Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 21, 1991, Image 32

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    A32-Lancaster Fanning. Saturday, December 21, 1991
Co.) The Perry County Dairy
Herd Improvement Association
held its annual meeting late
November in celebration of the
completion of 66 years of DHIA
testing in Perry County.
After a ham dinner, prepared
and served by members of the Ick
esburg Fire Company, county
president and state DHIA director
Brooks Smith addressed the group.
He talked about the financial
status of the state organization and
reviewed several recent state board
James Garrity, from Pa.DHIA,
spoke on the process of
Researchers Offer New Bull
CLAYTON, Mo. Canadian
dairy researchers and the breeding
industry have developed a unique
bull-rating scale know as the Life
time Profitability Index, or LPI.
Introduced in the January gene
tic evaluation run in 1991, LPI was
created to give dairymen and
breeders an easy way to choose the
best sires.
According to Dr. Jack Dekkers,
a dairy specialist at the University
of Guelph, Ontario, "LPI is a mea
suring criterion that puts focus on
the most profitable available bulls.
It's an effective initial guideline for
selection. Then the producer can
make a specific choice from within
that group of high-LPI sires."
LPI attempts to rank sires on the
average lifetime profit potential of
They traveled
lar and wide so
all could revel
r»di« nee j
Hive htih
down to earth
seed company
reorganization the voluntary
centralization and standardization
of administrative DHIA services
which many counties have joined
and which is still being considered
in other counties.
Perry County has yet to vote on
reorganization and Garrity fielded
questions from the audience on the
impact of reorganization to testing
fees, service and other program
In other business, county agent
Dave Swartz and president Brooks
Smith presented awards for high
cows in milk and protein within
age groups.
Those cows and owners were: 2
year old milk and protein: Cow
their daughters, based on the two
factors that have been shown to
have the largest impact on profita
bility: production and herd life.
LPI is weighted more heavily on
production, Dekkers said, because
it's the major factor contributing to
dairy profits.
But to maximize the lifetime
profitability of a cow, she needs to
stay in the herd for several years.
Even the most productive cows
aren't worth much if they last only
a couple of lactations. That's why
LPI considers potential herd life in
determining a cow's eventual
However, since there are no
direct measures of herd life, the
sire's proofs for certain type traits
are incorporated.
Announcing a Good Deal
And A Good New Dealer
We're proud to be representing NC+ Hybrids in
this area. And we're ready to meet your needs with a
complete lineup of high-yielding varieties including
Com, Sorghum, Forages, Soybeans, Alfalfa. NC+ has
earned a solid reputation for combining quality and
performance with good service. If you're
ready to introduce new varieties into \
your planting lineup 4»fr^ W
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U» Al
Perry DHIA Holds Meeting
#5l- 24.693 lbs, milk and 786 lbs.
protein; owned by Perry Kretzing
and Sons, Loysvillc.'3 year old
milk and protein: Molly- 28,684
lbs. milk and 883 lbs. protein;
owned by Carl Martin, Ickesburg.
4 year old milk and protein; Lilly
-29,592 lbs. milk and 947 lbs. pro
tein; owned by Ken and Jane Ben
ner, Millerstown. 5 year old milk
and protein: Marcie- 30,192 lbs.
milk and 933 lbs, protein; owned
by M. W. Smith Farms, Newport,
Aged cow milk and protein: Cow
#490- 30,670 lbs. milk and 943 lbs.
protein; owned by Nevin Rice",
Rating Index
"Here some assumptions are
made in the LPI formula,” Dekkets
said," but past research has found a
positivie relationship between
these particular type traits and a
cow's longevity."
Current and future research will
attempt to determine the impor
tance of type traits more clearly, as
well as that of other traits, such as
calving ease and milking speed.
LPI considers a cow’s final
class, feet and legs, mammaly sys
tem, and capacity all elements
The following herds received
(Turn to Page A 33)
RD 1 Box 260
Zion Grow*, PA 17985
awards for top herd management
within their production class. Over
19.000 lbs. rolling herd average;
Carl & Brent McMillcn, Loysville;
Nevin Rice, Blain; Melvin Weav
er, Ickesburg. In the 17,000-
19.000 lb production class, win
ners were: J. Marvin Landis,
Liverpool, Issac Wenger, Landis
burg and Trout Brothers, Blain. In
the 17,000 lb production class,
winners were: Ron Fauth, Loysvil
le; Jason Burkholder, Ickesburg;
.ry uanq
from left in the back row, Ken Benner, Perry Kretzlng, and
Brent McMilien. From the left front are Jason Burkholder, J.
Marvin Landis, and Nevln Rice.
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Steve High, Loysville.
Perry County DHIA had 68
DHIA herds and 6 owner sampler
herds tested by supervisors Mike
O'Toole, David Shenk 111 and
Walter Stydinger. The herds aver
aged 17,988 lbs. milk, 651 lbs. fat,
and 570 lbs. protein. Over 4,800
cows were tested monthly.
Jason Burkholder, Ickesburg
and Vance Kietzing, Loysville,
were elected to the county DHIA
board of directors.
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