Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 15, 1990, Image 22

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    A22-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 15, 1990
(Continued from Pago A 1)
“When did you last hear a com
ment such as ‘we’ve traveled
throughout this great country. It’s
awe-inspiring but there’s no place
more beautiful or better to live
than York County’,” Brown says
in a recent membership-drive let
ter sent in an initial mailing to
2500 potential members. “Some
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yf ‘V.
Dairyman’s Herd
(Continued from Pago A2O)
“The cows stay cleaner and it’s
easier to give them individual
feeding,” he said.
Three silos handle the high
moisture com, haylage and com
silage that Dunn feeds to his cows.
He tried bagging, but turned
away from it.
“With the silos, you have a fresh
the diversified business demands
them to do so.
James said his grandfather,
Robert G. Dunn, now retired, had
an agricultural survival rule
stay diversified.
“If one thing isn’t doing well,
the other thing will pull you
through,” Dunn said.
Therefore Dunn Farms Inc.
came to be and James Dunn has
become, unofficially of course,
vice president in charge of milk
FURNACE SITS OUTSIDE • 10’-100’ from home/business/barn
Removes fire danger.
CLEAN - No ashes, dust smoke, trash inside.
CONVENIENT - Load every 10-12 hours. Burns logs up to 16" in
diameter & 30” long. Stops most log splitting.
EASILY CONNECTS to forced Air/Hot Water System. Needs no
chimney or water heater. Heats domestic hot water year round.
Warm months of the year firing every 6 to 10 days.
for you on heating & hot water costs at bam.
of the very reasons we chose to
live in York County are fast erod
ing. We can no longer afford to
take our abundance for granted.”
Brown credits a handful of key
local business leaders for “getting
this rolling,” inspired in part by
the formation of a National Farm
land Trust and successful prog-
■ *
„I r .
James Dunn said that perhpas
others with the same type of dairy
farming backround could be as
successful as he has been.
“I think so, but probably not as
fast. I have had quite a bit of help,”
he said.
Success, according to Dunn, all
comes down to one thing
Dave Somers, DHIA supervisor
for Schuylkill County, said the
younger Dunn will most likely
continue to succeed.
“He’s nice to work with, he’s
very cooperative, he looks for
advice and we give it to him when
we go to test. He has a great bunch
of cows up there, no doubt,” Some
rs said. “I think he’s going to stay
on top for awhile. He’ll be able to
cull better, now that the barn’s full.
He’ll go up higher and he’ll be a
tough one to catch.”
York Farmland Trust
rams in nearby counties like Lan
caster and Berks. The seventeen
member volunteer board of local
ag and industry leaders is present
ly working on a budget and plans
to hire an executive director to
handle administrative details.
“Our aim is to offer alterna
tives, such as the purchase of the
development easements or a vehi
cle for individuals who might
wish to donate their easements to
keep the land in agriculture,”
Brown explains. “By working
through a private, non-profit enti
ty, it can be handled in many legal
ways. Thrust of the committee is
to look at the county’s farmland
areas for the most ideal locations
to preserve prime, contiguous
acreage. We can’t go at it in a
hodge-podge manner.”
Land on which development
We’ve changed our name
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Our management and employees remain the same. We
continue to offer the same quality products and
services as before. The only change is our new name.
Are You
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Then Try Our Concrete Hog Penning .
Steam Cured Reinforced Concrete To Serve For
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Weighs Only 13 Lbs. Per Sq. Ft.
Very Easy To Install
P.V.C. Channel To Anchor On Floor
Gates Can Be Attached To Steel Channel That Fits
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Keystone .
easements would be acquired by
the trust would cairy perpetual
deed restrictions against conver
sion to non-agriculture uses.
While economic slowdown has
hit hard in some parts of the
Northeast, Brown believes the
stable base of agriculture in York
County provides a cushioning
effect against other economic
"Agriculture isn’t great but it is
hanging in there,” he adds. "That
helps the whole local economy as
farmers buy and sell goods.”
While the county has seen rapid
development in recent years, agri
culture remains the most impor
tant economic activity, with York
ranking seventh in total ag output
of the state’s 67 counties. One out
of every 13 jobs in York is attri
butable, directly or indirectly, to
agriculture. Agricultural output
Your Hog Barn?
for the county in 1987 was $lO7
million, in turning generating over
$1 billion worth of economy
Airville farmer and Trust board
member Pat Sueck sees the private
organization as complementing
state preservation programs recen
tly implemented.
“But by not meeting specific
criteria under the state program, a
lot of areas where there is interest
in saving the land for agriculture
might instead be lost to develop
ment. A private trust can take up
that slack,” she believes. “The
approach to this must be very far
sighted. Too often we react, rather
than act. This is a classic oppor
tunity to be foresighted.”
Reed J. “Jack” Dunn is director
of the York County Planning
Commission and a member of the
(Turn to Pag* A 23)
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New Holland, PA 17557
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