Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 16, 1991, Image 55

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mond Johnson, president of
A meric ’ ~ Dairy Association and
Dairy Cl icil, Inc. (ADADC),
was re-elected at a board meeting
on Feb. 20, held after the ADADC
31st Annual Meeting, at the
Sheraton Inn in Liverpool.
Johnson has served as president
of ADADC for eight years. He
serves as secretary of United
Dairy Industry Association
(UDIA), and is a member of the
UDIA personnel and finance com
mittees. He is also a member of
the National Dairy Board.
Johnson operates a 450-acre
farm in Schaghticoke, Rensselaer
County, with his son. They milk
75 Holsteins.
Also elected were: vice presi
dent, Ronald Harris of Stanley,
Ontario County; second vice pre
sident, Allen Ostrander of Ther
esa, Jefferson County; treasurer,
Robert Harrison of Skaneateles,
Onondaga County; and secretary,
David Hardie of Lansing, Tomp
kins County.
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Ray Shipp, associate professor of agronomy, Penn State,
above, listens via satellite to a call placed by Paul Craig,
Dauphin Co. extension agent, who moderated questions
and answers at the Crop Production Satellite Seminar.
(Continued from Page B 14)
Combines are another compac
tion culprit. Often, the grain tanks
hold 160-180 bushels of com and
create enormous pressure on the
tires and lots of compaction on
the soil.
Trucks in the field, holding the
grain from the combine, often sup-
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 16, 1991-815
Satellite Conference
“ Wc must manage to clminalc or not cause
soil compaction on our farms, or wc must
manage our inputs to reduce the problem
should it already exist,” said Hoffman.
Also at the satellite conference, experts
said that com growers should study corn
hybrids carefully and consider the conditions
of the farm itself before selecting the seed.
Com hybrid differences could amount to a
difference of 30-40 bushels/acrc of yield
potention, according to Greg Roth, assistant
professor of corn management at Penn Stale.
“One of the most important characteristics
is hybrid maturity,” said Roth at the satellite
seminar. “This is important because wc want
to hayc a hybrid that matures year-in and year
out on your particular farm.”
Hybrids arc classified m two maturity
types; relative maturity and degree-day. Rela
tive maturity includes the anticipated amount
of moisture content. The degree-day mea
sures heal units or growing degree days
between planting and physiological maturity.
Other factors going into the selection of a
hybrid include:
• Planting day, end use, and harvest lime.
• Soil types. Should we use long- or short
season hybrids?
• Drought potential. Is the seed drought
stress-resistant under a range of maturities?
• Slandability, For grain producers who
are going to have com on the stalk till late
November or early December, will it tolerate
different stress factors, including com bore,
stalk rot, and other problems?
• Disease tolerance and resistance. Far
mers should identify specific problems with
diseases on their farms.
• Yield. Hybrid test reports and other sour
ces of information can provide these factors.
•Cold tolerance. “It’s especially critical if
we’re planting com in no-till environments
where soils are cool and moist and the com
plant is growing very slowly,” said Roth.
“It’s especially critical when we’re planting
com in no-till environments with a high level
of residue.” There are a number of stresses,
including insect and slug damage, that the
com seedling can be exposed to.
Yield stability for the hybrid is important
There are two types; offensive and defensive
hybrids. Offensive hybrids provide good
yields under optimum conditions. The defen
sive hybrids maintain a good yield across a
wide range of growing conditions.
‘ ‘ In most cases in Pennsylvania, we want to
be looking for these defensive characteris
tics," said Roth.
port 320-350 bushels of com at a
time (especially with high
moisture com). Instead of bringing
the truck onto the field and creat
ing tire traffic compaction, the far
mer should park the truck in an
adjacent lane and unload the com
to the truck off the field.
Study corn hybrids
Hybrid factors