Dl4-Lancaster Farming Saturday, June 1,1991 iy v’sa Ytea t®L c‘ v l> * DAIRYING IN THE HEART Phil Durst Snyder Co. Extension Agent Dairy is the primary agricultur al enterprise in Snyder, Union, Northumberland, and Montour counties, the so-called SUN Area in the heart of the Susquehanna River valley. This is the area where I work, and while it is not the premier dairy area of the state, it is an area where dairy farming will survive and be successful. The reasons for its success, both now and into the future, are not related to its fine valleys, major transportation routes, or well developed support industry. Rather, my confidence is placed in the quality of the dairy farmers here. Tim and Arlene Yoder, of Selinsgrove, are milking cows again after a December 23 fire destroyed their bam, cows, and equipment. This couple, in their late 20’s, illustrate four reasons why dairy fanners in the SUN Area will survive troublesome times and shine in their industry. 1. The help of friends, neigh bors, and strangers. The Tire at Yoder’s started in the early morn ing hours, and word of it spread as BINS & AUGERS Authorized M NORTHEAST AGRI hE w bS&SSSS systems, inc. /f/ \ II YWAY BUSINESS PARK ‘sl n