AB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 31, 1991 OLD FARMER’S ALMANAC SEPT. 2-8,1991 Be Late for Something Day, Sept. 5. f\ Sept 2, 1666, the Great Fire of London breaks out in a wooden house on \ Pudding Lane More than 13,000 houses are destroyed as the fire rages ' ir three more days Sept 4, 1833, 10-year-old Barney Flaherty iswers an ad by the publisher in the New York Sun and becomes America's first newsboy Sept 5,1882,10,000 working people march in this country's first Labor Day parade m New York City You Lanriot do a kindness too soon, herausc you never know how soon it will he too lute Ask the Old Fanner: What is a horseboat 7 HL , lowa A horseboat is a siowltkc iraft whose two paddle wheels were powered I horse-driven treadmill It was invented In/ a Mr Patten for use on Lake tpesaukce in N H Two horses were used mts Paint the lowest basement step white for fewer falls OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECAST New England: Sunny and hot for the holiday, then changing to showers and more seasonable temperatures The weekend is clearing and warming again Greater New York-New Jersey: The heat wave is still in session as the week begins Midweek brings cooling showers Sunny and seasonable on the weekend Middle Atlantic Coastal; Clear and hot to start the week, then turning cooler and rainy Clearing again, with sunshine and seasonable temperatures for the weekend Piedmont & Southeast Coastal; A few days of clear, hot weather remain before show ers return Then clearing again and turning milder Thundershowers finish the week (All Rights Reserved, Yankee Publishing Incorporated, Dublin, NH 03444) Carlisle Livestock Market Carlisle, Pa. Tuesday, August 27, 1991 SLAUGHTER; SLAUGHTER STEERS: SELECT 62.00-66.00, STAN DARD 55.00-61.50. SLAUGHTER HOLSTEINS: SELECT & CHOICE 59.00-65.75, STANDARD & UTILITY 51.00-57.50. SLAUGHTER COWS: BREAK UT. & COMM. 50.25-52.25, CUTTER & BON ING UT. 48.00-52.00, CANNER & LOW CUTTER 45.00-47.75, BIG MIDDLE 47.50-50.00, SHELLY 44.50 & DOWN. SLAUGHTER FAT BULLS; YG #2 61.75-63.00. FEEDER CATTLE: FDR. STEERS: (ALL WTS.) MED.#I LIGHTS 117.00-130.00, HOLSTEINS 66.00-89.00; FDR. HEIFERS: ALL WTS. MED.#I LIGHTS 127.50-155.00, MED.&LAR.#! 75 00-85.00, LAR. #2 61.00-69.00, HOLS TEINS 52.50-62.00; FDR. BULLS; ALL WTS. MED. #1 LIGHTS 110.00-145.00, MED.&LAR.#! 79.00-91.00, HOLS TEINS 58.00-69.00. VEAL CALVES: VERY ACTIVE! STRONG DEMAND FOR CALVES *** Contract with Purina Mills, Inc. Now accepting new and existing sow herds We Supply - Quality Purina Feeds - Sound Genetic Program - A Service Representative To Assist You - Competitive Contract Payment Purina Mills, Inc. Serving The Needs Of Agriculture THE RETURNING TO THE FARM. CHOICE 106.00-120.00, GOOD 90.00-105.00, STANDARD 70.00-89.00. FARM BULLS: OVER 95 LBS. TO 205.00, UNDER 95 LBS. TO 197.50. HOGS: BARROWS & GILTS ZOO LOWER. US NO. 1-3 (210-260 LB.) 47.00-48.50, 2&4’S (ALL WTS) 44.75-46.75. SOWS: ACTIVE! OVER 450 LBS. 40.25- UNDER 450 LBS. 38.25- 2&4’S (ALL WTS) 35.25- BOARS: HEAVY 34.00-35.00. FEEDER PIGS: (BY THE HEAD): ACTIVE! 25-30 LB. 24.00-32.00, 35-45 LB. 41.00-43.00. SHEEP: EWES 12.00-22.00. LAMBS: GOOD & CHOICE (30-55 LBS.) 53.00-65.00, GOOD & CHOICE (70-120 LBS.) 45.00-53.00, MED. ALL WTS. & FEEDER LAMBS 39.00-52.00. GOATS: (BY THE HEAD): LARGE 67.50-82.50, SM/MED 22.50-57.50. SALE EVERY TUESDAY 5:00 P.M. RABBITS POULTRY & EGGS; 7:00P.M. LIVESTOCK. NEXT STATE GRADED FEEDER PIG SALE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1991 1:30 P.M. —Call Us Today 1-800-873-5300 Oklahoma City Feeder Cattle Oklahoma City, Okla. Wednesday, August 28, 1991 ** ATTENTION DODGE CITY ** OKLAHOMA NATIONAL STOCK YARDS WEEKLY CATTLE SUM MARY COMPARED WITH LAST WEEK: FEEDER STEERS CLOSED STEADY AFTER REGISTERING ADVANCES MONDAY ON BULK OF SUPPLY. HEIFERS OVER 500 LB. STEADY TO $l.OO HIGHER WITH ADVANCE ON THOSE OVER 700 LB STEER AND HEIFER CALVES $l.OO-$3.00 LOWER. CALF ORDERS NARROWED AS SEED BED PREPA RATION FOR GRAINS HAS MANY FARMER- STOCKMEN IN THE FIELDS. FEEDER CATTLE BUYERS AGGRESSIVELY SOUGHT CATTLE MONDAY DESPITE BAD VIBES IN THE SLAUGHTER CATTLE MARKET AND A MUCH LOWER CME. BY TUESDAY THE CONTINUATION OF NEGATIVE FACTORS CONVERTED THE OPTIMISTS AND A SLOW CAU TIOUS TRADE DEVELOPED. QUAL ITY OF THE SUPPLY THIS WEEK AVERAGE THROUGH ATTRACTIVE. HOWEVER, WEIGH-UPS WERE NOT ATTRACTIVE TO BUYERS AS CATTLE FILLED EASILY WITH HELI FROM THE WEATHER. DEMAND FOE BRAHMA-CROSS CATTLE NAR ROWED THIS WEEK AS THE SEA SONAL ADJUSTMENT BEGINS. SLAUGHTER COWS CLOSED STEADY. SLAUGHTER BULLS STEADY. COW DEMAND MOD ERATE. BULL DEMAND GOOD. RECEIPTS THIS WEEK 10,875; LAST WEEK 6,683; LAST YEAR 9,674. SUPP LY INCLUDES 71% YEARLINGS: 25% CALVES & STOCKERS UNDER 600 LB.; 4% COWS & BULLS. BULK PRICE RANGES FOLLOW: FEEDER STEERS; MEDIUM & LARGE FRAME 1. 225-300 LB. $129.50-$ 141.00; 325-400 LB. $llO.OO-$! 17.00; 400-450 LB. $102.75-$! 12.00; 450-500 LB. $97.00-$105.75; 500-550 LB. $94.00-$100.00; 550-600 LB. $91.75-$97.50; 600-700 LB. $86.25-$92.25; 700-800 LB. OPENING & BULK $85.00-$92.00, CLOSED $83.50-$87.75; 800-850 LB. $84.00-$87.25; 850-900 LB. $82.00- $84.50; 900-950 LB. $79.75-$83.00. LARGE FRAME 2 HOLSTEINS, 350-375 LB. $90.00-$99.00; 575-650 LB. $76.75- $81.50: 700-750 LB. $71.50-$75.50; FOR SALE SHAVINGS & SAW DUST ★ Delivered To Your Location ★ Year Round Supply ★ Excellent for Dairy or Horses Call For Price To Your Area 717-653-5935 j.DcMartin inc. J V- S- Risser s Poultry Inc. P.O. BOX 52 • LITITZ, PA 17543 ® Buyers and Haulers of Leghorn, Medium, and Heavy Fowl Now using carts for Over 60 years of the most efficient prompt dependable means of moving service. spent fowl Tel. 717-626-5466 fax 717-627-3599 825-900 LB. $65.50-$67.50. FEEDER HEIFERS: MEDIUM & LARGE FRAME 1, 300-350 LB. $103.50-$lOB.OO, LOT REPLACE MENTS $113.00; 350-400 LB. $93.25-$104.25, REPLACEMENTS $104.25-$! 10.00; 400-450 LB. $93.25-$97.50, LOT REPLACEMENTS $103.00; 450-500 LB. $87.50-$95.00; 500-550 LB. $88.50-$92.50; 550-600 LB. $85.50-$89.75; 600-700 LB. $83.75-$88.50; 700-800 LB. $82.00-$84.50. SLAUGHTER COWS: CUTTER AND BONING UTILITY Y.G. 1-2 AVERAGE DRESSING $48.25-$52.00; HIGH DRESSING $51.75-$56.00; LOW DRESSING $45.50-$49.00. BREAKING UTILITY Y.G. 3-4 AVERAGE DRESS ING $47.50-$49.50; HIGH DRESSING $49.50-$52.00; LOW DRESSING $45.00-$48.00. CANNER AND LOW CUTTER $42.50-$46.75. SLAUGHTER BULLS: Y.G. 1 1150-2025 LB. AVERAGE DRESSING $62.00-S6S.SO; HIGH DRESSING $66.00-$70.00; LOW DRESSING SSB.SO-$63.00. Leesport Livestock Auction Leesport, Pa. Wednesday, August 28, 1991 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 246...PDA... Supply included 19 feeder cattle and 98 iL steers and heifers ...Compared to last Wednesday’s market: Slaughter steers and cows were 1.00 to 2.00 lower. Choice 980/1400 lbs. si. steers 65.25-66.75, few 69.75, Select 61.50-65.75, few 66.75; Choice 1200/1650 lbs. Holsteins 61.50-64.00, one 65.75, Select 59.75-61.00, few Standard 54.00- Choice 965/1470 lbs. si. heif ers 63.50-66.75, Select 58.25-62.50, few Standard 52.00-59.00. Breaking Utility and Commercial si. cows 49.00-53.25, few 55.00, Cutter & Boning Utility 47.75-52.00, few 54.00, Canner & low Cutter 45.00-49.50, SheUs down to 35.00. Select and Choice si. bullocks 62.00-63.50, few 66.00. Few Yield Grade No. 1, 1170/1640 lbs. si. bulls 61.50-63.50, one 70.75. Feeder Cattle: Few Large Frame No. 2, 435/600 lbs. steers 78.50-82.00. Few Medium and Small Frame No. 1, 340/415 lbs. bolls 77.50-96.00. CALVES 224...0ne Choice vealer 110.00, Standard and Good 80/110 lbs. 84.00- 65/80 lbs. 75.00-81.00. Few Choice 280/400 lbs. si. calves 79.00-81.00. Farm Calves; No. 1, Holstein Bulls 95/125 lbs. 170.00-200.00, one 204.00, 80/90 lbs. 140.00- No. 2, 90/125 lbs. 115.00- few 90.00. 75/90 lbs. Mt. Joy, PA 95.00- No. 1. Hoi. Heifers 80/120 lbs. 165.00-196.00, few No. 2,90/100 lbs. 110.00- Few Beef Cross 90/110 lbs. bulls and heifers 140.00-185.00. HOGS 161... Barrows and gilts: .50 to 1.50 lower. Few US No. 1-2 235/250 lbs. barrows and gilts 48.00-48.75,1-3 215/260 lbs. 47.50-48.25, lot 2-3 245 lbs. 47.00. few 2-4 280/310 lbs. 41.00-42.00, 1-3 135/200 lbs. 37.00-42.00, lot 50.00. SOWS: .50 to 1.50 higher. US No. 1-3 270/670 Iba. sows 37.50-41.25, one 42.50. few Medium 350/470 lbs. 36.00-36.50 Boars 33.75-34.75, few It. wts. 35.00- FEEDER PIGS 438... Few US No. 1-3 20/25 lbs. feeder pigs 77.50-102.50, 30/501bs. 82.00-96.00, (15/20 lbs. 14.00- per head). --- per hundredweight SHEEP 42... Choice 50/115 lbs. spring si. lambs 51.00-62.00, one 74.00, few Good and Low Choice 40/50 lbs. 67.50-68.00, few 60/75 lbs. 40.00-49.00. Few Slaughter sheep 17.00-24.00. - all Cwt GOATS 31... Few Large 40.00-55.00, Medium and Thin 15.00-40.00, Large Kids 28.00-40.00, few Small Kids 15.00-25.00 all per head. Peoria Cattle Peoria, Illinois Thursday, August 29, 1991 FEDERAL-STATE CATTLE WEEK LY TRADING MODERATE. COMPARED WITH LAST MONDAY SLAUGHTER STEERS MOSTLY 1.00 TO 1.50 LOWER. SLAUGHTER HEIF ERS WEAK. COWS AND BULLS FUL LY STEADY. RECEIPTS THIS WEEK ABOUT 1500 AS COMPARED WITH 908 A WEEK AGO AND 1506 A YEAR AGO. SUPPLY MAINLY SELECT TO AVERAGE CHOICE SLAUGHTER STEERS AND HEIFERS WITH ABOUT 4% COWS. SLAUGHTER STEERS: CHOICE 2-4 1050-1300 LBS. 66.00-67.50 FEW 68.00- MIXED SELECT & CHOICE 2-3 1000-1300 LBS. 63.00-66.00 SELECT 2-3 900-1200 LBS. 62.00-65.00. HOLSTEINS: MIXED SELECT & CHOICE 2-3 1200-1550 LBS. 62.50-64.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: CHOICE 2-4 950-1250 LBS. 65.00-67.00 MIXED SELECT & CHOICE 2-3 900-1150 LBS. 63.00- SELECT 2-3 800-1100 LBS 61.00- COWS: BREAKING UTILITY & COMMERCIAL 2-4 46.00-51.00 CUT TER & BONING UTILITY 2-3 47.00- FEW 53.00-55.00 CANNER & LOW DRESSING CUTTER 1-2 42.00- BULLS: YG 1-2 1200-2100 LBS. 58.00-