Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 21, 1991, Image 46

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    86-Lancaster Firming, Saturday, Otcember 21, 1991
Party Time Ideas
It’s the most festive lime of the
year. The air sparkles with good
will. Hospitality, which often gets
pushed aside by everyday routine,
warms with the glow of the season.
What better time to have a
To help with the menu plan
ning, the National Broiler Council
developed three new recipes espe
cially for holiday entertaining. All
arc finger foods, ideal for a large
open house or a drop-in for a few
close friends. Because of its high
protein content, chicken is an
excellent choice for hors
d’ocuues when alcoholic bever
aged arc served. Or, it is light
enough to accompany your favo
rite fruit punch.
Fill the chafing dish with
Creamy Tomato Chicken Dip and
place a bowl of hot nacho chips
nearby. Made with ground chick
en, this slightly spicy mixture is an
appetizing blend of flavors.
America’s favorite finger food,
chicken drummettes, get special
treatment in this recipe for Dijon
Chicken Drummettes Deluxe.
They are quick and easy, baked in
the oven.
Sesame Chicken Nuggets with
Red Plum Sauce adds a bright
touch to the party table. The
chicken can be prepared in
advance and baked at the last
minute to serve warm.
Smart hostesses who depend on
convenient chicken throughout
the year for wholesome everyday
meals can also count on chicken
for holiday party treats that please
their guests and make entertaining
a pleasure.
1 pound ground chicken
Yi cup chopped onion
1 clove garlic, minced
1 can (8 ounces) tomato sauce
'A cup catsup
'/ teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon sugar
1 package (8 ounces) cream
'A cup grated Parmesan cheese
Heat frypan to medium temper
ature. Add chicken, onion and
garlic and cook, stirring, until
chicken is brown and onion is ten
der, about 5 minutes. Add tomato
sauce, catsup, sugar and oregano.
Stir well, cover, reduce heat to low
and simmer about 10 minutes.
Add rhecses, stirring and cooking
on low until cheese is melted and
well mixed into dip, about 3
minutes. Serve in chafing dish
with warm nacho chips for dip
ping. Makes about 3 cups dip.
mam m m'm mam mim mam mam mim mim mtm mimmim mim mi
i Recipe Topics *
| If you have recipes for the topics listed below, please share g
| them with us. We welcome your recipes, but ask that you g
S include accurate measurements, a complete list of ingre- I
« dients and clear instructions with each recipe you submit. I
| Send your recipes to Lou Ann Good, Lancaster Farming, P.O. I
I Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Recipes should reach our office |
f one week before publishing date. |
| December
1 January
3 4- Lo-Cal Recipes
3 11- Mushroom Ideas
5 18- Soups and Stews I
28* Ideas For Leftovers *
Home On The Band
(not pictured)
VA pounds boneless, skinless
broiler-fryer chicken breasts,
cut into chunky nuggets
1 cup non-fat plain yogurt
/* teaspoon oregano
'A teaspoon basil
'A teaspoon rosemary
'A teaspoon thyme
2 cups fresh bread crumbs
1 cup sesame seed
VA teaspoons salt
'A teaspoon pepper
Red Plum Sauce (recipe
With kitchen shears, cut chick
en breasts into about 70 nuggets.
In medium bowl, mix together
yogurt, oregano, basil, rosemary
and thyme. On wax paper, mix
together bread crumbs, sesame
seed, salt and pepper. Cover a
10/4 by IS'/J by 1-inch baking
pan with foil; spray with vegetable
cooking spray. Dip each nugget in
yogurt mixture and then roll in
crumb-sesame mixture. Arrange
nuggets in single layer in prepared
pan. Bake in 325° F. oven for
about 20 minutes. Turn oven set
ting to “Broil” and continue cook
ing until nuggets are brown on
top, about 3 minutes. Serve on
heating tray with warm Red Plum
Sauce for dipping. Makes about
70 hors d’oeuvres.
VA cups whipping cream
1 pound semi-sweet chocolate,
broken into pieces
'A cup unsalted butter, at room
temperature and cut in pieces
1 cup sifted confectioners sugar
2 tablespoons orange flavor li
queur OR 'A teaspoon orange
Dutch-process cocoa OR regu
lar cocoa
Place whipping cream in 3-quart
heavy saucepan. Heat until cream
just begins to boil, stirring fre
quently. Remove from heat Stir in
chocolate and butter until melted.
Stir in sugar. Cool to lukewarm;
stir in orange liqueur. Refrigerate,
covered, 2 hours. To form, shape
approximately 1 tablespoon into
ball.* Roll in cocoa, store in
refrigerator until ready to package
as gifts. Will keep up to 3 weeks.
♦ Work with half of mixture at a
time. Keep remaining half
refrigerated. Dust hands lightly
with cocoa while shaping mixture,
repeat as needed.
Carrie Bryant
Wayne Co. Dairy Princess
For holiday entertaining, chicken Joins the party in two appealing dishes—Creamy
Tomato Chicken Dip and Dijon Chicken Drummettes Deluxe.
In small saucepan, mix together
the following:
Va cup red plum jam
'A cup orange juice
Juice and grated peel of 1 lemon
1 teaspoon prepared mustard
/* teaspoon ground ginger
'/• teaspoon hot pepper sauce
Heat until jam is completely
melted. Stir in 1 tablespoon dry
white wine and serve warm for
dipping with Sesame Chicken
VA cups granulated sugar
1 cup butter
4 eggs
'A pound grapes, cut up
Pinch salt
1 cup English walnuts
1 cup black walnuts
1 pound dates, cut up
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking powder
3 cups flour
1 teaspoon vanilla
Cream sugar and butter. Add
eggs and vanilla, beat again. Add
dry ingredients, salt* cinnamon,
baking powder, baking soda, and
flour. Blend. Add walnuts, raisins,
grapes, and dates. Drop by spoon
ful onto cookie sheet. Bake at 37’S
degrees for 12 minutes. Makes a
moist cookie.
Verna Judy
♦ *
* *
'A pound butter
1 pound brown sugar
3 eggs
'/] cup hot water
1 teaspoon baking soda, dissol
ved in hot water
5 cups flour
Verna Judy
(Turn to Page B 8)
I Featured Recipe [
3 As Lancaster County Dairy Princess, Robyn Groff looks for crca- 1
3 live ways to promote milk nature’s most nearly perfect food. Last |
3 week she appeared with Santa Cow at an elementary school in Ephrata. |
3 She handed out milk, cookies, Real seals, and cups to the students. |
3 Robyn is the daughter of Robert and Esther Groff of Mount Joy. |
3 When Robyn was growing up, her dad worked as a herdsman for vari-1
| ous farmer. Robyn helped with the milking and feeding calves. She |
| owns two Ayrshire and two Jersey cows. 3
3 Here are two recipes that have been handed down through Robyn’s |
3 family. She hopes you will enjoy them during your holiday m
| entertaining. 3
| 8-ounces cream cheese I
a 2 packets George Washington broth (rich brown variety) |
3 Onion salt I
I Milk §
I Soften cream cheese. Add George Washington broth, onion salt (to |
| taste), and small amount of milk. Stir until smooth and creamy. Serve |
• with snack crackers, veggies or fruit. *
1 cup ground walnuts
I 1 gallon milk 3
3 '/j gallon strawberry ice cream, softened S
3 1 10-ounce can strawberry daiquiri frozen concentrate, softened 3
3 Mix ingredients in a large container. Serves 10 to 15. i
dk> * m** •
'•SlfcJl Up**,
' ..A *
Cream together sugar and but
ler. Add beaten eggs, flour, baking
soda, and nuts. Shape into 2 rolls.
Chill one hour or overnight in the
refrigerator. Slice thin. Place on
greased cookie sheets. Bake at 350
degrees about 10 minutes. Watch
to prevent burning.
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