Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 15, 1990, Image 147

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    Lake View Exhibits Chianina Champ
PLATTE CITY, Mo.—Chlanina entry numbers were up and anticipation and excite
ment were In the air as 255 animals checked In to compete in the ACA National Show.
The show was held November 14 and 15 during the North American international
Livestock Exposition (NAILE) in Louisville, KY.
The show was Judged by Knlc Overpeck, Clinton, ID. Cattle competed In three divi
sions: white, high percentage, and low percentage. White division entries were full
blood and purebred Chlanina, while high percentage cattle were required to be at
least five-eighths Chlanina. Low percentage cattle had to be at least one-quarter
Chlanina, but less than five-eighths.
Lake View Farms, East Berlin, Pa., exhibited the division I champion In the white
high percentage female show. LVF Becca IZI is a March 90 daughter of LVF Pleto I,
out of Lauxmont Fantasia J 306 I. A total of 18 females were shown In the white
Lancaster Farming Saturday, December 15,1990-D7
Demand-Building Beef
Checkoff Under Review
HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.)
A review of demand-building
beef and veal checkoff programs
will highlight the annual meeting
of the Pennsylvania Beef Council,
to be held Wednesday, Jan. 9, at
the Harrisburg Sheraton East
The annual meeting will begin
at 6:30 p.m. and will feature a
progress report on the beef and
veal industry’s efforts to recapture
lost consumer market share. The
report will be presented by Monte
Reese, chief executive officer
(CEO) of the Cattlemen’s Beef
Promotion and Research Board.
As CEO, Reese is responsible
for planning, organizing, and con
trolling the activities of the beef
board and its staff, consistent with
policy and direction set by the pro-
Clinic Examines Com
Production Equipment
Co.) Although most com pro
ducers have just recently com
pleted their 1990 crop harvest,
plans are being considered for the
next crop. To assist with their pro
duction program, the Dauphin and
Schuylkill County extension
offices have planned a com pro
duction equipment clinic.
The clinic will feature discus
sion on com planter adjustment
and maintenance techniques pre
sented by Lynn Hoffman, farm
manager at Penn State University.
In addition, a presentation will
cover crop sprayer design, and
ducer board of directors. He
serves as a spokesperson for the
beef board and the checkoff prog
ram and maintains personal con
tact and regular communications
with key companies, executive
and government officials, and
both state and national industry
groups and associations.
In addition to Reese’s com
ments, the meeting will also
include a review of state activities
conducted by the Pennsylvania
Beef Council the past year, and an
outline of future program
The reception and banquet are
open to the public. Banquet reser
vations are required and are avail
able by contacting the Pennsylva
nia Beef Council’s office at (717)
adjustment and calibration tech
niques. Attendants will qualify for
pesticide update training credit.
The program will be held at the
Begins Fire Company in Begins
on Friday, December 21, from
9:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Advance
registration is required. Cost is $6
for lunch and educational
To register, contact the Dau
phin County Cooperative Exten
sion Office at (717) 921-8803 or
the Schuylkill County Coopera
tive Extension Office at (717)