Bio-Lancaatar Farming, Saturday, Octobar 12, 1981 Plenty Of Challenges In the wheelbarrow race, Morgan Firestone races aroun the track while being careful not to dump her pumpkin jSi . and v jse recei sylvan^ Beef Council Beef Backer award, for creative beef menus and maintaining the highest quality standards for beef. The steak house has 26 locations In the state. Kids At KILE For /$\ QCTOBER i <1 s * * oP The Ag Olympics sponsored by Lebanon Valley National Bank attracted kids of all ages at KILE. National hog caller, Glen Kean told the kids to call your pig as loud as you can. The three-way tie in the hog calling contest was broken by a repeat performance. Margo Firestone hands ribbons to winners from left, Jimmy Hostetter of Ohio, Chris, and Darvy. U I i “5 M ! t » *MI * * I f m wMH 1 • * Four Howard County 4-H club members turned their nutrition knowledge into championship trophies during the 4-H Senior Food and Nutrition Bowl at the Mary land State Fair in Tlmonlum. The winning team comprised (from left to right): Katie Norman, 16, of Fulton; Christine Beck, 16, of Jussup; Thembl Scott, 13, of Columbia; and Paul Menard, 15, of Laurel. ,iT' »• I g m * ■# Art'nJ «•* nr I.