Along the road to Harrisburg, Barbara Hafer has always made her opinions known loud and clear. No fence straddling. No evasive answers. And she’s committed to agriculture. All the way. Here’s how she stands m BB BB B ■ BB BB rr importantaB GOVcRNOn WETLANDS MESS. Casey’s Department of Environmental Resources harasses farmers, threatens fines and court action and demands expensive engineering studies. Hafer supports wetlands exemptions for farmers, and also favors tax credits where tillable land must be taken out of production. “We can prevent any net loss of wetlands without running roughshod over landowners,” she says. RESEARCH CRISIS. Casey cut funds for ag research in 1990-91 budget by $1.5 million. Says Hafer: “Research is the life’s blood of Pennsylvania agriculture. It needs more state dollars for ag research, not less.’’ BOTTLING UP BOTTLE BILL. Casey says “no” to bottle bill. He opposed it in the 1986 elections. He still opposes it. Says Hafer: “Everyone wins with a deposit law. Less litter for farmers. More recycled metal and glass for industry. A more beautiful Pennsylvania for all of us.” PRESERVING FARMLAND. Casey administration all but killed program this past spring by failing to develop the regulations required by law. It was Republican legislators who came to rescue. WHY WE NEED BARBARA HAFER FOR Barbara Hafer is trained and ready to be Pennsylvania’s next governor. Credentials include: Pennsylvania Auditor General. Two-term Allegheny county commissioner. President of Allegheny Prison Board. Founder and executive director of Allegheny Center for Victims of Violent Grimes. Registered and graduate nurse. Says Hafer: “As governor, I will see that the agricultural department talks less and does more to preserve our prime farmland. And I will actively encourage counties to get more involved.” UNDER FUNDED SCHOOLS Casey slashed funding for public schools and forced massive increases in local property taxes the Bob Casey tax hike. Says Hafer: “Education funding must keep pace with inflation and the needs of our citizens. Casey hasn’t done that. I will.” WHAT FUTURE FARMERS? Casey eliminated all Future Farmer funds in his 1990-1991 budget. Republicans restored them. Says Hafer: "It makes little sense to preserve farmland and then refuse to educate and support our future farmers.” DEER GLUT Casey has taken a hands off approach to deer herd management of PA Game Commission despite staggering crop losses. Says Hafer: "Deer are costing farmers big money. If deer are the wards of the Game Commission, then they must do something about it. Now.” ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT - State agencies under Casey have ignored property rights in wetlands and other actions. Says Hafer: “As governor, the state’s Number One industry will receive more support from state government and its farmers more respect from DER, PennDOT, Game Commission and other agencies. Depend on it.”