A24-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 1, 1991 Farmer Employs Natural Farming To Reap Benefits Of Soil CONNIE LEINBACH Berks Co. Correspondent EARL TOWNSHIP (Berks Co.) Not long after his fourth friend got sick from the harsh chemicals used to control bugs and worms, Leonard G. Stoltzfus decided to go natural. “I watched a brother-in-law die of cancer and have seen neighbors and friends waste away (from the disease),” said Stoltzfus, a Dou glassville R.D.2 dairy farmer. “I wanted to do something about it.” He admitted that he used to feel “half sick” for a few days after using chemicals. With a change in his thinking and in his agricultural program, Stoltzfus accomplishes without chemicals what he did with them five years ago while practicing monocropping. In essence, it’s a return to the “old fashioned” way of farming cultivating com to get rid of weeds once the shoots appear, and rotating crops to con trol weeds and pests. But it’s a life-affirming method, he said. Without chemicals, there should be 12 tons of microbial life per acre, he said. With chemicals, there’s only two to four tons. Since he abandoned the harsh chemicals that kill weeds and earthworms, he has felt better and has seen his earth return to the rich ness he sought using chemicals. Besides, even more than one application of herbicide never got rid of the deep rooted weeds. Only a spike harrow can do that. Stoltzfus will allow, however, Stoltzfus, holding a clump of soil, shows how the struc ture is crumbly and perfect for growing crops. Stoltzfus, in his hay field, tells how his soil has become richer without the use of that he does use a biological liquid, called Restore, as a soil enhancer. It contains microrganisms that join the earthworms in the dark earth. It smells sweet, like cider. Stoltzfus’s cousin, Nevin E. Mast, Oley R.D. 1, however, uses no chemicals whatsoever. “The earth wasn’t meant to have all these chemicals put in it,” Mast said. His wife, Audrey, said that when they used chemicals she noted that the bird population was reduced. “Since we’ve been farming this way we’ve seen the bam swallows come back and gold finches,” she said. Both men are concerned with how the years of constant chemi cals will harm the earth. “We’re among those concerned with potential pollution from the agricultural system,” Stoltzfus said one warm Saturday on his 187-acre farm where he lives with his wife, Doris. A simple system of rotation cropping is all that’s needed to break the insect and disease cycle, he said, because the weed competi tion for each crop is different. Deep rooted plants draw different weeds than shallow rooted plants. A mixture of alfalfa, clover, and hay in the hay field yields a highly nutritional grain without a weed problem, he said. Time tillage is employed to help control weeds, which are part of “the original curse,” said Stoltzfus. About the time that corn shoots in other fields are eight inches high, Mast and Stoltzfus have just finished planting. After that, farm ing involves prevention. Knowing the signs the soils shows makes him more in tune with the earth and its cycles. He contends that his method is not more work than monocropping with chemicals. “It’s more fun,” he said with a smile. “It’s rewarding. It’s the way the good Lord intended us to farm.” Without chemicals, he said, earthworms have returned in abun dance, and they are the key to soil health. “After a rain, or early in the morning, I see a lot of earth worms,” he said. The more earth worms. the healthier the soil. Worms eat their way through the soil, never munching on plant roots, and deposit their castings as they go. The castings are richer than the soil itself, he said. Earthworm activity aerates the earth, making it more crumbly and porous, thus able to retain water better. No fertilizers are needed, he said, because as the earthworms aerate the ground, nitrogen from the air seeps in. Stoltzfus says he started his natural program skepti cally, and experimented without chemicals on a 40-acre field. But after that first season, he was so impressed, that in two seasons he made the switch on all his fields. Yields are about the same, he said, as is crop quality. Overall herd health of his 80 head of Hols teins has improved, he said, and his milk yields arc average but, then, he’s not trying to be the top producer. “Our soil tests have showed and crop yields prove we’re not taking a licking,” he said. “I’m excited about what I’m seeing in the soil.” A test of the soil inventory done by The Pennsylvania State University lab showed Stoltzfus doesn’t need to add anything to the soil. ‘They said I could grow 150 bushels of com per acre,” he said. “Last year, we had the best com crop around.” Costs of this method of fanning are not more expensive, he said. The costs of the chemicals actually exceed the extra labor cost needed to cultivate once the crops are planted, he said. “But you don’t go into it (natural farming) with (money) in mind; you do it for the environment,” he said. Stoltzfus didn’t take any formal training in this method of farming. He learned what to do by reading some materials and by talking to other farmers. CONNIE LEINBACH Berks Co. Correspondent there was covering the Berks County Court of Common Pleas. Connie Leinbach lives in Douglass Township, near Boyertown. She divides her time between freelance writ ing and caring for her three children, ages 11, 3 and 1. Before that, she worked for seven years as a reporter for the “Reading Eagle- Times.” Her last assignment Leonard G. Stoltzfus, Douglassvilie R.D. 2,, talks at his Earl Township farm about how he changed his fanning methods from heavy use of herbicides and pesticides to natural methods. A transition period is needed to make a complete switch from using chemical herbicides, fertiliz ers, and pesticides, he said. Though the switch can be com pleted in several growing seasons, it takes years longer for all of the chemicals to break down and disappear. Stoltzfus illustrated his points about soil structure with a band of newly cut hay. He indicated a lum py mass of soil, which he said was worm castings, around the base of a shorn plant. Pulling it up, he broke it apart and pointed out the tunnel through it, proving that earthworms were indeed doing what they are supposed to be doing. He broke it apart, the brown soil crumbling easily through his fin gers. Before, using chemicals, the soil was harder, and stuck together in layers, he said. He raised the clump to his nose. “It smells sweet,” he said. With chemicals, it smelled putrid. “If I’d put fertilizers on this earth now, the earthworms would all be dead,” he said. Stoltzfus relates a story that reinforces his belief in what he is doing. He rents a field nearby that had been farmed for more than 20 years with heavy use of chemicals. “You’d think after using chemi cals that long there would be less weed pressure,” he said. “But the As a cub reporter, Connie was “baptized into journal ism by covering the Pen nsylvania Farm Show for three years,” she said. She was bom and reared in Berks County. weeds were overwhelming.” Gra dually, he said, he is switching this field to natural methods. Stoltzfus realizes that what he and his cousin are doing is a drop in the bucket, since all of the far mers around him continue to use chemicals. But he is concerned about the ground water around here and he worries that the same thing is hap pening here as has happened in the Midwest, where farming with chemicals is intense. There, he said, occurs the high est per capita instance of cancer. “And farmers are the main offenders (of ground water pollu tion),” he said. Still, he insists, it doesn’t take a lot of effort for a farmer to change his way of thinking about how he makes his living. “The biggest adjustment we have to make is right under our hats,” Stoltzfus said. “You have to watch the weeds, know what’s happening, think ahead.” There’s a spiritual aspect to his methods. Man may discover that trying to control the environment with arti ficial methods may eventually be harmful, he said. Stoltzfus has made a slide presentation which he has used to talk about his natural methods to the Young Farmers Association in Kutztown. Farmers interested in learning to farm without chemicals can call Stoltzfus at (215) 689-5540.