Tuesday evening. An out-take from the insurance programs long available to Deere dealers, the new service that includes individualized sug gestions on how to save taxes and probate costs is now availble to customers. “Most estates are made up of various fixed assets accumulated over a lifetime,” Siecinski said. “These accumulations include livestock, crops, machinery and real estate, but very little cash. Upon death, the need for cash can consume the assets and leave very little to pass on to your heirs. A good plan helps to reduce taxes Hollywood: WASHINGTON, D.C. Livestock and poultry farmers and ranchers along with feed, animal health, and equipment companies are mailing actress Candice Beigen coffee mugs with industry logos to hopefully replace a mug from the People for Ethical Treat ment of Animals (PETA) the actress carries in her hit TV show “Murphy Brown.” The coffee cup mail-in is dubbed “Mugs for Murphy” by the Animal Industry Foundation (AJF) Washington, D.C. “We’ve gotten calls from sharp eyed AIF supporters across the country noting Ms. Bergen carried a PETA mug in the last couple of episodes of ‘Murphy Brown.’ While the mug itself is no big deal, we’d like to think an actress of Ms. Bergen’s standing lacks all the facts about radical animal rights groups or maybe she just needs a new mug.” said AIF Executive Director Steve Kopperud. Fanners and ranchers arc proud of the professional care they must give their livestock and poultry, and the quality food products—at affordable prices they provide to meet consumer demand. How ever, farm families are increasing ly frustrated by unfounded public attacks on their livelihoods by uninformed animal rights groups. “Ms. Bergen has a right to her personal philosophy. However, the PETA mug is a very negative sym bol to farmers, ranchers, and others in the food industry.” Kopperud said. “That mug being seen by mil lions every Monday night strikes a Weinberger Horticulture UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.) Dr. John H. Weinberger, a 1928 Penn State graduate, has con tributed $15,000 to Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences to establish the John H. Weinber ger Scholarship in Horticulture. The scholarship will provide recognition and financial assis tance to outstanding undergradu ates enrolled or planning to enroll in the Department of Horticulture. Before h , retirement in 1973, Weinberger worked for 41 years as a research horticulturist for the John Deere Offers New Free Estate Planning Program and settlement expenses. Siecinski said an estate plan seeks to reduce taxes and fees by bypassing probate, removing assets from the estate, and by con trolling the valuation of assets. This is done very legally through joint accounts, contracts, buy/sell agreements and by revocable trusts. In addition, other strategies include gifts made during lifetime, irrevocable trusts, and forming the second- estate. Because of the unified tax cre dit, there is no tax due on estates up to $600,000. Estates over this amount are federally taxed from 37 percent on up to .60 percent depending on the size of the estate. Siecinski said not only should farmers have a will, they should also be sure their wilt is updated to match the present situation in the family and on the farm. Wills made when the children were small or before the present level of Get Animal Facts Straight sensitive nerve with farmers and ranchers.” The public must realize PETA and groups sharing its philosophy seek to end all animal use for all purposes. They use diet and envir onmental propaganda and misin formation, usually staged as publ icity stunts, in order to promote this agenda. Kopperud pointed to last summer’s full-page ad in the “Des Moines Register” bought by PETA comparing meat eat ing to serial murder in Milwaukee, as an example of such a stunt “Now, we want to get the atten tion of the entertainment industry, especially creative people who increasingly inject a one-sided ani mal rights philosophy into TV programs and movies,” Kopperud said. “We want folks to do their homework and learn facts, rather than believing PETA pamphlets,” Kopperud said, offering to meet with the “Murphy Brown” star, introduce her to real farmers, and let them give her the truth of mod em food production. “Writers, producers, directors, actors and others need to under stand there are people at risk from the animal rights philosophy. There are 2.5 million farm families in America, and millions of employees of companies in food production and distribution who rely on those families. In addition, those who rely on animal bypro ducts for day-to-day health, including heart patients, diabetics and others, are concerned. These people see animal rights as a threat Establishes Scholarship U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service. Based principally in Georgia and California, he developed and released 37 fruit varieties, includ ing Fantasia, the leading nectarine variety in the United States; Friar, the leading fresh plum variety; and Flame Seedless, the second most important table grape produced in the country. Weinberger is a member of the Agricultural Research Service Sci ence Hall of Fame and a fellow of the American Society for Horticul tural Science. Vincent Sieclnski gives strategies to reduce estate taxes and fees. assets were achieved may not be representative of what you want your will to do. to their quality of life. “And, if that doesn’t get their attention, studios should at least remember; Folks in agriculture watch lots of TV, buy movie tick ets, and shell out hard-earned dol lars for sponsor products.” Farmers and ranchers are being joined in the “Mugs for Murphy” effort by the U.S. biomedical research community. The National Association for Biomedical Research is calling on its member ship to mail Bergen coffee mugs B MILK. IT DOES A BODY good: MIDDLE ATLANTIC MILK MARKETING ASSOCIATION, INC. To get started, you need to get together with your consultant for a confidential fact-finding scession. with institutional logos. AIF is a charitable education foundation dedicated to educating consumers about modem livestock and poultry production and the quality of life most Americans enjoy because of the efforts of far mers and ranchers. Mugs are being sent to Bergen at the following address: Candice Bergen, The Murphy Brown Show, c/o CBS Television, 524 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019. Then confirm your goals and objectives, develop analysis, review alternatives, make deci sions and come up with an estate plan that distributes assets as desired, maximizes family finan cial security and minimizes estate taxes and costs. Research studies show that tax es and transferring your property at death can take from 10 percent to 70 percent of your assets. A good estate plan will help you reduce this drain from the amount you want your beneficiaries to receive. For more information about this free service from the John Deere Company, call your local John Deere dealer. Or contact Vincent Siecinski at (412) 836-3768.