USDA Scientists Amplify Genetic Secrets To Detect Animal Diseases WASHINGTON. D.C. Amplify a radio wave and inaudi ble signals become sounds, such as music or speech. In the same way, a new technology based on a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is amplifying hidden genetic infor mation to reveal animal diseases that have been difficult to detect Since the discovery of PCR in 1985, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has been putting the PCR technique to practical use in the laboratory. APHIS also is involved in licensing commercial produc tion of the diagnostic kits that make use of the process. “Disease organisms may be pre sent in an animal at a very low level, especially in the early stages of infection," said David Espeseth, who heads the licensing division in APHIS. “Detecting these organ isms can be like hunting for a cer tain piece of a jigsaw puzzle. PCR technology provides a way to amp lify the target piece exactly, many times over, so that the chances of finding it are greatly increased.” The technology relies on look ing closely into the organism’s DNA its genetic blueprint. Since each blueprint is unique, it reliably reveals the identity of its owner. “PCR doesn’t amplify the entire DNA complement It focuses on one unique, detectable sequence,” Espeseth said. “It’s like duplicat ing just the needed edge of the target puzzle piece. This is spee dier and more efficient than old propagation methods that repli HEY! 4 e fsih-HAY DEMO. DAY—to°j?(K) 2240 MOWER CONDITIONER ★ ADDED ATTRACT! 1470 BALER „ „ „ _ - . - T Umberger’s Of Fontana, Inc. Lebanon Valley Implement Co., Inc. Rt 4 Box 545 Lebanonj PA 170 42 717 « fi7 - Ifil 700 E. Linden Street, Richland, PA 17087 8 m || es E . of Hershey on Rt. 322 7i7-»b7-sibl 717-866-7518 “Serving the Agriculture Community Since 1932 M cated an entire organism." Once scientists identify the unique sequence that will reliably indicate the presence of the disease organism, they synthesize a com plementary DNA sequence called a DNA probe. If the disease organ ism is present in a test sample, the targeted sequence will pair with the DNA probe. A color change or radioactive glow built into the DNA probe confirms the disease. “DNA probes have been used for some yean and are extremely accurate,” said Espeseth. “The pairing never happens if the dis ease isn’t present Without ampli fication, however, DNA probes aren’t very sensitive. Amplifying the DNA with PCR techniques produces a very specific and very sensitive test for the presence of animal disease organisms.” Espeseth’s group recently licensed the first PCR-based diag nostic test kit which is now com mercially available. It identifies the bacteria responsible for para tuberculosis (or Johne’s disease), which is a chronic, contagious, incurable disease of ruminants. The PCR-based test takes 24 hours much less than the existing test which depends on bacterial cul tures and takes about 10 to 12 weeks. In the future, PCR tests also promise to support the fight against pseudorabies, a contagious viral disease of swine that spurred American pork producers to call for a nationwide eradication prog ram that began in 1989. Develop mental work on PCR is being con ducted at the National Veterinary Come S Services Laboratories (NVSL) in Ames, lowa. “Pseudorabies can be carried by an apparently healthy pig, which may suddenly begin to shed the virus, infecting others in the herd,” said Jon Katz, who heads a team of APHIS microbiologists at NVSL. “Available diagnostic tests scan for antibodies or infectious viruses but may miss latent infections that will be caught by PCR techniques. The gain in accuracy could help the swine industry rid itself of the disease more quickly.” At its current stage of develop ment, the PCR technique for pseudorabies testing has a major drawback. It requires brain tissue, which necessitates sacrificing the test animal. Katz said his team is working on an adaptation that would use tonsil tissue instead. PCR technology also is being adapted for detecting foot-and mouth disease, one of the world’s most destructive illnesses of lives tock. This highly contagious viral disease has been successfully kept out of the United States for the last several decades. If the disease ever bypassed APHIS inspectors at the border and started infecting U.S. livestock, APHIS would take prompt countermeasures the success of which would depend on early, accurate detection of the virus. Richard Meyer is an APHIS microbiologist at Plum Island Foreign Animal Disease Diagnos tic Laboratory, located offshore near Orient, N.Y., with highly sec ure facilities that make it safe to work with exotic disease organ- BM— ■ ■ ■ (g) ■■■a ■■■■ I ■■■■■ ■ ■ mmmm This Equipment In 264 ROTARY RAKE : ROUND BALE WRAPP HOST: John D. Cassei & Sons Harrisburg RED TOP ROAD .7 Ml. SB-^EI Harrisburg US 22 Hershey US 422 isms. Meyer and his coworkers have developed a PCR test for foot-and-mouth disease that can confirm or deny the presence of the disease in a fraction of the usual time. The PCR procedure can be accomplished in a plastic tube, while the confirmatory diagnostic procedure requires sacrificing a live animal. Despite the promise of PCR pro cedures, laboratory workers aren’t about to throw away their tradi tional test tubes and culture plates. Even in situations where PCR pro cedures are practical, they require Md. Ag Still ANNAPOLIS, Md. Mary land Secretary of Agriculture Wayne A. Cawley, Jr. has announced that since Governor William Donald Schaefer’s trade mission to Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union last spring, his department, along with the Uni versity of Maryland, has continued to build strong ties with these countries. “In Poland, Hungary, Romania, and the Soviet Union, we have increased our contacts and exchanges. Our follow-up from the Governor’s trip has been fan tastic,” Cawley said. “In January, my department and the university hosted the governor and a delegation from Poznan, Poland. An immediate result of their visit is a serious effort by a Maryland poultry processor to further explore a joint venture in the poultry area,” said Cawley. “In Hungary, we are working with an American businessman on Action: * 0 :'v ' ’ v *. v v ."'’"t:*** «*-» ► * ,*, \ *M *, \v> .&&»m . /, >_ i. - ' ' * • " " - 2170 MOWER CONDITIONER DEMONSTRATION ★ Allentown Lebanon thrata Lancaster Farming Saturday, Hay 11,1991*05 sophisticated training and equip ment. which results in increased operating costs. However, at times, the procedures already offer immediate savings, as in the case of foot-and-mouth disease tests where a plastic tube can replace a cow. “The scientific community is excited by the potential of PCR techniques,” Espeseth said. "We are finding applications in all fields of medical technology where DNA identifications can furnish crucial evidence.” Going Strong developing a 6,000-acre farm. The University of Maryland System sent three experts to Hungary at the expense of the Hungarians to help on the project. The potential is unlimited,” Cawley said. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Robert L. Walker met with the Romanian Ambassador in Washington. As a result, the Minister of Agriculture from Romania invited two of the depart ment’s animal health experts to visit Romania at the expense of the Romanian government The trip took place last fall and laid the groundwork for future business contacts. The department’s most exten sive contacts have been with vari ous Soviet organizations. Mary land farmers hosted 10 students this past summer from the Timi ryazev Agricultural Academy and the Moscow Institute of Agricul tural Engineers. 1310 BALER HEY!