A History And Perspective Of The Pennsylvania DHIA Program (Continued from Pago 822) record milk and fat only, at a cost of not less than 50% of the regular testing fee. April 1955 Gilmore read a communication from USDA outlin ing a proposal for a nationwide plan for processing DHIA records using IBM. Dave Putney was hired as the attorney for State DHIA and was to be paid $5O per year for his service. May 1955 PA DHIA would be financed as follows; *s3 per year for all DHIA members. *5O per cow per month for a National IBM Service Fee. • 10 per first service per year from State ABC's. »$2 per year from associate mem bers (anyone interested in DHIA). Total income projected at $93,000. Directors to be paid 7e per mile and $lO per diem. July 1955 Joint meeting of PA Dairymen Assoc., DHIA, Col lege of Agriculture, and State ABCs. Advanced Registry (AR) and Herd Improvement Registry (HIR) is budgeted and supervised by Paul William, Prof. Dairy Husbandry in Dairy Dept DHIA had budgetand supervised in Dairy Extension Dept. August 1955. Merger of AR, HIR, and DHIA discussed. Space was a problem. Basement of Borland Lab available. October 1955 New county assessment set at 50/$ 100 payroll to meet state DHIA expenses. Need agreement with PSU before further developing plan to set up DHIA on IBM. April 1956 Memorandum of Understanding drawn up between PSU and DMA. State Board requested Extension Director Albrecht to add a third Dairy Specialist to facilitate improve ment of testing programs. August 1956 Presented a resolution to the state Legislature F b°oxes ■ Higher stn capacities ■ 5-spccd hydraulic apron drivi ■ “Supcrslicl decks ■ Lifetime warranted decks and sides Rmifler TUMBLE- ■ Complete mlxli MIX no und ® rm|xin ( FEED WEIGHER/ B Extreme f accuracy with electronic scales B Simple, efficient, trouble-free drive system B Handles variety of feedstuff* ALL JL3ufek «** ' ' - V/ Strength, Speed And Efficiency BOX SPREADERS ■ Aggressive, widespread beaters i ms! UNLOADERS •rive And Pack Drive requesting an appropriation for proper maintenance of DHIA. March 1,1957 selected as target date for records to start coming to PSU. Funds for operation of central records program to be paid by Districts to State DHIA and then to College of Agriculture. 213 Borland estab lished as a permanent address of PA DHIA. Memorandum of Agreement between College of Agriculture and PA DHIA signed, effective March 1957. Cost established at 50 per cow per month. Counties not organized on county wide basis must do so by January 1957. PA DHIA borrowed money from PSU to get started. It will take from March 1957 to c September 1957, as herds complete their testing year, to get everyone enrolled in central processing program. May 1957 Early estimate of six day average turn around lime for records not being met. Letter to DHIA members apologizing for 15 day delay. Slow down due to PSU not being able to hire females to work night shift on key punches, and not being able to get delivery of key punches and verifiers; supervisor mistakes in complet ing bam sheets; duplicate herd codes; supervisors hold ing bam sheets and then sending in apacketof 10 to 15 herds at one time; supervisor omitting some informa tion, etc. were given as reasons for slow turn around lime. Pittsburgh IBM Service signed a contract guarantee ing 10 day service on records but were running 17 days making PSU 30 days late getting records back to far mers. Bam sheets not getting back in lime for next months test. 79,000 cows emolled now - about 8,000 more than expected. Agnes Blair hired to check bam sheets and correct errors and omissions before sheets go to key puncher. Larry Specht hired into Dairy Extension to work with computer processing of DHIA records. EFFECTIVE DEC. 1, 91 WAIVER TILL MAY 1, '92 LOW RATE FINANCING • 0% ■ 12 MO. • 7.9V24 Mo. • 9.9V36 Mo. OR CASH DISCOUNT IN LIEU OF FINANCING EFFECTIVE DEC. 1, 91 WAIVER TILL MAY 1, ’92 OR LOW RATE FINANCING •0% • 12 MO. • 7.9V24 Mo. • 9.9V36 Mo. on CASH DISCOUNT IN LIEU OF FINANCING WAIVER OF FINANCE FOR 4 MONTHS OR LOW RATE FINANCING ■ Badger built-tough and dependable Ing - ig or WAIVER OF FINANCE TILL JULY 1, ’92 OR -LOW RATE FINANCING • 0%*12 MO. • 7.9%-24 MO. • 9.9%-36 Mo. OR CASH DISCOUNT IN LIEU OF FINANCING December 1956 July 1957 SEE TOUR LOCAL BADGER DEALER FOR DETAILS FANCY FURROW FARMS AG EQUIP., MC. RR 1, UNaf Rd Euton, PA 18042 (215) 252-8828 HONESDALE SPREADING SERVICE MC. 505 Cliff SL Honaadala, PA 18431 (717) 253-2410 CHIDESTER FARMS RD 2, Box 75 Kingalay, PA 18828 (717) 289-4280 MELVIN Q. MILLER RT 2, Spring Mill, PA 18875 (814) 422-8279 BHM FARM EQUIP. INC. RR 1, Annvllto. PA 17003 (717)867-2211 PIKEVILLE EQUIPMENT INC. RT 2. Olay, PA 19647 (215) 987-6277 SHOW EASE STALL CO. 573 Willow Rd. Uncuttr, PA 17801 (717) 299-2536 DEERFELO AG A TURF CENTER, MC. RD 2, Box 212 Wataontown, PA 17777 (717) 538-3557 HEFLIN SUES t SERVICE 12312 Oak Hill Rd Woodtboro, MO 21796 (301) 896-3233 CHAMBERSBURQ FARM SERVICE 975 S Main St Chambaraburg, PA 17201 - (717) 284-3533 SOMERSET BARN EQ. RD «S Somaraaf, PA 15501 (814) 445-5555 McMR-LEN BROS. RD 1 Box 134 Loyavilla, PA 17047 (717) 789-3981 HESS' EQUPMEHT Salaa 8 Sanrioa RR 3, Mlftltnburg, PA 17644 (717) 966-2720 966-1998 I.G. AG SALES* PO Box 200 silvafdala, PA 18962 (215) 257-5136 * WbMl Good! Only Lancaster mining, Saturday, December 7,1991*823 October 1957 State Board meetings moved from two limes/yr to quarterly meetings. Carl Hollinger moved to the Penn State staff from fieldman position to expedite records processing. January 1958 152,000 cows enrolled - two counties yet to send records in; 1 £5,000 cows by end of January. December 10 records being punched on January 2. March 1958 Moved to bond the Secretary-Treasurer. July 1958 Changed year end for all herds to September 30. All new herds to be charged $5 plus a 100/cow sur charge to reduce debt. Gilmore no longer Secretary of Board. October 1958. First year DHIA records were summarized by computer. All personnel working with DHIA were moved to ground floor of Borland Lab. Putney, the attorney for PA DHIA still at $5O/yr fee. Earl Johnson moved from fieldman position to be a records checker. April 1959 PA one of 4 states with 100% central processing of records. Projected budget for 1959-60 included $14,500 for debt liquidation. 10 days now turn around time for records. Insurance program is limited to Liability and Auto. Discussion on hiring a part time Secretary- Treasurer. April 1960 Cost to process a record is 15.640/cow. Still $35,962 deficit owed to PSU, up $lOOO from a year ago. Must schedule a meeting with University to resolve this problem. (Turn to Pag* 824)