GOOD WEEK FOR FIELDWORK: Pennsylvania had a dry week with temperatures slightly above nor mal. Our respondents indicated that 5 days were suitable for field work. Activities for the week included: repairing fence; hauling manure; spreading fertilizer and lime; spraying fruit trees; maintaining machinery; spring plowing; planting crops; and caring for livestock. SOIL MOISTURE: By week’s end, two percent of our respondents rated the state’s topsoil moisture as short, 90 percent rated it adequate, and 8 percent rated it surplus. Three percent of the respondents in the Northern region rated soil moisture as short, 79 percent rated it adequate, and 18 percent rated it surplus. In the Central region, 97 percent rated soil moisture as adequate, and 3 percent rated it surplus. Four percent of our respondents in the Southern region rated soil moisture as short, 93 percent rated it adequate, and 3 percent rated it surplus. PLOWING: According to our repondents, spring plowing in Pennsylvania was 71 percent completed by week’s end, that's 2 percentage points behind last year and the five-year average of 73 percent Completion of spring plowing was 59,74, and 82 percent in the Northern, Central, and Southern regions, respectively. CORN: The Commonwealth’s com crop was 17 percent planted by the end of the week. At this time last year, 19 percent was planted, same as the five-year average. Planting completion by region were: Northern region-7 percent; Central region-13 percent; and Southern region-34 percent TOBACCO: Our reporters indicated that 95 percent of Pennsylvania’s tobacco beds were planted by the end of the week. Last year, 94 percent of the tobacco beds were planted while the five-year average was 96 percent. OATS; Oat planting in the Commonwealth was 82 percent complete by week’s end. Last year, that figure was 81 percent same as the five- year average. Planting completion in the three regions were; Northern region-63 percent Central region-86 percent and Southern region-98 percent The oat crop was rated 18 per cent excellent 56 percent good, 22 percent fair, 2 percent poor, and 2 percent very poor. POTATOES: Our respondents indicated 38 percent of the State’s potatoes were planted, 4 percentage points behind last year’s progress at this time. The five-year average was 51 percent. BARLEY AND WHEAT: The State’s barley crop progress by the end of the week was 74 percent pre-boot 24 percent boot and 2 percent heading. Last year’s numbers were 75,18 and 7 percent respectively for pre boot boot and heading. The five-year average was 77 pre-boot 17 percent boot and 6 percent heading. Wheat progress was 87 percent pre-boot 12 percent boot and 1 percent headed, same as last year’s progress. The five-year average was 91,9, and none respectively. The wheat crop was rated 21 percent excellent 53 percent good, 21 percent fair, 3 percent poor, and 2 percent very poor. FRUIT: Twenty-two percent of the peach trees, according to our respondents, were in the pre-pink stage at week’s end. Eleven percent were in the pink and 67 percent was in the full bloom or past stage. Last year at this time, 29 percent of the peaches were in the pre-pink stage, while 11 percent were pink and 60 percent were full bloom or past Cherries were 19 percent pre-pink. 11 percent pink, and 70 percent full bloom, by week’s end. Cherry pre-pink, pink and full bloom numbers respectively for last year were: 28,7, and 65 per cent Apples were 25 percent pre-pink, 21 percent pink, and 54 percent full bloom or past. Last year, apples were 31 percent pre-pink, 19 percent pink, and SO percent full bloom or past HAY AND PASTURE: Alfalfa hay stands in the State were rated 71 percent good, 28 percent fair, and 1 per cent poor. Clover-timothy stands were rated good by 70 percent, fair by 29 percent, and poor by 1 percent. The quality of feed being obtained from pastures was rated good by 62 percent of our respondents, fair by 35 percent, poor by 2 percent and very poor by 1 percent U.S. AS OF APRIL 28: Predominantly dry weather across the Southwest allowed field work to progress while rains, generally in excess of one inch through the midwest slowed planting. Temperatures averaged near normal across the nation, promoting seasonal greening. Com planting progressed to 16 percent in the 17 major producing slates, compared to 21 percent planted last year and a five-year average of 24 percent Head ing of winter wheat advanced to 28 percent nationwide, 1S percentage points ahead of last year’s progress at this time, and 18 percentage points ahead of the five-year average. SPECIAL CD OFFER • Penalty for Early Withdrawal • Rates Subject to Change • Rates Apply to Individuals Only • Minimum $5OO Deposit • Rate Compounded Daily • Join our 55+ Heritage Club and get an extra 1/4% on Special C.D. Rates Lebanon Valley National Bank M«mb*r FDIC FOR THE WEEK ENDING MAY 5, 1991 YIELD* •(Based on Annual Percentage Rale) 7.25% 7.00% RATE ANY TERM 2 Tears to 10 Tears Eastern Tent Caterpillars Not Gypsy Moth ANNAPOLIS, Md. —Spring in Maryland usually is announced by the appearance of Eastern tent caterpillar nests in trees across the’ state. Whether in trees along road sides or in residential areas, the tent caterpillar, a native of North America, is everywhere. Wild cherry trees are the favo rite host, along with apple, crabap ple, plum, peach, rose, hawthome, and certain shade trees. Eastern tent caterpillar infesta tions are often confused with gyp sy moth infestation. Gypsy moth caterpillars hatch about two weeks later, do not produce silken web bing along the trunks of trees or silken tents in the branches of trees, and are mote commonly found on oak trees than are Eastern tent caterpillars. Fully grown caterpillars of the two species do not look alike. Tent caterpillars are up to 2 'A -inches long, with a solid white stripe along the back, and a row of pale blue oval spots along each side. The body is covered by long, fine, light brown hairs. Gypsy moth caterpillars are about the same size, but are distin guished by five pairs of blue spots, followed by six pairs of red spots on their backs. No other caterpillar has these distinct markings. The caterpillars are covered by long black hairs and many people suffer allergic reactions to contact with the hairs. Eastern tent caterpillar eggs usually start to hatch in early to mid-April and the young caterpil lars, which are only about '/« -inch long when they hatch, immediate ly begin building the characteristic silk tents where tree branches join together. Caterpillars leave the tent only to feed, and continue to enlarge the tent as they grow. When fully grown, they leave the trees to search for hiding places Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 11, 1991-A29 to spin cocoons. After two weeks in the cocoon, adult moths emerge to mate and the female lays eggs. The egg masses are dark, shiny grey and are laid in a band around a small branch. There is only one generation each year. If caterpillars are abundant, they may eat all the leaves on a tree. While this may weaken the tree, it seldom kills it Defoliated trees should be watered and fertilized, wherever possible. Physical removal of the tents is a good control practice. High value ornamental plants, or landscape trees that have been defoliated two or three years, can be sprayed with an insecticide dur ing the time the caterpillars are active. Once caterpillars leave the tree, control is much more difficult. Because the tent caterpillar is a native North American insect, out breaks are usually controlled by naturally occurring parasites or predators. In contrast, the gypsy moth is not a native insect, it was intro duced to North America from Eur ope, and has few natural parasites or predators. Gypsy moth caterpil lars defoliate and may kill oaks and other hardwood trees in urban resi dential or rural areas. To reduce widespread tree mor tality, the Maryland Department of Agriculture, in cooperation with federal and county agencies, con ducts a statewide gypsy moth sup pression program. Each homeowner should take steps to limit gypsy moth damage to landscape trees or shrubs. For information on ways to con trol Eastern tent caterpillar or gyp sy moth, call your County Cooperative Extension Office or Dr. Robert Rabaglia, Forest Pest Management Section, Maryland Department of Agriculture, (301) 841-5922.