Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 08, 1991, Image 46

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More Dairy Recipes
From Contest Entries
Bring to a boil:
2 sticks butter
4 tablespoons cocoa
1 cup water
cups sugar
cups flour
teaspoon salt
teaspoon baking soda
cup buttermilk
teaspoon vanilla
Pour mixture into jellyroll pan.
Bake at 350 degrees for about 15
1 stick butter
2 tablespoons cocoa
6 tablespoons milk
Bring butter, cocoa, and milk to
a boil. Cool. Add:
1 pound confectioners’ sugar.
Frost cooled cake.
I just finished my sophomore
year at Penn State, majoring in
dairy and animal science.
This summer started off with my
being in charge of the family farm
for two weeks while my parents
were in Germany. I will continue
helping on thefarm for the remain
der of the summer.
Jaylene Yoder
The Welderspahn family from Cochranton enjoy life at
Yahweh Dairy.
Bone On The Range
'/< cup butter
/< cup chopped onion
'/« cup flour
4 cups milk
1 cup velveeta cheese, chopped
1 quart chicken broth
2 cups small macaroni
1 can peas and broth
1 jar pimento, drained
Melt butler in saucepan. Add
onions and steam until clear.
Remove onion mixture from heat
and let cool. Blend in flour, add pea
juice. Put chicken broth in 3- or
4-quart kettle. Cook macaroni for 5
minutes. When finished, add the
onions, butter, and flour mixture;
blend. Add the milk and heat thor
oughly. Add cheese, let dissolve.
Add peas and pimentoes. Heat to
eating temperature. Serves 8.
We don't live on afarm, but have
enough acreage to grow our own
food. By the grace of God our
freezer is always full until the end
of summer. My husband came from
a big farm family of 12, and they
raised milk cows to supply their
needs and to tend market with all
the goodies that come from milk
and butter. I was a city girl until I
married 45 years ago. I have since
become a very good cook and /
have a following for my delicious
chicken corn and salmon soups. /
get many good recipes out of your
section of Lancaster Farming. / am
always proud to share a good
recipe with our daughter who lives
in Minnesota, knowing that some
day she will be able to cook all the
Pennsylvania Dutch dishes that I
taught her.
Vivian Heffner
Cream together
'A pound butter
3 cups sugar
6 eggs, mix well after each
1 cup sour cream
3 cups flour
V* teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla
Grease and flour a tube pan.
Bake for 1 to VA hours in 325
degree oven. Cool, eat, enjoy.
My family and I run a dairy
farm. I have four children, 9. 6,2,
and 3 months. We enjoy the farm
very much. We grow corn, hay,
oats, wheat, barley, and soybeans.
All the hard work and time we
put in it is worth it.
Vicki Supplee
Peach Bottom
'A pound lasagne noodles, do
not cook
1 tablespoon garlic, minced or
1 medium onion, diced
1 pound ground beef
Salt and pepper to taste
'A teaspoon oregano
'A teaspoon basil
'A teaspoon fennel seeds
1 6-ounce tomato paste
1 quart tomatoes or tomato
Fry together garlic, onion,
ground beef, salt and pepper, ore
gano, and basil. Add fennel seeds,
tomato paste and tomato puree and
simmer S minutes.
Blend in separate bowl:
2 eggs, beaten
1 pound ricotta cheese
1 cup cottage cheese
Set aside:
/i pound mozzarella cheese,
'A cup parmesan cheese, grated
Layer in a 9x13-inch greased
baking pan in this order: thin layer
of meat sauce, 'A of the noodles, all
the egg mixture, 'A of the moz
zarella, 'A of the remaining meat
sauce, remaining noodles, remain
ing meat sauce, remaining moz
zarella, all the parmesan.
Bake at 350 degrees for 35 to 45
minutes or until noodles are soft
when tested with a fork. When still
hot, top with additional cheese if
desired. Serve with tossed salad,
garlic bread, and beverage.
We bought our 120-acre farm
two years ago after a long prayer
ful search of 40 farms. Our farm
name, Yahweh Dairy, comes from
the Old Testament name for God,
Yahweh, who led the Israelites
through their 40-year prayerful
search for their Promised Land.
We milk about 35 Jerseys and
Holsteins. All four of us are
involved with showing Jerseys.
Merideth and Nathan have 4-H
cattle projects and sewing projects
as well. The whole family, even
grandparents, pitch in with the
farm labor.
Cheryl Weiderspahn
Richard and Audrey Rohrer with children Rich, 18;
Janine, 16; and Julie, 12.
1 can evaporated milk Baked pastry shell
1 cup milk 1 CU P
V* stick butter 3 to 4 tablespoons cornstarch or
Heat to almost boiling then add } .
V/i pounds sliced white American \ tablespoons butter
cheese and a couple of slices of Grated lemon nnd
Velveeta cheese. Let the cheese CU P lemon J u,ce
melt, then cool mixture. Spread can unbeaten egg yolks
be used instead of jam or jelly. 1 CU P mi k
Rachel Lantz }“P sour cream
Lititz Whipped cream
2 tablespoons nuts, nuts
Combine sugar and cornstarch
or Clear-jel in a saucepan. Add
lemon rind, juice, egg yolks, and
butter. Stir in milk. Cook over
medium heat, stirring until thick.
Cool. Fold in sour cream. Pour into
pie shell. Chill 2 hours. Serve with
whipped cream and chopped nuts
as garnish.
Richard and I live on a dairy
farm. Our children. Rich, 18;
Janine, 16; and Julie, 12; help us
do the chores. Life is pretty hectic
most of the time trying to get every
thing done, but when you work
together as a family, it all seems to
get done. Richard and I are
involved in church work and Ag in
the Classroom, which is a nice
change from routine.
Mark, Oma, and Kevin
4 boneless, skinless chicken
A cup bread crumbs
1 can chopped green chili
1 teaspoon chili powder
'/> teaspoon garlic salt
'A teaspoon ground cumin
6 tablespoons butter, melted
A cup parmesan cheese
A cup mozzarella cheese
A cup cheddar cheese -
Pound chicken to'/ -inch thick
ness. Mix together bread crumbs,
chili powder, cumin, garlic salt,
and parmesan cheese. Stuff chick
en with mozzarella, Cheddar, and
green chili. Dip chicken in butter
and roll in mixed ingredients. Chill
4 hours. Bake at4oo degrees for 20
IS ounces tomato sauce
A teaspoon cumin
A cup sliced green onions
Salt and pepper to taste
Combine and heat sauce ingre
dients. Pour sauce on top of chick
en when ready to serve.
Mark is a small farmer. We have
some beef cattle and pigs. Kevin,
21 months, likes to play with the
animals and ride in the tractor. Me
I'm just a mom.
Oma Lou Zehnder
Audrey Rohrer
1 8-ounce can refrigerated cres
cent rolls
6 eggs, beaten
'/i pound bacon, cooked and
1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
1 cup sliced mushrooms,
Spread rolls into a well-greased
12-inch pizza pan. Firmly press
perforations to seal. Combine
remaining ingredients and pour
over crust. Bake at 375 degrees for
IS minutes. Serves 6.
Last summer, I found this recipe
in a magazine in a doctor's office
while my daughter had four wis
dom teeth cut out. I tried the recipe
and my family likes it.
We are a turkeyfarm family with
two children, Rebecca. 14, and
Wendell, 11. My husband, Kenny,
also hauls livestock and grain loc
We have subscribed to Lancas
ter Farming for a long lime. I only
read the B section, but Kenny reads
all the rest. We then pass on the
paper to Kenny's uncle and aunt to
read and enjoy.
Carolyn Shank
Dayton, VA
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