814-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 7, 1991 A History And Perspective Of The Pennsylvania DHIA Program (Continued from Page A 1) Section 2 Cow Testing Associations, The Early History and Development In 190 S Helmer Rabild, a Danish immigrant, was an inspector for the Michigan Dairy and Food Commis sion. He organized a meeting of dairymen to discuss the formation of a cow testing association. In 1906, as a result of his plan. 31 herds with 239 cows made up the first cow testing association in the United States. In 1908 Rabild joined theUSDA, Division of Dairying, to develop and extend organized cow testing on a nation wide basis. Maine and New York started associations in 1908, Vermont, lowa, California, Wisconsin and Nebraska in 1909, and by 1929 all states had cow test ing associations. Pennsylvania began organizing in 1910 when a group of 20 dairymen in Chester County started the Brandywine testing association. In 1913 Bradford County organized, in 1914 Washington County, and in 1915 Lycoming, Susquehanna, Warren, Allegheny, Mercer, and Cumberland Counties. In some counties where cow numbers were not as great, milk testing clubs of six or eight dairymen were formed. They weighed the milk, kept daily records, and once each month took a sample from each cow to a Farm Bureau office or other designated location and had it tested for fat content. In 1914 the Smith-Lever Act established Coopera tive Extemion. County Agents, State Extension Spe cialists, Federal Extemion. along with interested dairy men gave the records program local control and nation al exposure, as well as increased stability and uniformity. In 1924 the Dairy Records Committee of American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) stimu lated active interest in formulating rules and proce dures to promote greater uniformity and effectiveness of testing throughout the United States. In 1925 a set of uniform rules for cow testing was adopted by ADSA. In 1926 it was recognized that the name Cow Testing Association did not adequately define the full function of the organization. ADSA suggested the name of Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA), which was officially adopted in 1927. At the same time the HOG SLAT Proctor Crate Features A Unique Hydraulic Cylinder Which Allows The Crate’s Sides To Expand And Lowers Them Gently To The Floor To Prevent Crushing. WRITE OR CALL FOR YOUR FREE CATALOG M tip % QUALITY INSTALLATION committee urged that employees be referred to as DHIA Supervisors rather than cow testers. From 1910 to 1920 many counties in Pcnmylvania formed cow testing clubs and association!. Early Dairy Specialists E. B. Fitts and Roscoe Welch, along with County Agents, were involved in promoting produc tion testing, and their efforts and results are docu mented in die County Extension Annual Reports from that period. In 1921 Penn State intensified its effort to build a stronger educational program by hiring a full time person to summarize production and feed records of dairymen whose herds were on test Iver Oleson Sidelmann. a Danish immigrant schooled at the Royal Agricultural College in Copen hagen, had worked at developing cow testing programs in Denmark. He saw an announcement in the paper for a person to go to Poland to organize and conduct dairy testing. He left college and went to Poland, and from there he moved on to Russia, Finland, Sweden, Eng land, Scotland, Iceland, and Holland. He had, by this time, become involved in marketing dairy cattle. World War I effectively shut down his marketing busi ness, and he came to the United States hoping to carry on his enterprise. The advent of Hoof and Mouth dis ease in Europe destroyed his import business plans, and he rekindled his first interest in dairy testing. While at Penn State he remained involved at the international level as an interpreter for the Worlds Dairy Congress. He spoke 9 different languages and dialects. From 1921 until his retirement in 1946, his sole responsibili ty was to summarize production records. He traced Pennsylvania records back to the year 1910, which pro vided a yearly summary of DHIA since its beginning. In 1923 Charles Gearhart became the first Extension Dairy Specialist in PA to devote full time to an educa tional program utilizing records from DHIA. He assisted County Agents and dairymen in organizing and managing new association!. Gearhart was very per sonable and a master educator, and his presence at Penn State brought a burst of energy and direction to the DHIA program. His appointment coincided with die 1924 efforts by ADS A and the National Dairy Records Committee to give more visibility to the value of records as a management tool for dairymen. PROCTOR HYDRAULIC FARROWING CRATE Hydraulic Farrowing Crate PREVENTS CRUSHING Moi Ph: H L 1 rB 7 '£ r n 4 ;? 488 7:00 to 4:30; Sat. 8:00 to 12:00 CONFINEMENT SYSTEMS INC. 608 E. Evergreen Rd., Lebanon, PA 17042 * A /V £ ;t Losses Are Due To Crusl Section 1 Introduction Section 2 Cow Testing Associations, The Early History and Development Scction3 The Structuring of DHIA in Pennsylvania Section 4 County Agents, Dairy Extension, and DHIA Section S Penn State University and DHIA Section 6 Artificial Breeding Cooperatives and DHIA Section 7 The Pennsylvania Dairymens Associa tion and DHIA Section 8 ADS A, USDA. and DHIA Section 9 The DHIA Supervisor Section 10 Selected Highlights from Minutes of State DHIA Section 11 Summary of Highlights and Dates of DHIA Activity Section 12 Past Presidents of State DHIA3S Section 13 PA Dairymen serving as President NDHIA Section 14 DHIA General Managers Section IS State Management Districts/Areas for Fieldmen Section 16 Summary Comments The goal of producing accurate production records and feed data was very important to DHIA. The success of this effort depended largely on the DHIA Supervi sors. Finding supervisors was a problem, and retaining them an even larger problem. To solve these problems Gearhart started a two week shortcourse at Penn State. Supervisors were taught how to weigh and sample milk, run the Babcock Test, keep the herd books, and they learned the rules and regulations affecting records and herd tests. Upon successfully completing the short course, the student was given a certificate of approval to conduct a testing program. Six shortcourses were held each year, over a period of many years. Up to 30 supervisors would attend each shortcourse. A list of homes in State College with rooms to rent was provided to each student Room, (Turn to Page B 15) PROCTOR CRATE Installed On HOG SLAT Combination Slat thing Pig Mortality Can Put A Big Dent In Profits. Tests Confirm That The PROCTOR Crates Will Return The Initial Investment In 3 Years Or Less By Reducing Crushing! TABLE OF CONTENTS