816-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 11, 1991 Enjoy A Stroll Through Herb And Flower Gardens LOU ANN GOOD Lancaster Farming Staff HAMBURG (Berks Co.) line the house and farm buildings. Tucked away in the heart of Berks Because friends and relatives often County is the 200-ycar-old Leath- remark about how much they erman farmstead surrounded by admire the flowers and greenery picturesque hills and valleys dotted that grow there, Clarinda is plan with grazing cattle. The virgin nin g a garden party for all who’d beauty of the landscape is like to come. enhanced by the green-thumb A bit of an entrepreneur, Clarin expertisc of Clarinda Lcathcrman, da has dabbled in several enter former Pennsylvania Alternate prises since her dairy princess reign in 1987. She’s worked for a garden center, held Christmas craft open houses, and become a sales person for Longeberger Baskets. And, during all this time, she hasn’t forgotten how much she enjoyed meeting people during dairy promotions. This Garden Lady with a bouquet of flowers in a pot* Herbs painted on pieces pourrl basket welcomes of barn-slate are the perfect guests to the Longeberger accent for those who love Basket Garden Party. gardening. More than 140 varieties of perennials surround the Leatherman farm In Hamburg. Notice the cows that graze In the background. Clarinda offers assistance to those who would like to set up herb and perennial gar dens. It’s Important she said to know the growth patterns of plants so that the garden looks good year-around. Dairy Princess. Flowers, herbs, and shrubbery A touch of French adds class to the slate-painted garden scene. Now, Clarinda’s combined a little bit of all these activities to launch her latest venture a Basket Garden Party. It’s a day for guests to stroll through the colorful herb and flow er gardens that surround the stone f , , farmhouse. It’s also a day to ask Clarinda questions you might have about planting perennials and herbs. And, it’s a day to purchase plants, baskets, and garden-related crafts. Known for her creativity and ingenuity of decorating houses inside and out, Clarinda likes to share her expertise with others. She likes to help others organize their gardens. “It’s important to know the growth patterns of the plants when you place them in the garden,” she said. “Keep taller plants to the back. Flowering gardens look best if planted in steps of heights. It’s good to have different textures such as spikes or rounded plants.” Clarinda said, “A lot of people don’t realize that many early blooming plants will bloom again if the fall if they are cut back early Clarlnda shows off the Garden Spool Babies she made to decorate a basket. If you wonder what to do with steep slopes, Clarlnda will be able to help you. The Leatherman’s pasture and yard are separated by a steep Incline. in the season.” Guests may sit at the round tables covered with flowered cloths and enjoy mint tea punch and herb-flavored pretzels while enjoying the landscape. In addition to the Longeberger baskets, crafts such as garden benches, tea-dyed bunnies, dolls, garden spool babies, potpourri bags, herb sachets, garden hats, herb dryers. Shepherd’s crook and herb-painted slates will be sold. All are invited to the Basket Gar den Party on May 17, from 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. and May 18, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Directions to the Leatherman farm; Route 61 and 662 at Shoe makersville light go south on Route 662 to first left Drieblebis Mill Road (bear right) and follow signs. For more information, call (215) 562-4161.