You can buy a Used Combine now, while you have an excellent choice. Don’t hesitate! Act Now! Choose from one of the following categories: LOW HOUR AXIAL FLOW COMBINES Our customers traded these combines to get Low Rate Financing from CASE Credit. When you purchase one, you can also get 5.9% financing for 4 years. If you’d like a NEW CASE IH Axial Flow Combine backed by Hoober’s Service, but you can’t afford it; this choice is yours. You can afford one of these machines equipped with SPECIALTY ROTORS. cm 1640 1986 1 504 Hra 28Lx26 A C| H 1660, 1986, 1550 Hr*., 24.5x32; CIH 1660,1986,1,615 Hrs., 30.5x32; IH 1460, 1985, 2191 Hr*., 30.5x32 & 18 4x16.1 AC ’aHHC Saints F**d 16.4x16.1, AC, AHHC, GL Monitor, 18.4x16.1, AC, AHHC, GL Monitor, 18.4x16.1 AC, AHHC, Spinrs, Chopr Rcvar 0J6153) ’** ’ Splnr*, Feedr R*v*r, Rml To Grnd, Spinrs, Feed Redvsr, Reel to Grnd, (U 6238) ’ Rock Tr*p, Specialty Rotor, Chop- Hyd. Fore & Alt (USS6B) per, 2 Spd. Hydro. (U 6136) PRICE - We. 3M*OQ NOW $58,800 m %Mfc3 r • * _2>** IH 1460,1981, 3,500 Hr*., 67x34.30 8 18.4x16.1 AC, AHHC, Gl Monitor, Feedr Revsr, Chopr (U 5801) PRICE - Wao 396|C0a NOW $32,900 CONVENTIONAL COMBINES AC F 2, 1979, 1,041 Hrs., 23.1x26 & 11x16 AC, Spinrs, 438 Cornhd, 13' Platfm (U 5634) PRICE Wat 9t9|SQa NOW $16,800 IH 1460,1982, 28Lx26 & 18.4x16.1, IH 1460,1978, 4,179 Hr*., 28Lx26 & IH 1460,1978,4,000 Hr*., 28Lx26 & AC, AHHC, Foodr Revir, Splnrs 10x16 AC, AHHC, Spinrs (U 6444) 10x16, AC (U 5745) (U 6219)