Congressional Inaction Leaves Dairy Farms’ Fate To Market Forces (Continued from Page Al 7) crs Federation. The federation, which represents many of the nation’s cooperatives in Washing ton, was at die forefront of lobby ing efforts for new legislation. Those efforts ended when the Senate, in a close vote in late November, declined to approve a proposal that would have raised the federal government’s milk sup port price a dollar and established a voluntary supply management program. A similar bill already had been shot down in the House of Representatives. The inaction leaves the support price at its current $lO.lO a hun dredweight level (for milk contain ing 3.67-percent butterfat) and plenty of leeway for the M-W price to decline. It was the unprecedented M-W declines of last fall and winter that drove area milk prices to their low est levels in more than a decade and prompted calls for action from Washington. The federation came out in support of a package of changes that included the support price boost, an increase in the amount of non-fat solids the gov ernment requires in fluid milk and Flexible Payment Schedules Fixed Competitive Payments Get If you’re a Telmark customer who acts now, you can put the “breaks” on this year’s tax bill. Order your equipment with a signed lease by December 31, and get 100% tax-deductible payments this year. Plus, with an annual payment schedule, you can benefit from a large tax write-off this year and not make a second payment for as many as 12 full months. . You’ll have several more good reasons to look forward to a happy new year. You can lock in your order now and take delivery in 1992. You’ll enjoy fixed, competitive payments and can choose a payment schedule that allows you to skip payments in the months or season of lowest income. You also can get whatever you want right now without jeopardizing your ability to fully depreciate other assets bought earlier in the year* Find out how lease financing can help you get all the year-end breaks you deserve. Contact your local Telmark representative today, or call 315-449-7964. •Leuini docs not iriner the mid-