We put extra protection by Bill Camerer I like to spring seed alfalfa with a drill. But I know growers who swear by everything from broadcasting to fluid seeding. Top growers do agree on one thing, though. You’re only spinning your wheels if you don’t seed high yielding varieties. Ones that resist disease and ride out our hard Eastern winters. And no alfalfas do better than Doebler’s Starmaster and Precedent. On all counts. Here’s 4 what we put in every bag: Big Ton Potential. Precedent topped 1988-89 trials in New York. Starmaster placed first in two-year average of Virginia trials. And the two finished 6th and Bth in mammoth PA trials. Winter hardiness for longer stands. Doebler’s alfalfas get top rating. But Starmaster has slight edge. Multiple disease resistance to slow thin out. Starmaster and Precedent resist Anthracnose, Bacterial Wilt, Fusarium Wilt, Phytophthora Root Rot and Verticillium Wilt. Precedent also resists new killer, Aphanomyces Insect resistance. Starmaster shows moderate resistance to leaf hopper and pea aphid. Precedent shrugs off spotted alfalfa aphid. Seed treatment with Apron to protect young plants from root rot in first critical days. Seed also treated with Dormal innoculant. DOEBLERS aAlfalfa DOEBLER'S ALFALFAS in every bag . .. ■. ~*•-■ '» : ,"v w 1 V '' ,>* - ' t* „ \, *-* * ,V' * 'V * v‘*'»'v4'A*', % ,♦ <* r >s, L j£ ,v > - * - i V I '•^p I’m Bill Camerer, Doebler’s research director, double checking promising new alfalfas in our test plots at Jersey Shore, PA. / # \ '< ' v \ - » 4 * * * * / ' *' <'S - ** At ' * *&**'*■ > * ¥ <*> * f' f * 'J •y' &