Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 06, 1990, Image 33

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    Here come the kids
by Ted Doebler
I’m Ted Doebler, hoping you’ll buy a bag or two of our new, second generation
hybrids. Then let us know how they do for you.
That old adage “If it’s not
broke, don’t fix it’’ doesn’t
apply to corn breeding.
Our job at Doebler’s is to make
the best better. And always has
This year, research director Bill
Camerer and his crew have done
themselves proud with six new
hybrids for 1991.
Showing great promise are
second generation hybrids of
Doebler’s high yielding 66XP, 75X
and 86XA. See box.
Be sure to take a close look at
650 A-3 way and 29XA, too. They
are giving 650-3 way and 29X the
battle of their lives.
And you have to be impressed
with the sturdy 61X that
outgunned 65X in our trials by 8.1
tecoad generation
A couple of inn ago. Bill
Oataarar and his craw took our
popular «6XP, 75X and MCA
and added a law genetic
Result—exciting new sec
ond generation hybrids with
strong showy ptioh, improved
health end e boost In yields.
the good news Is diet ell era.
for sale this year. The bad news?
Seed supply Is limited.
Of course, we're not about to
retire 68XP, 75X or 88XA.
They've already graved them
selves In research and on the
These new hybrids
ready to go
DOEBLER 69XP, 105 days. Dark
green leaves. Sturdy. Healthy.
And it shows no respect for our
top performing 66XP. In 28
research comparisons, 69XP was
3.6 bu. better, 6/10th wetter and
1/2% better standup. Ears fill
DOEBLER 61X, 100 days. If you
like 65X, you’ll love this
newcomer. In Doebler trials, 61X
was 8.1 bu. better, 0.1% wetter
and showed 3% less broken stalks
and 1% stronger roots. Shorter
than 65X. Heavier stalks. Widely
DOEBLER 650 A-3 way, 100 days.
We fine-tuned 650-3 and payoff is
big an extra 9.6 bushels, 2%
better standup, 4" shorter and a
scant 0.1% wetter. Big ears also
promise high energy silage. A
modified single with 3-way price.
DOEBLER 29XA, 81 days. "A” is
for “advance.” And 29XA shows
how, topping 29X by 5.3 bu. with
1% better roots and stalks. Plants
4" taller and ears 1" higher. Pick
or put up in silo. Big grain and
silage yields for maturity.
Hybrids Mfr
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R.D 1, Jersey Shore. PA 17740
Phone; 717-753-3210