Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 05, 1991, Image 41

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    jjjg Cattle str p n g advocate for longevity in Lancaster Farming, Saturdty, January 5, 1991-A4l
(Continued from l>ago Al) _,,, two 3-year-olds, one dry to see longevity in cows. JJJJg a * C " 10 loca! fa ™ e K rs ’” Al^
be clued in that commercial and cow in the 3- to 4-ycar-old class, JJ tek« [wo years to raise them feed components reg ularly. “S
residential interests are crunching > and one yearling. whether they live to 5 years old or Th November milinu herH ■ ne nas I ! eal noticed an
in just beyond the southern hill. Alan spent the latter part of the 10 years old ” Alan said “You average for farm is g 19>700 ™P roV ™Ji‘ n ,, hIS herd from
They ve watched neighbors sell week grooming and clipping the might as well have them live as nnunds of milk and 726 nnnndc of USI "S m y Dulls - ...
out and the strip malls , condomi- intended show animals in prepara- long as you can.” pounds of milk and 726 pounds of The Hostetler herd is traced
niums and business areas come in. non for the trip to Harrisburg. Alan isn’t the only member of While that mav not he imnrecs- 10 an Astronaut daughter and
They don’t need to hear about He doesn’t have to do much else die Hosteller family. ; ve as f ar a „ overa ii D roduction an Astronaut granddaughter,
troubles: they know all about to prepare these animals, he said. Dale-Pride Farms is a partner- Alan said what really counts is T]l ere tave been 35 cows within
them. They were halter broken while sbl P between Alan, older brother nrofilabilitv die Hostetler herd which had clas-
But the Hostetlers say they are young and are used to being Ernest, 40, and their father Dale. According to Alan hie herd si [ ied ? s Excellent since 1966,
happy. handled. Their mother Thelma helps with a vemges66^Lunds ofmilka&v when the Hostetler family began
It’s time for the 75th Farm “Showing is probably the best the milking, takes care of register- a t 3 1 oercent orotein and 3 9 oer- g ctt ' n B into developing a regis-
Show. advertisement I can do,” Hostetler mg calves and other chores around cent butterfat and consume 19 tered herd - Alan said hls brother
Farm Show is one of the high- said. “At the Farm Show, a lot of die two farms. pounds of grain. Ernest startoddeveloping the inter
lights of the year for many farmers, people get to see the animals. I talk Ernest’s sons Brian, 16, Kurt, That calculates to an amazing est while in FFA. Since then they
especially dairy breeders. to a lot people. It has led to a lot of 111 and his daughter Becky, 19, one to three ratio. The DHIA aver- * ad aS ma , ny ? S Excellent
For the members of the Hostel- lours (at Dale-Pride Farms) and aso work on the farm. a rcportet j monthly in Lancas- Astronaut daughters bred at one
ter family in Lebanon County, the people referring to shows when A* lbe , Earm Show, the Hostel- ter p arm j n „ are norma ii v one to tin^- , .
Farm Show is an excellent oppor- discussing certain animals.” ters Holsteins will be registered 2.4 or one to 2.5. . ut a *!| eir E xcellcnts, ad
tunity to display their Dale-Pride In addition, another reason for under Dale-Pride, or in combina- sa j £ j f ee( j s re „ u j ar bu | SIX were homebred.
Farms registered Holsteins. putting up with the extra expense, oon w 1 th one of the members of the for his cows that produce up to 70 “People * au B bed a dttle when
It’s not that Hostetlers ignore work and shorlhandedness at home f am ‘ly- pounds. He said he top-dresses for we said we were using Astronaut,”
the problems facing farming. Far is to show off the qualities of their Bnan Hostetler will be taking cows that pr(X juce more than 70 he sa ' d- " But he , gave a . lot
from it. But the Farm Show offers Holsteins in a way that other mea- over most of the behind-the-scenes pounds. strength, a lot of spring of rib and a
opportunity for change. sures of cattle, such as production duties this year, Alan said. Those The average age of the herd is P rett y decent udder.
Good change. numbers, cannot. d uties include milking the cows at somewhe re from 314 -to 4-years- Some of 1,16 Hostettcr ’ s better
The Farm Show recognizes six According to Hosteller, 30, show, making sure they are 0 i ( j i j, e sa but the average age r . esu * ts we^ e rom breeding l* l6
breeds of dairy cattle, all of them “Records kept by the USDA, clean and stay clean, feeding them, fluctuates over the years and can Astronaut line to Valiant,
represented in large number. DHIA (Dairy Herd Improvement brushing them, talking to people g et older or younger as certain One of the Hostetler bulls is now
The largest representation in Association) and the Holstein •• • sleeping when he can. groups of cows pass on. owned in syndicate to Taurus Ser
any breed of dairy cattle at the Association arc, the show place for Alan will be working in the ring According to Hostetler, (he rate bld * is Val Furious, a
Farm Show, and at most dairy the production qualities of your on sbow days, helping to prepare 0 f change in average age with a Bis dam ls Hostelterdale
shows, is within the Holstein cattle. The Farm Show and olher fa e a nimals for the ring. But with herd bred for longevity is slower Bac i amar : EX-92-3E, 9-04,
breed. dairy shows are the only way to the family living about 45 minutes which means more stability in pro- 365 days, 31,104 milk, 4.7 percent
For the past eight years, the show the olher qualities the awa y. an d the chores that need to duction, costs and other factors uj 1 • P ound ®-
Hostetlers have been taking ani- type qualities.” be done, the Hostetlers will be a surrounding running a dairy g " e " ad SIX ° dier sons *®nt
mals to the Farm Show to vie for Hostetler, who also happens to commuter-Farm Show family. operation. f° se *7 e a * stu dsl overseas, a Val
some of the top titles. In that time be a dairy judge, said those who event is important for the Some of Hostetlers neighbors, iant • u waic " wa ? fa e tO P
they’ve taken some trophies, and downplay the importance of breed- fa*™ business. especially some ofthose who don’t £. ow n in q,. 1u "l a ,
last year one cow was reserve ing dairy animals to improve phys- They keep a total herd of about register cattle, are benefitting from entyt, ana two outer vat
grand in the youth division, but an ical characteristics and concentrate 375 head on both farms. Of those, die breeding program, which stres- lan:I an : da “Bhters which scored hxcel
open class grand champion has only on milk production values are H>() comprise the milking herd. ses type as much as production. en i» y ' , _ „ .
remained elusive. ultimately breeding inferior The Hostetlers till 600 acres for For the past couple of years. They also use Bell, BJackstar
Alan Hostetler, one of the sons animals. forage and some grain feed, but Hostetlers have been selling some ? n , a 0 0 ourown usin 1 eir
in a two son-and-father partner- He said he believes there is a buy *be majority of their grain, bulls to local dairymen for either r <l „ ing .^ rogr ?^ l- ~
ship, said the Hostetler family direct connection between longev- They make their own com silage cleanup bulls or to serve as the I wo things 1 breed tor are type
plans to take six animals to this ity and good physical characteris- a nd haylage. main stud. and produchon. At the Farm Show
year’s Farm Show two aged tics. Furthermore, he said he is a Th® feed is a total mixed ration ra i se 20 to 25 bull calves and (Turn to Page A 46)
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