How to limit crop risk by Willard Jones I'm Willard Jones, Doebler’s sales manager, taking the conservative approach. I’m conservative when it comes to investing money. Or buying seed corn. So I buy certificates of deposit. And I think real estate for a long term investment. It’s a matter of limiting my risk. Same principle holds for seed corn. Best low risk buys, in my mind, are hybrids that always finish among the leaders. In wet weather or dry. Hot weather or cold. On deep or shallow soils. Like Doebler’s Extra Performance hybrids with mile long printouts of test results made right here in the East. And never under estimate old favorites like Doebler 75X. That old super champ is driving the competition crazy. Here are my picks. Mostly established stars. TRY THESE DOEBLERS HYBRIDS Low risk buys for 1991 DOEBLER 84XP, 118 days. Solid 200.3 bu. in New Jersey strip test last year, and 186.4 bu. average for top ten. Excellent standup and disease resistance. DOEBLER 75X, 113 days. Pa’s all time corn champ still shelling big. 1990 best: 218.5 bu. at Stockton, N.J. Top ten average, 194.9 bu. Think silage, too. DOEBLER 66XP, 103 days. Off and running with 1990 bests of 193.2 bushels corn and 27.94 tons silage. 17.5 bu. better than 65X in our trials. Super standup. Super vigor. DOEBLER 57XP, 97 days. Combine this baby. Shelled a most respectable 179.7 bu, last fall at New Holland, Pa. Top ten average, 164.3. Sturdy. Super oomph. DOEBLER 45XP, 90 days. This super single sizzles. 1990 bests of 204.5 bushels corn and 20.30 tons silage. 165.25 bu. average in Cornell’s 1989 trials. Quick drydown. '>'~i ’ DOEBLER'S ybrids jttk (wJC fO^TOIMST IR9I «HI mt H’ tXM •* > «|mn* >"* Mm mi Ml »>• Ml WT Mill R.D. 1, Jersey Shore, PA 17740 Phone: 717-753-3210 HYBRIDS FOR THR9O’S