Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 07, 1991, Image 23

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    been fanstatic, by any standard. He
said he had been running at 67,000,
finished up in September with
108.000, but has been as low as
“I was third in the county this
last year,” Hunsinger said, but
added that he can’t pinpoint what
he is doing, exacdy, that is keeping
it down.
“To put my finger on one thing
. . . we don’t know. I dry treat
everything. I post dip. Problem
cows don’t slay here too long. I try
to keep cows as clean as possible,”
he said.
He said he gets his wood shav
ings from a wood working shop in
Other aspects of herd manage
ment that Hunsinger said he
focuses on includes the number of
days a cow stays “open,” or not
pregnant “The days open, I really
stay on that the longer they stand
there not milking, the more it costs
me.” His average days open was
112, good enough for the full five
He does most all of the breed
ing, raising almost all of his
replacements. His average ser
vices per pregnancy is 2.3, which
is good enough to'earn a point.
“I do a fairly decent job with
heifers, most freshen at 2 years or
thereafter,” he said, noting that
while the recommendations are to
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freshen heifers at 24 months, and
his average is 27 months, he has a
reason for the relatively late aver
age age at first calving.
“I like my heifers to freshen in
the fall. I have more time to spend
with them, and I think it’s a little
easier on them in colder weather,
there are no flies, parasites,” he
There are other things that could
be changed at the Hunsinger farm,
but he said he won’t change things
unless it adds to the overall
There could be some future
change in operation, depending on
how committed the governors are
who signed the pact to save the
Delaware River Bay. Hunsinger
said he is waiting for some cost
sharing funds, similar to the Che
sapeake Bay program, to put in a
manure collection system.
Currently he spreads manure
every day with a conventional
spreader. “That’s something that’s
going to change in the future,” he
said. “We had that in mind. When
we built the bam, we were figuring
on building a lagoon,” he said.
But other than that, Hunsinger
said he has no real major changes
in direction planned for the farm.
“At this point, I have no changes
planned,” he said. “I can’t see get
ting any bigger. I’m more or less
happy where I am. The only thing.
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is if my sons decide to stay, then
some years down the road, we’re
going to have to expand. Other
than that. I’m content, though I
would like to build a heifer facility
here at home."
Home is the 300-acre farm,
located in the hilly, northeastern
comer of Susquehanna County.
Most of the farm acreage is wood
land, with about 115 acres tillable.
Hunsinger rents fields on two other
farms to grow mostly com.
NAILE Announces
Steer Show Winners
champion single steer and grand
champion pen of three in the feeder
steer show went to Highview Farm
of Hillsboro, Ohio.
Kohler Farms, Kohler, Wis.,
had reserve grand champion single
steer, with Jack and Lori Sievers,
Randolph. Neb., winning reserve
grand champion pen of three. Pre
miums for the winners were $3OO
champion single steer, $l5O
reserve champion single steer,
$5OO champion pen of three, and
$250 reserve champion pen of
Feeder steer entries were up this
year, even though the economy has
created a lower market for the
feeders steers. Close to 30 single
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 7, 1991-Ai
With his wife Pat, sons Leslie,
12, and Brandon, 10, helping out
with whatever chores they can, his
father Dewey Sr. doing the majori
ty of the feeding, the family farm
operates well, he said.
In fact, it is a century farm that
dates back directly to 1867. Hun
singer said he knew that the farm
was in the family for more than
100 years, but didn’t apply for the
steers were exhibited along with
30 pens of three. Though the show
is in its 16th year, this is only the
second year singles and pens of
three have been exhibited. In pre
vious years, only pen of five clas
ses were shown.
While the commercial market
maybe down, the interest for these
animals is still high. Jim Clay
comb, ring announcer for the
show, said. The purpose of these
animals is to be fitted and showed
as prospects for steers. People buy
them now. having in mind to pre
pare them for next year’s shows.”
John Hanly, superintendent of
the feeder steer show, said, "Agri
culture is the backbone of our
country. It will always be there.
century farm award until two years
ago, after getting the research and
documentation needed.
“My original descendants came
here in 1814, but the farm was out
of our family for a year I think
the owner was killed in the Civil
War,” he said. The family bought
the farm back however in 1867 and
regained the family legacy on that
The beef industry looks to be in
demand for a long time. Ameri
cans enjoy eating beef and there is
more demand nationwide for
All cattle entered in the feeder
steer show and shown were sold at
auction during the evening.
The sale is an opportunity for
youths to purchase quality animals
for their 4-H and FFA projects.
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