-Dalry of Distinction Supplement to Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 3,1990 202 The Lime Ridge Farm of Kenneth and Anna Mae Shuck lies west of Mif flinburg In Union County. They have 150 acres, of which 140 are tillable. The farm was purchased in 1953. The registered and grade Holstein herd of 42 milk cows has an average of 18,000 m. The Shucks have a pipeline milking system and have both tie stalls and free stalls to house the herd. ABS Congratulates All Dairy Of Distinction Award Winners We Appreciate Your Business i *' ;W ~ * «•* /•* »*> SERVICE IS OUR LAST NAME Union County Dairy of Distinction DwryFsnnieaMtlhclMnhfiww •i ***., MBLWOOD RIDS AMERICAN BREEDERS SERVICE 300-acre dairy in Spring Creek, Warren Co. farm robust and profitable. They milk 48 head of registered Holstelns at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. out of a stanchion to a milking pipeline. The herd average, because of the heat and slow pasturing, has not been up to expectations, and the cows tend to stay Inside during the hot weather, so they’ve been feeding them hay in the barn. They grow all their corn. The hay is tested by a nutritionist twice a month. The family, including James 11, 27; Steven, 26; Gary, 23; Mark, 21; Julie, 17; Jennifer, 13; and Kristy, 10, all work on the farm, which has been in the family about 70 years. The family recently built a swimming pool, which was difficult to do, said Leslie, because of the hilly area. She says the family farm on the hill “is really beautiful, and people come from miles to see it.” The Leofskys enjoy time with their four grandchildren. Westmoreland County Edward and Deborah Saplnsky farm where grandfather bought In 1903. The farm Is located near Smlthton In Westmoreland County. They farm 300 acres and milk 80 Holsteins that average 18,000 lbs. of milk. The milk In a Double 5 milking parlor and feed haylage and corn silage. The also raise a little small grain to rotate the crops. The Saplnsky children are Laura, Lisa, and David. Our Congratulations and thanfa to the Dairy families from the 67 forms throughout the state, that ham Been designated (Pennsylvania (Dairy of (Distinction. Agn-jKjng is especially proud of our customers who receive this honor. Agri-King...the leader in Personalized Livestock Feeding Programs... YESTERDAY * TODAY * TOMORROW! i | JI AGRI - KING TO PROFIT Warren County Dairy of S Distinction Davy Farm Ph 800/435-9560