A24-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 27, 1991 EVA MARTIN Maryland Correspondent TIMONIUM, Md. Kristin Myers won three top 4-H honors at the Central District Holstein Field Day held at the Cow Palace of the Maryland State Fair. Her Senior 3-year-old cow, Windsor Manor Starbuck Kristy- Et, won grand champion in the 4-H division and the reserve grand champion award went to her Junior 2-year-old, Windsor Manor Jet Karolyn-Et. Judge Mary Shank Creek, from Palmyra Farm, Hagerstown, said the two animals had tremendous dairy character with beautiful udders. Kristin also won the top junior fitting and showing awards. She is the daughter of Jason and Donna Myers, of Windsor Manor Farm near New Windsor, Maryland. Grand champion in the open class went to Unicom Associates’ 8-year-old Unicom Helen, sired by Gruendale Triune Sensation and shown by Cam Davis. Md-Maple Lawn Starbuk Eva- Twin, a Junior 3-year-old cow owned by Matthew lager won reserve grand champion. Mark lager was awarded grand champion fitting and showing awards. In her comments. Judge Creek said, “He is an outstanding show man, the blending and smoothness between heifer and showman make them one.” Creek said several times at the excellent quality of animals she was privileged to judge. MARYLAND CENTRAL DISTRICT HOLSTEIN FIELD DAY SHOW RESULTS showing award, while Brian Ehrhardt receives second place in the senior fitting and showing competition from judge Mary Creek. Judge Mary Creek stands with open class junior champ ion Holstein, Derrwyn AJ Ashton, shown by Wayne Stiles. Maryland Holds JR FITTING, SHOWING: 1. Knstin Myers, 2. Amy lager, 3. Kelly Myers SR FITTING, SHOWING; 1 Mark lager, 2. Brian Ehrtiardt, 3. Wyatt Griffin. JR HEIFER CALF (4-H): 1 Justin L. Wyatt, 2. Samuel Muller, 3 Amy lager. JR HEIFER CALF OPEN 1 Derrwyn Holstems, 2. Maryland Carrollton, 3 Justin Watt. INTERMEDIATE HEIFER CALF (4-H) and OPEN 1. Dustin Derr, 2. Brett Haines, 3 Bnan Ehrhardt SR HEIFER CALF (4-H) 1 Kelly Myers, 2 Tanya lager, 3 Kevin Ehrhardt SR. HEIFER CALF OPEN 1. Matthew lager, 2. Derrwyn Holstems, 3 Kelly Myers. SUMMER YEARLING (4-H) 1 Shannon Harrison, 2. Mark lager, 3. Jason Watt. SUMMER YEARLING OPEN 1. Derrwyn Holstems, 2. Shannon Harri son, 3. Maik lager. JR YEARLING (4-H) 1. Tanya lager, 2. Mark lager, 3 Kevin Ehrhardt. JR YEARLING OPEN 1. Jason and Donna Myers, 2 Tanya lager, 3 Mark lager. INTERMEDIATE YEARLING (4-H) and OPEN 1 Dustin Derr, 2 Knstin Myers SR YEARLING (4-H) and OPEN 1 Amy Miller, 2 Harold Smith 111, 3 Shan non Harnson JR CHAMPION • (4-H) Kelly Myers RESERVE CHAMPION - (4-H) Dustin Derr JR CHAMPION - OPEN CLASS Derrwyn Holstems DRY COW, 5 YRS and OLDER (4-H) Paul Harrison 111 COW, JR 2 YEAR OLD (4-H) 1 Kristin Myers, 2 Shannon Harrison, 3 Bnan Ehrhardt COW, JR 2 YEAR OLD OPEN 1 Kristin Myers, 2 Shannon Harrison, 3 Maryland-Carrollton COW, SR 2 YEAR OLD (4-H) 1 Kelly Myers, 2. Dustin Derr, 3 Jeffrey Sutton COW, SR 2 YEAR OLD OPEN 1 Michael Haines, 2 Kelly Myers, 3 Dus tin Derr COW, JR 3 YEAR OLD (4-H) Shannon Harrison COW, JR 3 YEAR OLD OPEN 1 Matthew lager, 2 Gus & Lisa Schwart zbeck, 3 Brian & Bucky Ehrhardt Central District Holstein Show From It »nna Johnson, south central dairy pt