Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 15, 1992, Image 26

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    A26-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 15, 1992
ADC Locals
Lancaster Farming Staff
MT. JOY (Lancaster
Co.) Members of the Donegal
and Lititz locals of Atlantic Dairy
Cooperative held their annual ban
quet and business meeting Thurs
day at the Country Table restaurant
in Mt. Joy.
More than 130 people attended
the meeting despite hazardous
driving conditions and a snow
storm warning. In addition to
reviewing the organization’s past
year of business, an election of
officers and presentations of
awards were held.
Asa result of the elections, in the
Donegal Local, David Martin is
president, Paul Sauder is vice pres
ident, and Harold Shellenberger is
secretary-treasurer. Also, Earl
Landis and Jacob Conley are dele
gates, while Steve Hershey and
Homer Hess are the alternate
In the Lititz Local. Gerald Mar
tin is president, Larry Hershey is
vice president, and Marvin Sander
is secretary-treasurer. Leonard
Martin, Andrew Miller and Kevin
Smoker were named delegates,
while Nevin Homing, Edward
Sensenig and James Zimmerman
were elected alternate delegates.
It was also announced that the
cooperative’s 75th anniversary
banquet is to be held at the Host
Inn. in Lancaster, in November,
with guest speaker to be Art Link
letter. Further details are to come.
Receiving 25-year awards were
Galen Crouse, Homer Hess,
Andrew Miller, Jim and Sue Muss
er, John Bollinger, Harry D. Beck
er, and James and Ruth Rutt
The cooperative also presents
* < r%
Sllmopule M, the pre-mllklng stimulator/
pulsaler, can ba used with the ACR 3
Control. Thla modem, electronic milking
device perforate stimulation ovary
mllklng-bsltar than by hand and with
uniform reliability. The milking prepara
tion routine can now be a timed event.
Thus, combining the ACR with atlmula
tlon/pulsallon assures efficient Ist down,
milking and taka-off for each Individual cow.
Stlmopuls C For a more
complete mllk-out and
increased milk yields,
Westfalla's Stlmopuls can
do the Job for you. Now
milking stimulation can be
a timed event.
It’s Something Elsel
Specially designed to regulate your milking operation, this
positive pulsed air bleed milker assures harmony between
udder and cluster. Milks with
lower vacuum levels even in
stanchion barns with a high
milk line.
Hold Meeting
awards to those whose somatic cell
counts have been within premium
quality range for 12 months
straight. The two awards presented
were to Ervin Oberholtzer, and
Marvin and Elizabeth Weaver.
There were 21 members, how
ever, who just missed the recogni
tion by one month.
Those people had premium milk
for 11 months were Elmer High,
Leßoy and Rose Martin, Merle and
Doris Stoltzfiis, Robert Kulp, John
Peters, Earl Landis, Harry Becker,
Homer Hess. Marvin Sander,
Jacob Conley, Danda Farms, Bal
mer Brothers, Marvin and Eli
zabeth Weaver, Rhelda and Lynn
Royer, Ivan and Marian Hursh,
Ervin Oberholtzer, Vernon Martin,
Edward Sensenich, Donegal Val
ley Farms. Kenton and Sue Swei
gart, and Nevin and Denise
Officials also discussed the
cooperative’s agreement with the
Class IHA pricing catagory and
said that its economist, James
Fraher, testified against changing
it. Some other dairy farmer organi
zations in the state have recently
announced opposition to the pric
ing change in federal order 4.
Also, members reviewed exam
ples of cooperative-issued milk
checks that account for the now
effective component pricing.
Also discussed was the new anti
biotic in milk permitting system,
whereby a farmer whose milk turns
up positive for antibiotics will be
suspended for 30 days until he
completes a 10-point program with
his fieldman and veterinarian to
review all procedures for maintain
ing an environment that ensures
non-tainted milk being shipped.
□ Reduced Cell Count
□ Longer Productive
Life Of The Cow
□ Increueed Profit*-
Mlllj In The Shed
□ Healthier Udder*
□ Reduced Milking
□ Superior Milking
□ High MUk Yield
Y Z U MPG * -
more ( Mone y Per Gal -)
“M” And
■ Wm Bi I
Il'i Tht
Blit Way
To BtUtr
..ig. iet. years’ membership IrfAtlantlc Dairy Cooperative
are, In the front from the left, Galen Crouse, Homer Hess, and director Rhelda Royer.
From the left rear are Andrew Miller, Jim Musser, John Bollinger and Harry Becker Jr.
for Harry Becker.
(Continued from Page A 18)
Tawnya Wolfhope and Steve
Tawnya joined 4-H in 1978.
She is presently serving as Penn
sylvania Cattlemen's Princess and
is a former Polled Hereford
She won Master Fitter for four
years at the Bedford Fair and. her
proudest moment in raising beef
cattle came this year when her
"Awesome," was awarded
Champion Cow/Calf, best bred
and owned, and grand champion
female at Meadville.
Steve is president of the Junior
Cattlemen's Association and is
majoring in animal science at
Penn State University. A member
of 4-H since 1980, his proudest
moment was receiving the reserve
champion cow/calf award at
Junior Nationals in Lincoln,
Better Management
Today Means
Higher Profit
With the Westfalia
Milk Meter
Now Available With
Retraction Ann On Detacher
Fisher & Thompson, Inc.
: ; wm Equipment &#&* f
in Hour
9 % / ,' A
Cattlemen Hear Expert
A special award for outstanding
ation with Tawnya Wolfhope and Steve Fritz who won youth
awards at the annual banquet.
elation went to Cindy Snyder. It
was presented by Baity Lawery,
FISHER & ffr)
Westfalia’s Metatron gives you the edge in effective,
economical herd management. This DHIA and
USDA approved cowside milk meter provides milk
metering on an individual cow milking for in-parlor
evaluation. Vital information of milk produced,
maximum milk flow, average milk flow and milking
time is also available at cowside. Aids you to better
manage each individual cow.
Automatic cluster removal is another built-in feature
of Westfalia’s Metatron. Dependable and durable,
the Metatron performs with accuracy and precision
when removing the cluster from the cow’s udder.
The Metatron Milk Meter is transparent for visible
operation and designed to take years of use. The
unrestricted, full 1” milk outlet takes into account
all air flow and milk flow requirements for high
producing dairy cows of today and tomorrow. It's
convenient, too, and can be on line mounted, or
remotely mounted out of the operator’s way.
, -Jf
84 Hour