Bio-tjnctstr Farming, Saturday, December 15, 1990 These Kids Like Snakes LINDA WILLIAMS Bedford Co. Correspondent WILLIAMSBURG (Blair Co.) — Jackie and Ben Miller, ages 8 and 7, live on a small farm in a very old farm house near Williamsburg. These two children consider themselves to be the very lucky owners of a variety of pets. They have several horses, an assortment of cats and dogs, some gerbils, and a parakeet. And, if they tire of these ani mals, they visit their uncle and aunt, Howard and Chris Allison, who live in an apartment upstairs in the farm house. The Allison children’s aunt has a myna bird and their uncle has three snakes, a boa constrictor and two pythons. Neither Jackie nor Ben are afraid of the snakes. In fact, they enjoy them. Both of them hkc to hold these reptiles which cause some people to be very frightened. The snakes enjoy the warmth of the children and arc actually very friendly toward them. From Uncle Howard, the two children have learned a lot of interesting facts about snakes. Ben and Jackie Miller pet one of the snakes they enjoy learning about from their uncle, Howard Allison. Camel, milk from Yaks During ancient times, butter was used as a medicine, an oil, a poultice, a wrinkle eraser and even money. For instance, they eat only once a week and only when they are hungry. You can offer a snake food at other times and it will do nothing. They eat small furry creatures and Howard feeds his snakes rats or mice. Since rats and mice are harmful to farm crops, the Millers have learned that the snakes can be very beneficial to farmers. If you have a pet snake, it is necessary to buy the rats or mice at a pet store which raises them for that purpose. If the snake is hungry, it will kill the rodent very quickly and then eat it. While it is eating, its jaws are locked in a position so that it cannot move. Therefore, the snake could be attacked by its enemies. For this reason, snakes prefer to eat in the dark. Howard keeps his snakes in glass cages on shelves covered with a drape. Sometimes, he has to pull the drape in order to get the snakes to eat. Snakes have very delicate digestive systems and, if they do eat too much, they might become sick and die. Like people or cats or dogs, snakes have individual personal!- Dairy Trivia The average cow produces 62 glasses of milk per day, IVlan has been milking cows since 9,000 B.C, By the year 2,000, the average farmer will feed 80 people. The first cheese factory was opened in Rome, New York, In the desert lands of Arabia, people get their milk from the People who live in the high mountains of Central Asia get The first dairy cows arrived in the new world at Jamestown, ties. Some of them seem to enjoy being handled while others don’t like it. Most of them live to be about 20 or 30 years of age. The python and boa constrictor can bite but their bite is not poisonous. Instead, this type of snake kills by wrapping itself around the vic tim. The snake would have to get quite large to kill a human. Jackie and Ben are aware that there are other types of snakes that live in the woods around their country home that are dangerous. For instance, the copperhead or rattlesnake does have a poisonous bite and can kill you. A garter snake or black snake is not poisonous and is helpful in keeping the rodent population down. The Miller children also know it is important to know the differ ence between the two kinds of snakes and have been told not to touch any of them until they are very certain what kind it is. Their father, Cy, or their mother, Darlene, will always be willing to help them define the differences. Ben relaxes with a python in his uncle’s living room Readers Write My name is Ben Allgyer. I am 4 years old. I have 3 brothers and 1 sister: David, 11; Me, 9; Aaron, 6; Annie, 3; and Steven, 1. My father’s name is Samuel. My mother’s name is Hannah. My dad likes to hunt deer. He shot a deer in his tree stand. Color This Leave Some Milk For Santa! Dad is picking com. My chores are to feed heifers and calves. I like to give the calves their milk. We like to ride horse. I like to play baseball and ping pong. I like to read Kid’s Komer. Good by. Ben Allgyer Mill Hall