A3B-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 8, 1990 Feed GEORGE F.W. HAENLEIN Extension Dairy Specialist University of Delaware When Aflatoxin-Containing Feeds Are Fed Alarming reports about farm milk being condemned in several areas of the United States have come to my attention recently: “Texas study finds aflatoxin worst in 5 years; 40-60% of samples exceed safe levels, some as high as 2,000 ppb.” One pbb (part per billion) is 1 microgram per 2.2 lb grain, or one 28,350,000 th of an oz. per 2.2 lb. grain. Another trade journal reports that producers with tests of less than 20 ppb will be able to sell their com at prevailing market prices, while those with tests of 20-100 ppb will be docked 10 cents/bu. For levels in the 100-300 ppb range, there will be a discount of 30-50 cents/bu. as much as $18.5 million worth of com in one state alone will not be marketable at all, with the total loss predicted at more than $3O million. Even more disconcerting is another recent study which shows that aflatoxin and all the undesir able molds in the mycotoxin fami ly are not only a frequent problem in Southern states, where it is often warm and humid and ideal for mold growth, but also a persis tent concern in Midwestern states. In Nebraska, Minnesota, lowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Ohio, the study found 1 in 4 sam ples to have mycotoxin levels. Not too many years ago here on the Delmarva peninsula we also experienced weather conditions that produced detectable mycoto- DAIRY FARMERS!! COME TO ONE OF THE FOLLOWING MEETINGS TO FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN HELP: Toxicity Reviewed xin levels on corn. And com is not the only crop affected. Peanuts have long been a problem, depending on the kind of storage, as has cottonseed. Though greatly underestimated, our com silage on the peninsula, especially in the big horizontal bunkers, often has a lot of mold growth on the surface as secondary invasion following opening and improper loosening of the silage’s surface. Few people have a thorough appreciation of the hidden menace these molds carry for farm animals and people. Symptoms of aflatoxicosis are several, depending on the level; abortion, repeat breeding, drop in milk production, reduced feed intake, nasal discharge and runny eyes, scours, mastitis, unthrifty calves and even death. Adult cattle may recover in many cases, but calves can be affected longer. It is difficult to guess which grains or feeds have mycotoxin levels. Unlike the non-toxic, even beneficial, green or white molds that we know from penicillium, for example, or from Camembert or Danish blue cheeses, the myco toxin molds generally require so called blacklight testing or chemi cal analyses in a specially equipped laboratory. And not all levels are seriously bad. For lac tating cows (and dairy goats prob ably, too) a safe level in the daily ration must be less than 20 ppb. For yearling heifers the safe level may be up to 100 ppb. Prolonged feeding will be a problem. Recent guidelines from the Uni versity of Georgia indicate that corn with mycotoxin levels to some extent can, for instance, be WE WANT TO IMPROVE YOUR INCOME DON’T WAIT UNTIL ITS TOO LATE! THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13 1:00 PM 7:00 PM HONEYBROOK GRANGE join Ni now HOFFMAN COMMUNITY QUARRYVILLE, PA RT 10 SOUTH HONEYBROOK, PA used. When aflatoxin levels exceed 200 ppb, serious consider ation should be given to ammonia treatment of the com in order to detoxify aflatoxin. Estimated cost for treatment with ammonia, anhydrous or aqua ammonia a few years ago was 12-15 cents/bu to reduce aflatoxin levels to where it can be fed. Georgia Extension Bulletin #869 gives details. Ammoniated com will be golden to dark brown in color and will be eaten readily by dairy cattle. Safe levels of feeding can be calculated by changing propor tions of safe and unsafe grains in a concentrate mixture. Com with 100 ppb aflatoxin mixed at 800 lb/ ton with concentrates will test only 40 ppb, bringing it down to the maximum allowable level of 20 ppb, if the concentrates make up no more than 50% of the daily dry matter feed intake of dairy cattle, and that safe hay and silage make up the other 50%. For 80 ppb aflatoxin com, 1000 lb could be used in a concentrate mixture resulting in 40 ppb, and still giving only 20 ppb safe levels when intake remains 50%. If cows are eating 20 lb of that concentrate mix and 25 lb of dry matter from silage and hay for a total of 45 lb daily intake, then the cows would be getting 20 lb times 40 ppb divided by 45 lb for a total of 17.7 ppb in the entire ration per day. However, if the same cow ate 25 lb of that concentrate mix, then she would increase her daily intake up to 22.2 ppb. If you want to feed com with a 500 ppb level for a short time to heifers, for example, at a level of 100 ppb. then 100 ppb divided by 500 ppb results in a 20% limit of such com to be used in a total ration. Other strategies include specif ic silicate salts of calcium, sodium and aluminum that can reduce aflatoxin effects by binding and excreting in the feces after they have been mixed with the concen trates at 1% (20 Ib/ton) and con sumed at 0.2 Ib/cow/day. The costs may be around $B/ton. Now that corn has been harvested, close attention must be given to correct bin management Air must be circulated to keep moisture below the magic 12%, the point at which molds love to grow. When outside air tempera tures are 10 degrees Fahrenheit or more below grain temperature, then air again must be circulated until temperatures are closer Ag Offices Move To New Location SUNBURY (Northumberland Co.) The offices of the North umberland County Conservation District, USDA Soil Conservation Service, and the USDA Agricultur al Stabilization and Conservation Service recently moved to a new location. The three offices moved from their old location on Route 61 to new facilities on Plum Creek Road, RD 3, Sunbury. Plum Creek Road is located just off Route 890, 1.1 miles south of the Route 61-Route 890 intersection. The new office is 0.7 mles east of the Route 890-Plum Creek Road intersection. The new mailing address for all three agencies is RD 3, Box 238-C, Sunbury, PA 17801. Phone num bers have not changed. BUILDING HALL together. Humidity must be held below 65% to prevent moisture addition to the grain. Aeration should not be used when grain temperatures are below outside temperatures. Again, a Georgia Extension Bulletin (#712) gives details. If you suspect mycotoxins in your feeds including silages this fall and winter, don’t panic. Have the feeds tested in a reliable lab before you feed them, and adjust your ration intake per cow and heifer below the unsafe levels to protect the health and reproduc tive efficiency of your animals. This will ensure their profitabilit> for you as well as produce safe milk for human consumption, because certain molds are found as metabolites in milk. Farmland Saved HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) The Pennsylvania Agricultural Land Preservation Board last week approved a plan to save prime farmland in Franklin Coun ty and authorized the purchase of easement rights on a Chester County farm. The board approved an ease ment purchase for the Janet and David Mast farm in Chester Coun ty, bringing to 21 the number of farms preserved under the state program. Another four farms in Lancaster County and one in Chester County were protected through easements purchased exclusively with county funding. Located in West Nantmeal Township, the 109-acre Mast fam ily farm produces wheat, com and soybeans. Pennsylvania now has 2,082 acres of prime farmland perma nently protected from develop ment. 1990