Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 18, 1992, Image 17

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    Lebanon Valley
Livestock Auction
JMIIIII7 14, 1992
CATTLE 125... PDA ...Compared with
list Tueidiy'i market: SI. cowl moitly
steady to .25 lower. One Choice slaughter
steer 66.50, One Choice Holstein 63.00,
few Select 60.75-61.50, few Standard
32.50- few Utility and Low Standard
44.50- Two Choice si heifers 65.00
& 66.50, few Standard 50,75-56.75.
Breaking Utility and Commercial sL cows
47.75-49.00, few to 51.50, Cutter and Bon
ing Utility 43.75-49.00, few to 49.50, one
$3.50, Cmner & Low Cutler 41.25-44.50,
Shells down to 30.00. One Select si. bul
lock 63.75, few Standard 55.00-57.25.
Two Yield Grade No. 1,1440 & 1555 lbs.
si. bulls 59.75 ft 57.50.
CALVES 220,..5ma1l supply vealers
mostly steady. Standard and Good 75/95
lbs. vealers 72.00-75.00, few 80.00,65/70
lbs. 60.00-72.00, Utility 55/80 lbs.
40.00- Farm Calves: Hcd. Bulls No.
1, 80/125 lbs. 130.00-157.00, No. 2.
80/115 lbs. 100.00-135.00, few down to
72.00; No. 1, Hoi. Heifers 85/115 lbs.
120.00- one 180.00. Few Beef
cross 90/95 lbs. bulls and heifers
HOGS 66...8arr0ws and gilts: One US
No. 1-2 25S lbs. barrows and gilts 38.75,
lot 1-3 262 lbs. 36.10, two lots 2-3 238 &
257 lbs. 37.00 & 38.10. Sows; Small supp
ly steady to 3.00 lower. US No. 1-3
325/S6S lbs. sows 25.00-26.50, few down
23.00, few Medium 270/37S lbs.
8.50-18.00. Two Bom 20.00 & 25.00.
FEEDER PIGS 0...N0 market test - per
SHEEP 2...L0( Choice SO lbs. New Crop
Lambs 60.00. - all CwL
GOATS 0...N0 market test - all per
Livestock Auction
'January 15, 1992
CATTLE 253...(PDA)... Supply
included 6 feeder cattle and 116 si. Steen
and heifers ...Compared with last weeks
market; Slaughter steers were steady to
strong. SI. cows .SO to I.SO higher. Choice
1050/1400 lbs. sL steers 68.00-72.00, few
73.25, Select 64.25-68.85; Choice
1350/1635 lbs. Holsteins 62.00-64.00, one
64.75, Select 57.00-61.25. Choice
1050/ISSOlbs. sL heifers 67.00-68.75, one
72.75, few Select 58.00-63.00. Breaking
Utility and Commercial si. cows
47.00- one 51.75, low dressing
45.00- Cutter and Boning Utility
44.50-49.50, few 51.50, Canner A low
Cutter 42.50-46.00, Shells down to 32.00.
One Choice si. bullock 66.85, couple
Select 60.25-61.00. Few Yield Grade No.
1, 1300/1835 lbs. si bulb 56.00-63.00.
Feeder Cattle: Lot Large Frame No. 1,690
lbs. steers 73.00, few Medium Frame No. 1
A 2. 435/880 lb«. 63.00-65.00.
CALVES 123...C0up1e Choice vealers
96.00 ft 109.00, one Good 91.00, Standard
and Good 75/95 lbs. 60.00-82.50, few
65/70 lbs. 50.00, Utility 45/55 lbs.
35.00-41.00. Farm Calves: No. 1, Holstein
Bulls 90/125 lbs. 142.50-159.00, few
80/85 lbs. 120.00-140.00, No. 2, 90/120
lbs. 95.00-145.00, few 75/85 lbs.
77.50- Few No. 1, Hoi. Heifers
90/115 lbs. 135.00-180.00, few No. 2,
85/90 lbs. 80.00-87.50, Few Beef Cross
70/105 lbs. bulls and heifers
1.00 to 2.00 higher. Few US No. 1-2
240/245 lbs. barrows and gilts
38.00-38.50,1-3 220/260 lbs. 35.75-38.00,
few 2-3 265/270 lbs. 33.50-35.50, few 2-4
295/300 lbs. 30.25-33.10, few 1-3 195/205
lbs. 33.00-34.00 SOWS: Steady to weak.
US No. 1-3 300/625 lbs. sows 23.00-26.00,
few 29.50. One Boar 21.50.
FEEDER PIGS 99... US No. 1-3 25/5
lbs. feeder pigs 56.00-63.00, lot 70 lbs
51.00. • per head.
SHEEP 2S...Cholce 80/135 lbs. wool
lambs 56.00-64.00, few Choice 45/85 lbs.
new crop 74.00-80.00. Few Slaughter
sheep 22.00-3XOO. - all Cwt.
GOATS 1.,.0ne Large 47.00, all per
Middleburg Auction
January 14, 1992
CATTLE 628... Report supplied by
auction ...Compared with last weeks mark
et: High Choice & Prime si. steers
70.00- few 1450/1775 lbs.
64.00- Choice 69.00-73.50, Select
63.50- Choice Holsteins
62.50- Select 57.75-62.25. Standard
55.00- Choice si. heifers
68.00- few 74.25, Select
63.00- Standard 58.00-6X75. Break
ing Utility & Commercial si. cows
48.50- Cutter & Boning Utility
47.00- Canner & low Cutter
41.00- Shells 36.00-40.00. Choice
bullocks 64.50-66.75, Select 56.00-6175.
Yield Grade No. 1,1200/1880 Ibi. il. bulls
55.00- #2, 800/1200
lbi,So.oo-SS.OO, Feeder Cattle: Few
Medium Frame No. 1,400/650 lbs, steers
65.00- few Medium Frame No. 1,
400/700 lbs. heifers 55.00-67.00.
CALVES 237...Ch0ice vealers
'95.00-112.50, Good 87.00-90.00, Standard
and Good 60/90 lbs. 65.00-80.00. Farm
Calves; Holstein bulls No. 1, 90/120 lbs.
125.00- N 0.2, 80/85 lbs.
100.00- No. 1. Hoi. Heifers
100/120 lbs. 100.00-142.50.
HOGS 363...0/13/92) - US No. 1-2
2.15/260 lbs. barrows and gilts
36.00- few heavy weight to 39.75,
No. 1. 225/250 lbs. 37.00-37.75 2-3
210/260 lbs. 35.00-36.00, No. 2-4 190/290
lbs. 30.00-35.00. US No. 1-3 275/650 lbs.
sows 24.00-26.00, few It wls. 33.00, 2-3
275/575 lbs. 20.00-24.00. Boars No test
FEEDER PIGS 232... US No. 1-3 20/40
lbs. feeder pigs 21.00-28.00, 40/60 lbs.
29.00- all per head.
SHEEP 57...L0t Choice 120 lbs. wooled
si. lambs 53.00. Sl.Sheep 26.00-32.00, lot
20.00. - all cwt.
GOATS 4...N0 market test
Mercer Livestock
Tuesday, Jan. 14
CHOICE AND PRIME 72.00-73.85;
CHOICE 70.00-72.00; SELECT
66.00-68.50; SELECT AND CHOICE
HOLSTEINS 59.00-65.20.
HEIFERS: CHOICE 69.00-71.75;
SELECT 63.00-65.50.
BULLOCKS: CHOICE 59.75-65.35;
SELECT 52.50-56.75.
BULLS: YG#l 59.00-63.20.
CALVES: 78. CHOICE WT. 145 $1.13;
GOOD WT. 135 $1.00; STANDARD &
GOOD 260 LBS. 80*. 75 LBS., $.70;
$1.45-51.57; #2 100 LBS. $1.25-51.40;
HOGS: 102. BAG US NO. 1-2 230L85.
35.75-37.25; US NO. 1-3 220-240 LBS.
34.00- SOWS US NO. 1-3 350-500
LBS. 22.00-25.00; BOARS 290-400 LBS.
FEEDER PIGS: US NO. 1-3 20/35 LBS.
20.00-22.00, 35/50 LBS. 26.00-30.00,
50/85 LBS. 32.00 PER HEAD.
Farm Show Schedule
(Continued tram Pag* A 1)
The Chuck Wagon food is pre
pared by 15 people working for a
caterer and sold by dozens of vol
unteers who are members of the
Snyder said the volunteers sold -
2,248 units of lamb stew, 20,625
pork barbeque sandwiches, 18,500
roast beef sandwiches, and 6,000
ham and cheese sandwiches.
“It helped considerably,” Snyd
er said of making Saturday open to
die public and making Thursday
the last day. “I’ve seen a lot more
families. And the horse show day,
the horse pulling day, is still the
biggest day.
The day change for the Farm
Show was approved two years ago
by the state Farm Show Commis
sion which was acting mainly to
help exhibitors get out on the road
home before weekend traffic
caused congestions and increased
The result seems to have been a
stimulation of interest in the show.
Several hundred animals were
turned away this year. The dairy
show was bigger. More people
showed up overall.
Pennsylvania Department of
Agriculture Secretary Boyd Wolff
said he was also very pleased with
the results. He is chairman of the
Farm Show Commission.
- all per
“I thought we had great atten
dance, great weather and a great
time, but I’m most pleased with the
fact that I talked to commercial
exhibitors who told me they were
pleased with the level of interest in
their products,” Wolff said.
"I am also pleased with the
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 18, 1992-Al7
$25,000 price paid for the'Farm
Show steer. That’s a big record
that may stand for a while,” Wolff
Gene Schenck, press secretary
for Wolff said, “I think the com-
mission is very obviously pleased
with the decision to go to opening
the show on Saturyda with the idea
to attract people. They certainly
were correct in their assumption.
“I don’t think anybody disputes
the fact that it was a good move.
Every day was a big crowd,”
Schenck said.
Events such as the youth rodeo,
the selection for the supreme dairy
cow, and others were packed.
“It could be the (good) wealh-
cr,” Schcnck said Thursday. "But
even today, last year they were
tearing down at noon. This year
people were showing products
right up till closing time.”
The dates for the 1993 show
have been released. The 76th Farm
Show is to run from Jan. 9 to Jan